MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Members Rides => Topic started by: woahnowboys on November 24, 2013, 01:50:51 am
I needed to buy a car to get me to work and back every day while I build my MK1.
I had around £4000 to play with, though I probably could've stretched it for the right car.
Originally, I was looking for a Jetta, or a TDI Golf, but this turned up at a steal of a price, and I couldn't deny it.
This is how she looks today.
Here she is at the beginning, looking rather sheepish.
The second day of ownership, I got to waxing, debadging the boot, and tearing the headlights apart.. Horrible job. Never again. Ever. :fighting:
Half way through..
Done! :smiley:
Obligatory 'father & son' photo.
Here's a shot showing the reflections from Kleenfreaks' Wax.
Shame it doesn't bead to the same standard, but it's an awesome summer wax. :notworthy:
Not a fan of the Non-GTI/Rabbit front end, so off that came. :drinking:
Replaced with a Jetta bumper, and GTI centre grilles. Looking for GT Sport ones now though. :party:
Then I got some chrome trim from a Jetta, and it came with fogs.. So they don't work, but I might wire them up at some point.
Then I got a DA polisher, and it was getting cold, so I took some panels to my room for warm polishing.. :signLOL:
That took 3 hours, using Meguiars 105 & 205, Autoglym sealant, and Kleenfreaks wax. :happy2:
I lost out on a set of non-existant coilovers after getting ripped off by a member on here, 'wheelygood', or Paul Woodward, you may have seen my thread about it.
I was determined not to let it get to me, but it really did. :sick:
But after saving up a second time around after losing that £250, I threw on a set of coilovers and put some fuel in :grin:
*Mental note* still need to work on terrible rear end. :stupid:
Despite the lows on the back, I really wasn't happy with what the JOMs were doing on the front. :confused:
Here it is face to face with what looked to be a standard height GT.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Then came snowfoam! :party: Though the karcher lance was terrible. Such thin foam: :fighting:
But at least she was reasonably clean!
And then came some GTI skirts.. Insanely cheap from the dealer, compared to what I expected.
They really help to 'beef up' the car I think. :smiley:
Then, I spent the day that was meant to be spent at the Bristol Krispy Kreme meet, taking out the front springs.
The lack of lowness had really started to annoy me, so after trying to source shorter front springs for weeks, out came the disk cutter..
Bad idea. By mid-day, I had cut one side, still wasn't low enough, and the spring was literally millimetres from falling off the adjuster.
So I went and spammed every source I could find for springs, and the only reply I got was a guy living about 35 mins away, with a full set of FKs for £25. :drinking:
Me and my father jumped in his car since both of mine were rendered undrivable, and picked them up that night.
The following week was spent getting lifts into work, and when I'd come home, I'd fit the springs in the dark from 5pm, until 11pm.
Took all week, as it's not the easiest job ever, and my halfords sockets rounded 3 times in one week. :fighting:
But here's the result.
I used the FK springs on the JOM shocks as the FK socks wouldn't fit my 50mm hubs.
I had to raise it up a lot to drive though as I was still on standard droplinks.
Finally got a decent lance for my snowfoam. An Autobrite lance, much better. :smiley:
I topped up the wax with Kleenfreaks while waiting for my links.
Love the gloss on this stuff. :love:
Then my drop links came, so I spun the collars back to where they belong. :happy2:
Parked a few times.
Drove over a few speed bumps.
I got another picture with a standard MK5 after the FK springs.
Much better, but still looks a bit high.. :ashamed:
Then the sun came out.. In November?!
I'd had an Auto Finesse Spirit sample lying around after their halloween promotion, so I tried it out. :love:
I can honestly see why it's £90 a tub. The beading is probably the best I've ever had, and the gloss is even better than Kleenfreaks. :drool:
Beading shot using a macro iPhone lens. :happy2:
I don't have many pictures of the interior, but this is pretty much it ATM.
Upgraded from a RCD300 to a RCD510, with MK6 flip-up aux and USB ports by the ashtray, with a new canbus, thanks to Eddie_NL :drinking:
Got those new heater control knobs a MK6 headlight switch, and trial fitted a Polo 6R steering wheel before I buy the airbag. :party:
I gave her a mini service, using Castrol Magnatec oil, an OEM oil filter, and a K&N panel filter.
Then I got some new wheels, SL55 AMGs.
I polished them up, and threw them on.
I wasn't happy with the fitment.
So I got a very decent 205 Pirelli part worn for £25, and tried again.
