MK5 Golf GTI

General => Random Chat => Topic started by: doylebros on September 12, 2013, 08:45:34 am

Title: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: doylebros on September 12, 2013, 08:45:34 am
'We were carjacked by a fraudster - then Halifax said I was at fault and left me £24,000 out of pocket'

Jay Sukhija (pictured) had his car stolen by a potential buyer, and, after claiming, the Halifax sent him a letter, refusing to pay and pointing to the policy’s small print.

Full Story:

Title: Re: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: xjay1337 on September 12, 2013, 09:00:56 am
On Manjit’s last visit, Mr Sukhija drove him and a ‘friend’ - who claimed to be a mechanic - to a quiet road for a final test drive. After parking the car, Mr Sukhija turned off the engine and got out of the driver’s side, leaving the keys in the ignition. He left his door open and walked around the back of the car to the passenger side.

Manjit got out at the same time, shut his door, climbed into the driver’s side and locked the doors. He then started the engine and sped off.


Could have avoided this by simply taking the keys out!
Title: Re: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: ConeKiller on September 12, 2013, 09:07:02 am
If any random person was sitting in your car you wouldnt get out with the keys in it! Just because they claim to be buyers people let their guard down, it is theft, but  the insurance shouldn't be expected to cover it!
Title: Re: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: sub39h on September 12, 2013, 09:08:39 am
Could have avoided this by simply taking the keys out!

exactly - i would do as car dealers do: take the keys out, and only return them once we are both in the car again. tbh in his situation if the two theives were going to take the car then they probably would have done by force if they didn't find another way. it seems that Halifax still wouldn't have covered them.

i am gobsmacked at the insurance company's stance though. according to the wording in the article if the owner was held at knifepoint by someone pretending to be a buyer then they still won't be covered.

name me another service that you pay so much for that when you need them will do whatever they can to avoid providing the service you pay them for? they are legalised criminals in my opinion.
Title: Re: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: berg on September 12, 2013, 09:30:52 am
I can see this both ways to be honest and would be interested to see the findings of the ombudsman.

The insurer should probably take a sympathetic stance, although by the strict express terms of the contract has the policyholder done all in his power to avoid this happening? No.
Title: Re: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: tony_danza on September 12, 2013, 10:14:11 am
There's also the slim chance he's party to all this and is attempting to commit fraud.

The voice analyser stuff insurance companies use is quite clever, then the experts who follow this up... there's maybe something they'e got a hunch about???
Title: Re: Worth a read if your selling - be careful of buyers and insurance company's
Post by: xjay1337 on September 12, 2013, 12:36:31 pm
I can see this both ways to be honest and would be interested to see the findings of the ombudsman.

The insurer should probably take a sympathetic stance, although by the strict express terms of the contract has the policyholder done all in his power to avoid this happening? No.

Unfortunately insurance companies can be tight b*stards but it is in the paperwork or they wouldn't legally be able to get out of paying. So if it's written in the paperwork that he is not covered for the situation then the ombudsman can't do anything.

Whenever I am selling a car, I only ever do it at my house.. during the day - Ok, aside from my TDI, but I had a mate with me - And I would always have at least 1 mate with me anyway.