MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 02:26:48 pm

Title: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 02:26:48 pm
hello ppl, just got a mk5 gti buzzin , considering my last car was a banged up vw bora 1.6

anyway, a couple of questions..........i have seen a black one on here with the front bottom end coloured red.....anyone know of a good place for getting things like that done?

i am also considering getting it remapped , local guy does it for £230 and is saying i should get 45bhp more? is getting a remap reliable ? what problems have people encountered and is the performance THAT  much better?

hope you well informed chaps can help!

Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: H DUBS on September 10, 2009, 02:39:01 pm
Welcome Faheem,

Grats on the new car, you'll luv it.
As for your questions: Any decent sprayer can do that.
Be careful who u use and wot u use to remap. Wot map is that for £230??
Pay a little extra and get a professional job is my advice.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 02:49:44 pm
thanks man, yeah they are apparently a legit turning company in tuning? they have a website and everything, i just mssged the guy on the facebook page and asked him what it costs for a remap.....

i know what you mean , thats what im most concerned with because i would rather pay the best company to do it then get it done cheap and then drive the car with paranoi that its gona explode?! lol

i managed to find one for 12 k with only 27 k miles and its an o5 plate, is that a good deal? i was looking at a number of hot hatches, type r , megane r26 and this.......i have to say first time i went for the test was a done deal!

so any info on who is the top dog for the ecu remap? i have been driving a 105 bhp banger that needed to be in 2nd gear on any hill i ever drove on so right now the 200bhp seems enough but people have told me you end up getting a urge for more

anyone know how much better it feels with that extra 50bhp? and how is mpg effected?

as you can tell im quiet excited about my new lil project lol
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: KRL on September 10, 2009, 02:54:59 pm
You will not go wrong with either APR or REVO.  They are both tried and tested products and I would be more inclined to use these than other less well known tuners.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: H DUBS on September 10, 2009, 02:58:43 pm
"Quite excited" ha ????  :jumpmove:

If u want my opinion, enjoy your car without a map 1st. Become use to the power it has (as u've come from a slower car).
Then when yo know your car, take the step.
But in the meanwhile, there's plenty of mods you can do to prep for a map  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Greeners on September 10, 2009, 04:20:42 pm
Getting the front splitter wrapped with vinyl will be slightly chaper than painting and isn't permanent.

But who'd want that done, it's sooooo last year!  :laugh: :wink:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 05:50:19 pm
is that your gti with the red front lip? looks heavy man......whats the story with the vinyl? i may upgrade in 3 years time so it would be better if it was not permenant.....does a specialist do the vinyl stuff?
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 05:53:33 pm
n yeah i think im gona take it easy to begin with.....get used to it and then maybe look at the power.....

im from bradford and to be honest there aint that many gti's around, alot of r32's mainly because there alot of lads in this city that need a fast get away! lol dealing and what not.......its sad cuz alot of really mint cars lose their reputation round these ends....

you could see a different evo, scooby, r32, type r every day! lol thankfully the gti is not on their radar lol

anyone living mainly inner city know what their weekly fuel cost is ? do most use the v power fuel?
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Greeners on September 10, 2009, 08:54:47 pm
is that your gti with the red front lip? looks heavy man......whats the story with the vinyl? i may upgrade in 3 years time so it would be better if it was not permenant.....does a specialist do the vinyl stuff?

Yes there are a few who have it done now................................

Any vehicle Graphics/car vinyl company should be able to do this fairly easily. If your's is a GTI and not an Edition30 then the textured finish would need to be smoothed first on the splitter as the vinyl would not stick otherwise.  :happy2:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Top Cat on September 10, 2009, 08:59:14 pm
is that your gti with the red front lip? looks heavy man......whats the story with the vinyl? i may upgrade in 3 years time so it would be better if it was not permenant.....does a specialist do the vinyl stuff?

That would be silver one behind it. (
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Edition30 on September 10, 2009, 09:21:22 pm
n yeah i think im gona take it easy to begin with.....get used to it and then maybe look at the power.....

im from bradford and to be honest there aint that many gti's around, alot of r32's mainly because there alot of lads in this city that need a fast get away! lol dealing and what not.......its sad cuz alot of really mint cars lose their reputation round these ends....

you could see a different evo, scooby, r32, type r every day! lol thankfully the gti is not on their radar lol

anyone living mainly inner city know what their weekly fuel cost is ? do most use the v power fuel?

I know exactly what your saying lol...saw 3 Lambos and 2 Ferraris following each other around Bradford town centre. Just sold my Edition 30 so thats no longer in Bradford, gone to Manchester now plate ends SRX for people to keep there eyes open for it.

Whats your plate end in? shall keep an eye out for you..