Much better! But I still wasn't liking the arch gap. The coils have caused me enough ballache already, so changing them wasn't really an option.
So I stuck the wheels on the classifieds, and within the day, I had taken a deposit for them. :smiley:
That's pretty much it for now. I'll obviously update as I do more to the car, and I'll be on the lookout for some new wheels again soon. :drinking:
Thanks for reading all that! :signLOL:
wow! Looks awesome! love the subtle poke!!
Thanks very much!
I would've liked to keep them, but I can't face shelling out more money on a new suspension setup again haha :fighting:
Looks very nice indeed. The reflection shots are immense
About time :wink: cars looking good mate, keep up the work!
Thanks people :wink:
I'm in need of a GTI front center spoiler thing, if anyone can put me in the right direction before I visit the dealer? :drinking:
Front gti spoiler thing? :grin:
Yeah, that's the one :grin:
The center part that screws onto the standard GTI splitter haha :rolleye:
Yeah I have no idea what you're on about :P
Yeah I have no idea what you're on about :P
Haha it's hard to explain :signLOL:
This might clear it up..
Main splitter (red bit) part no. 1K0 805 903 D
Black centre insert part no. 1K0 807 110 £45.52 inc vat from stealers!
7x torx T20 screws holding them together
The black portion of the splitter in this picture. Obviously a standard splitter would have both parts black. :happy2:
Looks good mate... Can I ask how much the side skirts were?
Looks good mate... Can I ask how much the side skirts were?
Thanks! I think they came to about £80 with the brackets and stuff. Give or take a few coins. :smiley:
Nice and simple! Love it!
Nice and simple! Love it!
Thanks, glad you like it! It's a good thing I didn't get a TDI to be honest, the only thing stopping me getting seriously carried away is the voice in my head saying "It's only a 1.6". :signLOL:
Nice and simple! Love it!
Thanks, glad you like it! It's a good thing I didn't get a TDI to be honest, the only thing stopping me getting seriously carried away is the voice in my head saying "It's only a 1.6". :signLOL:
Yeah, only haha!
Next year, once the MK1 is done, I think I'll probably sell this and get a GTI/TDI.
Only then will I let it loose on my wallet :signLOL:
Nice clean car you got there, my 1.6 has a similar front end but mine has the GT grilles instead. Though it isn't as shiny compared to yours! :laugh:
very nice car pal. love the headlights, wish I had the time and skill to do mine
Nice clean car you got there, my 1.6 has a similar front end but mine has the GT grilles instead. Though it isn't as shiny compared to yours! :laugh:
Haha thanks very much! :smiley:
I'm not liking the GTI center grilles, I think they look a bit odd with the fogs. So I'm on the lookout for some R-Line fog grilles, and GT Sport centres now! :drinking:
Have you got a thread for yours?
very nice car pal. love the headlights, wish I had the time and skill to do mine
Thanks! :happy2:
Do it haha! It doesn't take much skill at all, especially in a matte finish, but it takes a good few hours, and my hands were in pieces once I was done :signLOL:
I got a pic of my frontend which kinda looks like this at the moment...
R Lines would be awesome for the fogs, I completely understand about lowering since the 1.6's sit way too high but hopefully getting some H&R springs soon. Also thinking of getting the "clean" version of the R32 rear valance as my current one is scuffed to hell unfortunately by the previous owner.
Looks awesome, I'm really liking those front ends ATM.
Yeah it looks, and feels much nicer lower IMO. :laugh:
I'm thinking of going for a smooth R32 lower valance too! :happy2:
Super smart motor mate, big fan! The wheels looked good i thought, hope you find another smart set soon :)
Via Tapatalk (
Super smart motor mate, big fan! The wheels looked good i thought, hope you find another smart set soon :)
Via Tapatalk (
Thanks man! It's been much more well recieved than I expected :signLOL:
I did like them, but the offset made them look too aggressive for my taste.. :sad1:
Yeah I hope I can find some soon, it was hard enough finding those. Might have to step up the budget :signLOL:
Looking good. Great progress. It's a shame about the alloys as they looked fab :happy2:
coming along nicely mate
coming along nicely mate
Looking good. Great progress. It's a shame about the alloys as they looked fab :happy2:
Thanks guys :smiley:
Yeah, the arch gap just looked stupid, especially on the back.
