MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: Rich on September 08, 2009, 10:34:28 pm
I'm considering saving up to buy one of these,
It could potentially save me points, money and maybe my license !
Does anyone know of a good Detector out that spots Cameras, Lasers and Mobile Radar this this one ?
Dont buy a Snooper S5. Its a total piece of sh*t.
You want one that uses GPS camera locations. Road angel or similar if you are serious, but if you get a decent enough sat nav you can put the POI locations of all the speed cameras from Pocket GPS.
Road Angel Professional Connected FTW :happy2:
I have had one for 9 months and it's an awesome bit of kit for the money.
Snooper SX270 ~ £140 and doubles up as a GPS. Amazing product if you keep the maps/camera locations updated at £30 per year
Had snooper product for a few years, think they are very very good,
Road Angel Professional Connected FTW :happy2:
I have had one for 9 months and it's an awesome bit of kit for the money.
....Then it must be better than Road Angel's earlier version which frankly was an awesome bit of crap. It frequently couldn't find the satellite and was very difficult to update by modem (no Mac support). Consequently I changed to PogoAlert which also has a large and accurate speed display.
What do these spot then? The fixed cameras obviously but the Vans and Cars aswel?
What about jammers, you can get them and its usually the mobile units that get you.
What about jammers, you can get them and its usually the mobile units that get you.
....But aren't jammers illegal?
I think its legal to own but not use sort of legal stance.
Be good to see the scamera van operators face when his gun display goes blank!!!!
Always wanted to hood up and take a bat to the window with the camera sticking out, but thats another story!!
Did you know speed cameras are banned in Canada as it infinges on your rights/liberty, they use police in cars to tick people off instead.
Right gets my goat this subject. How can I do 33 in a 30 and get 3 points when a eastern european can go past doing 30 drunk, no licence, insurance & mot without any penalty?
At least if god forbid I hit anyone hopefully my insurance company would help them,.! :sick:
Right gets my goat this subject. How can I do 33 in a 30 and get 3 points when a eastern european can go past doing 30 drunk, no licence, insurance & mot without any penalty?
At least if god forbid I hit anyone hopefully my insurance company would help them,.! :sick:
....I'm not wanting to release your goat, but I don't quite understand your logic there, mate.
BOTH speeder over the 30 limit and the drunk no-licence etc guy (irrespective of where he's from) should be penalised. It shouldn't matter if you don't get away with something and someone else does - It happens all the time in different ways and in every walk of life.
I've got an Origin B2 which has been renamed Pogo ( over the years and can't fault it operationally :happy2: However, it keeps loosing connection with the satellites in my Mk 5 and I'm not sure why. Sometimes it won't even pick any up at all. It may be to do with my positioning of it but it was a lot more reliable in my Mk 4. When it works though it's a great piece of kit.
Yes both are in the wrong, trying to put across 3 MPH over the limit may not be as bad as the drunk, no insurance or mot idiot who didnt get penalised when he went past at 30.
Also another point GTI doing 33MPH someone steps out infront of them Vs 15 year old heap doing 30 with a half blind duffer driving, who would you edge you bets on?
I know which I would!
I think the trouble in this country is the "Speed Kills" slogan driven down everyones throat when its various parameters which effect the whole "Car safety"
Phew thats better!! :happy2:
Hi Claire :happy2:
I'm wondering if your Pogo satellite connection problem is due to where you have it positioned in the car. Have you tried various positions? :innocent:
Mine is positioned with maximum open 'view' to the heavens and I don't get such problems.
Yes both are in the wrong, trying to put across 3 MPH over the limit may not be as bad as the drunk, no insurance or mot idiot who didnt get penalised when he went past at 30.
Also another point GTI doing 33MPH someone steps out infront of them Vs 15 year old heap doing 30 with a half blind duffer driving, who would you edge you bets on?
I know which I would!