Echoing what someone else said and get a well known company to do the remap, APR, Revo etc.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Greeners on September 10, 2009, 09:24:21 pm
is that your gti with the red front lip? looks heavy man......whats the story with the vinyl? i may upgrade in 3 years time so it would be better if it was not permenant.....does a specialist do the vinyl stuff?

That would be silver one behind it. (

Carefull, feeling very sensative about my Fat Girl ATM!  :sad:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: RobH on September 10, 2009, 09:27:37 pm
pretty much everyone goes with either revo, apr and gaic for a reason even if they do cost a bit more.

oh and the idiots in bradford that think there something becaused they've rented a lambo for the day just make me laugh  :stupid:.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 10:55:27 pm
lol for real man, i seen more top end motors in bradford than ive ever seen in london even! lol they've got a bugatti veyron up for sale at enkhanz.......

Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 10, 2009, 11:06:11 pm
yeah its runnin on pou, metalic black , dont think i seen many gti's around in bradford, i can understand the appeal of the r32 but then if you get your standard gti or ed30 tuned for 500 pound or so you preety much get the same car right?

i was going to get a type r but sooooooo many people have it and when i saw the comfort and performance from the gti, type r went down the toilet! lol

so you a local lad edition 30?
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Edition30 on September 11, 2009, 12:09:17 am
Different cars completely, alot of people rate the GTI/ED30 more fun to drive...not necessarily better but more fun. For the sake of a few hundred quid your looking at a quicker car, ED30 is similar performance standard but a hole different ball game at stage 2+, just avoid them Supercharged/turbocharged R32's  :driver:

Yeah pretty local...more Shipley way, what about yourself?
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 11, 2009, 02:03:30 am
lol i work in shipley, down at the accounts office

yeah to be honest the edition 30 slipped my mind, i totally forgot about it, tells you alot about my gti knowledge but im learning lol

yeah, im defo gona get it upgraded but only with a system that allows for it to be put back to factory setting, so if i were to get the ecu upgrade, are there any other essential mods to do with it or can the car handle more power without ? i mean like the clutch, breaks ?

Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Edition30 on September 11, 2009, 02:44:48 am
Depends what year it is?

A popular mod is to upgrade the DV but this is more common on the K04 cars as it tends to be under more pressure. May be wise to get the latest revision from VW at £30ish pounds if its an early one. They crack under pressure resulting in loss of power. Latest one should cope easily on a GTI or you could go for the Forge option which is around £120 iirc.

Other than that its up to you really, alot of people feel the brakes arent up to the job with the extra power. Theres an endless list of things you can do to help with the extra power and to get the most from the car. All depends what you want fom it really and how much you want to spend.


Full exhaust
High Pressure Fuel Pump (HPFP)
Dbilas/Forge etc intake
Panel filter


R32/S3/Cupra R set up as they have bigger discs 345mm as apose to the GTi 312mm disc (fronts)
4/6/10/12 pots??

Then you have engine mounts, limited slip diff, coilovers, anti roll bars, intercoolers etc etc...I hope you have deep pockets being on here  :signLOL:

Work at the tax office?? I Keep checking for jobs there, would be very convienient for me.

Clutch should be fine as long as the mileage isn't rediculous otherwise look at a Sachs if its manual. DSG are pretty good and will cope easily which also have a remap available for them.

Superchips are probably the cheapest option of the highest regarded companies mentioned.

HTH, Steve.

EDIT: with only 27k the clutch will cope with the extra power no problems but the DV could well be the earliest design. Someone will be along with the parts code but from what I understand it is a little difficult to get to on the GTI's

EDIT AGAIN: 06H 145 710 D (someone please confirm)
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 11, 2009, 03:09:23 am
respect man, thats a preety comprehensive explanation! lol well my pockets aint too deep right now but in the future i hope so.....!
good thing is im picking it up from harrogate so there is a good number of country roads and dual carriageways to test it out on properly, i hope i get it home in one
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Webby on September 11, 2009, 10:08:01 am
Sorry to hijack the thread a bit, but what's a KO3 & KO4 I keep reading about? Is it something to do with the turbo?
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Greeners on September 11, 2009, 10:12:06 am
Sorry to hijack the thread a bit, but what's a KO3 & KO4 I keep reading about? Is it something to do with the turbo?

Indeed! The GTI came with a K03 Turbo and the Edition 30/S3/Cupra comes with a K04.  :happy2:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: T88OMM on September 11, 2009, 10:16:55 am
Welcome along Faheem  :happy2:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Webby on September 11, 2009, 10:54:35 am
Sorry to hijack the thread a bit, but what's a KO3 & KO4 I keep reading about? Is it something to do with the turbo?