The guy who bought them off me has a Jetta that's going on air, so shouldn't be a problem for him, the lucky so-and-so! :signLOL:
Nice progress buddy, hope you find some nice replacements for the AMGs :happy2:
Nice progress buddy, hope you find some nice replacements for the AMGs :happy2:
Thanks man! Me too :scared:
Small update;
I went and picked up a parcel today.
Inside it was this.
To replace... This.. :stupid:
I don't know what went on here, when I bought the car, that was the only problem I found with it, and it's annoyed me ever since..
It's clearly been the focus of abuse for some strange reason, and there seems to be a lot of sand down there :confused:
I'll fit the new one on the weekend and clean it all out.
Should make a bit of a difference :signLOL:
I'm on the lookout for a grey folding cupholder that's missing in the above picture if anyone knows of a spare one?
I don't know why that center armrest has taken such a beating when the rest of the car is perfect condition :signLOL:
Dude if you're looking for new wheels there's a guy on here called w8 performance :) tap him up.
Thanks guys :smiley:
Yeah, the arch gap just looked stupid, especially on the back.
The guy who bought them off me has a Jetta that's going on air, so shouldn't be a problem for him, the lucky so-and-so! :signLOL:
Ha ha I didn't take you as the jealous Type but yea I am chuffin lucky at the moment I have a set of Bbs E50's if ya stepping the price up :D
Seeing this has made me want to change my standard GT front end to the gti spec bumper it suits the car so much more
Nice looking car!
Ha ha I didn't take you as the jealous Type but yea I am chuffin lucky at the moment I have a set of Bbs E50's if ya stepping the price up :D
Haha very man! :signLOL:
I'd love to, just spent my wheel money on a new TV and a PS4 though.. Oops. :jumpmove:
Seeing this has made me want to change my standard GT front end to the gti spec bumper it suits the car so much more
Nice looking car!
I'll swap you the center grilles! :signLOL:
Love the GT front :love:
Shame mine is the pre-face lifted GT front
Put the facelift bumper on then! Only takes an hour. :scared:
Yeah, facelift takes no time at all, take the old one off, cut the new one a bit, and bolt the new one on!
Bumpers are cheap, it's the grilles and splitters that can get expensive :scared:
Got 'round to fitting the air vents last night, I've been ill, so haven't been doing much car stuff recently.
The car is stinking on the outside, never seen it so bad, I'll upload a picture tomorrow! :grin:
Here are the vents, they look much cleaner now, just need the cup holder :smiley:
Nice build thread! Quality polishing skills too ! Keep it up :happy2: :happy2:
Nice build thread! Quality polishing skills too ! Keep it up :happy2: :happy2:
Thanks! Haha if only I could be bothered to do it again! It needs a full correction and some tough wax for the winter IMO.
I'll try and remember to get a picture today haha :sick:
Got around to cleaning her today, after around 800 miles of filth in the last 2 weeks :laugh:
Before :stupid:
Whose fingerprints?! :fighting:
Don't even know what happened here, never seen wheels do this before. :signLOL:
Iron-X, Wheel cleaner, snowfoam, shampoo.
Out came the fisheye. :signLOL:
I've run out of snowfoam & shampoo now though, gotta order more!
EDIT: Just ordered new centre caps as these wheels will likely stay for a few weeks, and smaller tyres for the front to stop the rubbing, and they'll theoretically give me 20mm less ground clearance :happy2:
Although I got beached last night coming out of a car park.. I was so sure I wouldn't make it out of there :scared:
Everyone had to get out, and I bit the bullet and absolutely scraped everything to get out of there. :sad1:
Looking smart mate. Mine was that filthy recently, just snow foamed it and it came up reasonably well!
Looking smart mate. Mine was that filthy recently, just snow foamed it and it came up reasonably well!
Thanks! Yeah snowfoam is awesome, in the winter especially, but I find that it still leaves a thin film over the car, so I like to shampoo every now and then too :drinking:
Where do you guys buy your gti grills and bupers from :confused:
I have been looking for one that fits my 1.4 fsi for so long!?
Looking smart mate. Mine was that filthy recently, just snow foamed it and it came up reasonably well!
Thanks! Yeah snowfoam is awesome, in the winter especially, but I find that it still leaves a thin film over the car, so I like to shampoo every now and then too :drinking:
It generally will. Not sure what you use as an LSP but if you do it regularly it can remove all the dirt.. very much depends what snowfoam you use.. whether you use a cleaning one or a "show foam"
To be honest best thing I find is if you're strapped for time snowfoam the car, jet it down, snow foam it again and then use one bucket of clean water (as a rinse bucket) and just wash the car using the foam, as it can provide good lubrication. If you need more just foam the vehicle more.