I think the trouble in this country is the "Speed Kills" slogan driven down everyones throat when its various parameters which effect the whole "Car safety"
Phew thats better!! :happy2:
....Sorry cossy - I took your words a bit literally - I see your point and agree :happy2:
The "Speed Kills" is a totally ignorant knee-jerk reaction and introduced by people who obviously don't know how to drive safely. We all know that it's INAPPROPRIATE speed which can kill but we live in a 'blame culture' :sad1:
Everytime I return to the UK by car I am immediately hit by an uncomfortable 'Big Brother Is Watching You' feeling - It doesn't help good driving but then I soon get used to it again. It is depressing though.
Road Angel Professional Connected FTW :happy2:
I have had one for 9 months and it's an awesome bit of kit for the money.
i have had one of these for about 12 months too. i got it when i picked the golf up. fantastic bit of kit. it also live updates as you drive so there is no need to plug it into your computer :)
I've got an Origin B2 which has been renamed Pogo ( over the years and can't fault it operationally :happy2: However, it keeps loosing connection with the satellites in my Mk 5 and I'm not sure why. Sometimes it won't even pick any up at all. It may be to do with my positioning of it but it was a lot more reliable in my Mk 4. When it works though it's a great piece of kit.
i have the same problem claire , mine is fitted on the b piller , but as robin suggests it might be worth moving iy . i will try that this weekend
mine is also a b2
Road Angel Professional Connected FTW :happy2:
I have had one for 9 months and it's an awesome bit of kit for the money.
i have had one of these for about 12 months too. i got it when i picked the golf up. fantastic bit of kit. it also live updates as you drive so there is no need to plug it into your computer :)
....It does sound as if Road Angel have finally got their act together with this latest offering and I do like the feature that you can update live.
Can it be hardwired in the car?
How big are the digital speedo numerals compared with the Pogo (whose compact unit size is so good)?
Trouble is that I can't justify spending on a replacement if my Pogo ain't bust. Other car budget priorities.
1) Laser and Radar jammers are illegal in this country, so don't go there kids.
2) Laser detectors are legal to own but somewhat illegal to operate (which is why the new Road Angels don't come with them).
I've got a Pogo Alert like Robin does. It's a nice compact unit with a mahoosive display that displays speed. It has a detachable laser detector to make it comply with the law.
I hard wired mine in next to the A-pillar on the driver's side so I can look at it without having to avert my gaze too far from the road. It's quite a neat unit.
Road Angel Professional Connected FTW :happy2:
I have had one for 9 months and it's an awesome bit of kit for the money.
i have had one of these for about 12 months too. i got it when i picked the golf up. fantastic bit of kit. it also live updates as you drive so there is no need to plug it into your computer :)
....It does sound as if Road Angel have finally got their act together with this latest offering and I do like the feature that you can update live.
Can it be hardwired in the car?
How big are the digital speedo numerals compared with the Pogo (whose compact unit size is so good)?
Trouble is that I can't justify spending on a replacement if my Pogo ain't bust. Other car budget priorities.
i beleive it can be hardwired into the car. although mine isnt. the digital speedo is a fair size. slightly bigger than yours i would say. i can always upload some photos tonight if you want to take a look?
I do have mine hardwired into the car so it switches on and off with the ignition.
It lives in the centre of the dash with the cable running directly behind it.
This is the only pic I had handy: -
looks very neat
I do have mine hardwired into the car so it switches on and off with the ignition.
It lives in the centre of the dash with the cable running directly behind it.
This is the only pic I had handy: -
....Thanks, Steve :happy2: - Best position imo.
It looks as if it also detects hurricanes and similar storms judging by your display :laugh:
Anyone wanna buy my PogoAlert?
steve how hard was it to hard wire into the car? that looks very neat. i think ill move mine there when i get back from work tonight.
The cable will drop down between the dash and the windscreen quite easily, you just need to remove the A pilar trim to then tuck the cable down the side of the dash.
I have run an ignition switched 12v live from a spare point in the fuse box to power it from :happy2:
Or you can route the cable where I have on my Pogo.
Don't ask me exactly where it disappears to though - A mate of mine does all the stuff like that for me.
thanks guys ill have a look into this :popcornsoda:
I do have mine hardwired into the car so it switches on and off with the ignition.