Indeed! The GTI came with a K03 Turbo and the Edition 30/S3/Cupra comes with a K04.  :happy2:

Thanks Greenhouse. Just waiting to collect my GTi now, will post some pics when I get it.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 11, 2009, 11:17:32 am
yes yes, me too , saturday or if im lucky mgt pick it up tonigt! wooohooo
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Greeners on September 11, 2009, 02:51:06 pm
Sorry to hijack the thread a bit, but what's a KO3 & KO4 I keep reading about? Is it something to do with the turbo?

Indeed! The GTI came with a K03 Turbo and the Edition 30/S3/Cupra comes with a K04.  :happy2:

Thanks Greenhouse. Just waiting to collect my GTi now, will post some pics when I get it.

No probs, look forward to the piccies then!  :party:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Edition30 on September 12, 2009, 06:37:37 pm
Ordered a Bluefin (Superchips) yet?  :party:
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 13, 2009, 12:02:27 am
got my gti today ppl, wow, lets just i have been making full use of the rev counter! shame about the petrol costs today but f*ck it, it was well worth it!

anyone local to northwest area know a place for me to get the front splitter done with the vinyl? i want it to be red.....
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: RobH on September 13, 2009, 01:07:55 am
got my gti today ppl, wow, lets just i have been making full use of the rev counter! shame about the petrol costs today but f*ck it, it was well worth it!

anyone local to northwest area know a place for me to get the front splitter done with the vinyl? i want it to be red.....

totally dynamic have a place in bradford their supposed to be good, will be getting my car wrapped by them shortly.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 13, 2009, 11:23:16 am
cool cool , let me know how that goes mate, you local to bradford then?  what price are they asking?
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: RobH on September 13, 2009, 04:21:27 pm
for candy white wrap with carbon roof is £1050 although thats for a cupra and im from halifax.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Poverty on September 13, 2009, 05:09:08 pm
n yeah i think im gona take it easy to begin with.....get used to it and then maybe look at the power.....

im from bradford and to be honest there aint that many gti's around, alot of r32's mainly because there alot of lads in this city that need a fast get away! lol dealing and what not.......its sad cuz alot of really mint cars lose their reputation round these ends....

you could see a different evo, scooby, r32, type r every day! lol thankfully the gti is not on their radar lol

anyone living mainly inner city know what their weekly fuel cost is ? do most use the v power fuel?

Round my way all the dealers drive more discreet cars such as the GTI. The GTI according to police has become a get away car favourite due to its ability to blend in so easily with ordinary cars.

A popular mod is to upgrade the DV but this is more common on the K04 cars as it tends to be under more pressure.

I always thought this was the other way round, the k04 whilst running more pressue features a remote dv location from the turbo so as far as I was aware are less likely to tear than k03 cars.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Edition30 on September 13, 2009, 06:19:52 pm

A popular mod is to upgrade the DV but this is more common on the K04 cars as it tends to be under more pressure.

I always thought this was the other way round, the k04 whilst running more pressue features a remote dv location from the turbo so as far as I was aware are less likely to tear than k03 cars.

Well the latest revision is less likely to tear or crack but I think people do it as a precaution. Is the DV same for both the K03 and K04 as the GTI wont be as powerful the standard one will be up to the job??
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: Poverty on September 13, 2009, 06:34:46 pm

A popular mod is to upgrade the DV but this is more common on the K04 cars as it tends to be under more pressure.

I always thought this was the other way round, the k04 whilst running more pressue features a remote dv location from the turbo so as far as I was aware are less likely to tear than k03 cars.

Well the latest revision is less likely to tear or crack but I think people do it as a precaution. Is the DV same for both the K03 and K04 as the GTI wont be as powerful the standard one will be up to the job??

I think they were the same. I know quite a few of the cupra guys on scn were adamant that with the k04 as std you dont need to uprate the DV. Havent heard of many failures of the pre revision DV on mapped cupras either, but there was obviously a issue with the pre revision DV's.
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: faheem on September 14, 2009, 03:15:45 am
cool, that should look preety sweet, my std gti is in met black, my 2nd fav colour behind the looking to get the front splitter done red to match the grill outline.....think one of the guys on here has had it done, looks sick
Title: Re: new gti owner
Post by: cmdrfire on September 14, 2009, 03:54:54 pm

Indeed! The GTI came with a K03 Turbo and the Edition 30/S3/Cupra comes with a K04.  :happy2:

GTI comes with a K03S, not just a regular K03.

@Faheem/Edition 30 - the K04 has a relocated DV that does not require replacement. The K03S cars originally came with a DV that was located in a very unusual place and that had a rubber diaphragm that was prone to tearing on cars outputting more than stock. There are a few aftermarket replacements for this part; forge, BSH, and Eurojet all do variants. The forge replacement is a direct swap with the OEM unit, and the BSH/Eurojet variants relocate the DV to a position similar to that found in the K04-equipped cars.

The latest OEM "G" revision DV for the K03S has rectified the problem as well and may be considered reliable.