I use Bilt Hamber Autofoam there is not a better wax safe snow foam out there 100%.
Thanks for that Jay! :drinking:
I use an Autobrite lance on a Karcher K2, and I also use Bilt Hamber.
That sounds like quite a good technique, but do you find you run out of foam easily that way?
Can do! To increase the dwell time (time the foam sits for) I add a few blubs of my most foamy car shampoo :jumping:
Doesn't clean QUITE as well but much more foam which sits for longer, so you clean as much as the dirt as possible touchlessly using the snowfoam in the correct manner then use a foamy wash with a rinse bucket and grit guard if possible. Handy if you don't have a lot of time and/or can't be bothered! :chicken:
Ah right, that's probably a good idea, mine doesn't seems to dwell as long as I'd like :sad1:
I'll try it out on the weekend! :smiley:
I should be able to move the MK1 next week, and bring the MK5 into the garage to correct the paint as much as possible, and give it a mid-winter waxing!
Actually really looking forward to it, I hate detailing outside :fighting:
That fitment though! :0 :)
Haha thanks! I wasn't a fan of the fitment, loved the wheels though. :sad1:
I might be in the market for a new car sometime soon.. Keeping that on the down low, although it might not happen until March. Very very excited. :pomppomp:
I got a very good offer on the car from my brother-in-law.. So she's provisionally sold. :sad1:
Just gotta find the perfect replacement now. Which is a secret.. :signLOL:
I'm going to miss it though, I keep walking up to it in car parks and such, just thinking "do I really want to sell it?"
No doubt, I'll be in a MK5 again at some point though :love:
What's up? :grin:
So I decided to keep the MK5 for the time being...
I was actively looking for a B7 Audi A4, but I didn't really fall in love with anyone of the ones I came across.
The MK1 is going back on the road in the next month or so, so I'll be driving that through the summer, and may sell the MK5 around June..
For now, small updates!
First off, some guy reversed into it on Christmas Eve while it was parked up, and his tow bar smashed my grille to pieces.
The numberplate was also badly bent, the bumper was pushed into a weird shape, and my airbag light was on. :congrats:
I don't have any pictures of it like this though :sick:
Didn't take any kind of action though, as the guy was my sister's neighbour, and I didn't want to make it awkward :sad1:
I went home, took the numberplate off and straightened it with a hammer, and pulled the bumper back into shape.
I thought I might as well have a change while I'm spending money, so I went for a GT Sport grille instead of the GTI. :party:
The badge that came on it was pretty bubbly, so I smoothed it down a bit, primed, and painted it..
Also got the numberplate back on after getting new screw caps.
Finally found a MK5 to park next to similar to how mine used to look! Excuse the filth! :sick:
Ordered a black front badge, as I knew the paint wasn't going to last long on mine, and there were still a few visible bubbles.
Also got a GT Sport lower grille. Looked a bit messy without it :drinking:
And cleaned!
And that's pretty much it for now.. I go through phases of MK5 love, and phases of MK1, so we'll have to see where my money goes once the MK1 is back on the road. :smiley:
Looks mean from the front. Xenon's and wheels next :popcornsoda:
Tidy 1.6 FSI mate now smooth the front US spec with some Xenons. :happy2:
Good choice on the GT Sport Grilles, looks really smart that! That makes two of us in 1.6 FSI GT Sport club! :grin:
Looks mean from the front. Xenon's and wheels next :popcornsoda:
Thanks! Yeah I'm feeling some xenons.. and wheels.. and votex splitter.. the list doesn't end, but the money does :sad1:
Tidy 1.6 FSI mate now smooth the front US spec with some Xenons. :happy2:
Thanks, I was thinking of smoothing it myself and wrapping it.. But I think I'll get it sprayed properly, need some other little parts done anyway :drinking:
Good choice on the GT Sport Grilles, looks really smart that! That makes two of us in 1.6 FSI GT Sport club! :grin:
Yeah I think they look a lot cleaner than the mix of Jetta and GTI I had before :ashamed:
I may end up keeping it for longer, and getting it how I actually want it next year after the MK1 is done.. Wouldn't mind revoking it's 'budget build' status, and going all out :party:
Looks tidy mate! Keep it! And drop a cheeky r32 lump front wheel drive in there ;)
Looks tidy mate! Keep it! And drop a cheeky r32 lump front wheel drive in there ;)
Haha I'd love to! But even if it was that easy, I like the fuel economy of the 1.6.. And it's not too slow for my liking or anything, I wouldn't drive any differently if I had a GTI, I'm not really a speed freak :driver:
Although I wouldn't mind seeing if there are a few engine mods I can do to get a bit more out of it :drinking:
nice built! what did the foam luncher cost and from where?
nice built! what did the foam luncher cost and from where?