It lives in the centre of the dash with the cable running directly behind it.
This is the only pic I had handy: -
....Thanks, Steve :happy2: - Best position imo.
It looks as if it also detects hurricanes and similar storms judging by your display :laugh:
Anyone wanna buy my PogoAlert?
seen that Red edition30 somewhere before!. :wink:
I need to get myself one of these too. :happy2:
^^^ Yep I wonder who it could be :wink:
It's probably just was well the speed isn't shown on that photo :driver:
yes, i best not display my copy you sent me :innocent: :signLOL:
Just looking back at that pic, and how much ive ruined my car since :signLOL:
Just looking back at that pic, and how much ive ruined my car since
....We didn't know how to tell you, Phil :evilgrin:
If you use a radar blocker you could be prosecuted for trying to pervert the course of justice or an obstruction offence. You'd probably avoid points but you'd likely go somewhere nice with a little room that just has a toilet and end up someone's bi*ch! :scared: :grin: (depending what your into!) :laugh:
Just looking back at that pic, and how much ive ruined my car since
....We didn't know how to tell you, Phil :evilgrin:
Your Pure Evil Mr Proctor :wink:
i have the little thing that looks like a memory stick, 40 quid!!! same principal as road angel but easy and can leave it on dash without it getting nicked!! have own a few road angels and they are no better and a pain putting in and out
i have the little thing that looks like a memory stick, 40 quid!!! same principal as road angel but easy and can leave it on dash without it getting nicked!! have own a few road angels and they are no better and a pain putting in and out
....This latest Road Angel Connected is far better than earlier models. And your memory stick thingy isn't going to tell you your accurate speed is it?
But it's good that there is a variety of gizmos out there we can choose from. :happy2:
I have a 'friend' that works for the road camera partnership and there is only 1 thing that will get you off a speeding conviction......... Polish number plates!!! honest to god, he says that they dont pursue these as they always lead to a dead end!!!!
What do you suggest we polish them with I have some Zaino left over. :laugh:
Sorry couldn't resist. :ashamed: :wink:
Hi Claire :happy2:
I'm wondering if your Pogo satellite connection problem is due to where you have it positioned in the car. Have you tried various positions? :innocent:
Mine is positioned with maximum open 'view' to the heavens and I don't get such problems.
i have the same problem claire , mine is fitted on the b piller , but as robin suggests it might be worth moving iy . i will try that this weekend
mine is also a b2
I have the actual unit far right of the dash, the GPS in the centre of the dash (this was moved from below the tax disc holder) and the laser detector top far right of the windscreen. Since moving the GPS it has got slightly better than it was but is still temperamental.
In the Mk 4 I had the unit and laser detector in the same place as they are now but the GPS was under the tax disc holder and it worked fine, which makes me think it's the car and not the device.
I also have mine hardwired in for a neater and more convenient install :smiley:
i have the little thing that looks like a memory stick, 40 quid!!! same principal as road angel but easy and can leave it on dash without it getting nicked!! have own a few road angels and they are no better and a pain putting in and out
....This latest Road Angel Connected is far better than earlier models. And your memory stick thingy isn't going to tell you your accurate speed is it?
But it's good that there is a variety of gizmos out there we can choose from. :happy2:
no speed no but beeps for cameras and keeps beeping if your speeding
i have the little thing that looks like a memory stick, 40 quid!!! same principal as road angel but easy and can leave it on dash without it getting nicked!! have own a few road angels and they are no better and a pain putting in and out
....This latest Road Angel Connected is far better than earlier models. And your memory stick thingy isn't going to tell you your accurate speed is it?
What is it and where did you get it from? For £40 worth keeping for when I have to drive another car.
But it's good that there is a variety of gizmos out there we can choose from. :happy2:
no speed no but beeps for cameras and keeps beeping if your speeding
inforad, sell them online but think halfords do em, come with car charger which it justs slots into, leave mine in as still picks up gps, so no need to move it,