Thanks! I'm sorry but I actually laughed at "foam luncher" :signLOL:
I got the jetwasher from B&Q, it's a Karcher K2 I think, and then the lance attachment is from the Autobrite website.
The foam is Bilt Hamber Autofoam from
Hope I've helped :smiley:
Got a few small things done on the MK5, but all of my money is in MK1 world atm :scared:
I had 60 MPG on the way to UD, and it reminded me that this engine is definitely a sensible choice for an economical daily.. So I've decided I'll probably keep it, and when my pay is boosted in September and the MK1 goes away for winter work, I'll freshen this up, with a respray, wheels, and a GTD interior and such. Looking forward to that, but for now, here's some boring updates. :signLOL:
Parked her in a ditch for extra lows. :signLOL:
Then I snuck into the place where the Corsa crew hang and took some snaps. :P
While I cleaned it the next day, this happened to the wiper blank. :confused:
So I cleaned it up and used some stronger sealant to hopefully stop it happening again..
She had a snowfoam, shampoo, and a quick layer of Autoglym HD wax, not a wax I would choose, just have some lying around so thought I'd use it up.
It's not bad stuff to be fair, quite durable, but not very glossy.
Then I installed a MK6 flip-up USB port to my RCD510 to match my flip-up AUX, I'll try and remember to an include a picture of that in my next post. :smiley:
The car looks really good, I really need to get one of those Snow Foam washers, the closest I have at the moment is the industrial pressure washer my Dad uses to clean tractors :sad1:
Can I ask where you picked up those heater controls from? I saw them somewhere about 3 months ago and haven't been able to find them again since, do the fit just straight of the old controls or do you need to take them out and fit the new ones?
The car looks really good, I really need to get one of those Snow Foam washers, the closest I have at the moment is the industrial pressure washer my Dad uses to clean tractors :sad1:
Can I ask where you picked up those heater controls from? I saw them somewhere about 3 months ago and haven't been able to find them again since, do the fit just straight of the old controls or do you need to take them out and fit the new ones?
Yeah they're awesome in the winter, you don't have to get freezing cold to wash your car :notworthy:
I got them from eBay, someone posted a link a page or two back, I'll try and find it for you now :happy2:
EDIT: Here ya go.
Cheers for the link I'll be picking those up :happy2:
Might have to see if I can get a snow foam lance to fit out pressure washer, I don't want to have to fork out for a new washer + the lance too.
As I've said before, most of my money is in my MK1 cabby at the moment, so here's my thread for that:,81761.0.html :happy2:
But I have been getting along slowly with the MK5.
First of all I finally got rid of this steering wheel.
At the moment, I have no airbag for my new wheel, but that'll be the first thing once the MK1 is back on the road. :happy2:
So this is what I'm faced with for now. :confused:
I plan on getting GTI seats at some point, so I thought I'd add some dark details to the interior to tie in with that.
First off is the fabric on the door cards, it's light grey, so I bought a black door card from a Jetta and swapped the fabric.
New handles and chrome switches are on the list too :signLOL:
Here's the result.. I'll take some before and afters at some point :drinking:
Did some more parking next to standard MK5s :happy2:
Then I got her into the MK1's garage while the MK1 was failing MOTs, and attempted a full detail.
I spent 3 hours doing the back, and couldn't handle any more, so I'll get round to that at some point. :party:
I went for a snow foam with Auto Finesse Avalanche, then some Dodo Juice Born To Be Mild shampoo, followed by a claying, a dual action polishing with Menzerna FG and Meguiars 205.. Just using the Meguiars up, but it's not bad stuff!
Then 2 layers of Poorboy's Black Hole glaze, and a layer of Autoglym EGP.
I'll add some layers of wax when the weather is decent, and I'll give the rest of the car this treatment the same time :drinking:
It was rainy, and I didn't get any pictures until I'd done a good few miles, but it looks a lot better after all that. :party:
Will get some good pictures when I clean her next.
Out of focus much?
One of my nightbreakers broke in the night, so I fitted some Nokya yellow high beams, I figured if I don't like them, I can always change back.
They're quite subtle, and you can only see the yellow from a certain height. I like. :smiley:
More on that steering wheel soon. :smiley:
Some of you may have seen that this was for sale a few months ago, as I had a strong fancying for an A8.
I decided to wait until an extra year's no-claims had built up before selling.
And then after months of neglect, I bought some wheels on impulse. :chicken:
Never seen them on a MK5 before, but they were very cheap, and much higher offset than the previous set so I thought I'd give them a go.
So since the last post, it's had the wheels, an airbag so I could finish fitting the Polo 6R wheel, R32 rear lights, a full service, and a 4 wheel alignment :drinking:
Needs to go lower badly, but the JOMs are bottomed out, and I can't find anything that'll go lower and suit the 50mm hubs.
So I've started collecting parts to swap to 55mm, with a slight brake upgrade, and some FK coilovers and new top mounts.
That will be happening in the next few weeks, hopefully the car will sit a lot better :happy2:
Love those alloys. Good going to break from the normal mods, very impressed with your car. :happy2:
Love those alloys. Good going to break from the normal mods, very impressed with your car. :happy2:
Thanks! :smiley:
I hadn't really liked this car until recently, and I've had it about 18 months now. Probably going to take a little break from the MK1 and give this some more attention. :drinking:
Love the wheels. It really suits the car :happy2:
Wheels are very nice! Love the Gt grill aswell!
Love the wheels. It really suits the car :happy2:
Wheels are very nice! Love the Gt grill aswell!
Thanks! I really like the wheels too, looking forward to getting it lower and having them tuck a bit more :party:
Great thread! Really loving what you've done. The front end looks so mean!! :happy2:
Those wheels!!!!!!!!!! :congrats:
Great thread! Really loving what you've done. The front end looks so mean!! :happy2:
Cheers! Gotta get some Depo 'xenons' and a Votex splitter next :party:
Those wheels!!!!!!!!!! :congrats:
Thank y'all :happy2:
Finally got it sitting a bit more how I want it.. All it took was new hubs, disks, calipers, pads, drop links, balljoints, track rod ends, top mounts, coilovers all round, and a wheel bearing. :laugh:
Not happy with the front, but it needs the arches rolling before going lower.
Painted all the calipers silver while it was apart too, looks much more fresh now. :drinking:
After Christmas, I'll roll the arches and try and pull them a little, as they're scraping a bit.
The paint missing on the front arches is due to the common rust problem, can't really be bothered to deal with VW, but I will get them painted at some point.
It's a bit dirty atm, but more pics! :smiley:
Also got some gloss black 3M vinyl wrap and wrapped the B pillar trims, as the original matte finish was a bit worse for wear.
Looks much cleaner IMO, the matte trims didn't blend in with the glass as much.
Also finally changed the hanging old eBay beesting I had on there. :signLOL:
The sharkfin was around £40 from VW. :party:
With regards to your front wings, might be worth dealing with VW and just getting parts, then mod them before painting to avoid cracks and stuff.
Wasn't a fan of the wheels before but now you have it sitting properly they are really starting to grow on me.
Any chance you have a part number on the shark fin?
With regards to your front wings, might be worth dealing with VW and just getting parts, then mod them before painting to avoid cracks and stuff.
That's definitely the sensible option, but I'm not 100% sure what I'm gonna do yet, I know VW will try to make it awkward because the car's so low and the wheel is very close to fouling the arch.
Also, I've bought a compressor and I'm gonna give painting the MK1 a go. If it works out well, I'll do the MK5 myself too. I much prefer to do as much as I can myself. :happy2:
Make no mistake though, if I can't get the finish perfect, then it'll go to a paint shop. :signLOL:
Wasn't a fan of the wheels before but now you have it sitting properly they are really starting to grow on me.
Any chance you have a part number on the shark fin?
Cheers! Same for me really, thought they looked way too big before, but I'm really liking them now, especially the way they fit on the rear. :smiley:
The sharkfin was 1K0 035 507 J. This is apparently the correct part for FM/AM cars, but the plug was wrong for my car, so I cut off one of the restrictive tabs with a stanley blade, and plugged it in, works perfectly. :happy2:
If your car had a satnav/telephone as standard, the part you need is apparently 1K0 035 507 K.
you should bother dealing with VW, was easy, booked an appointment with warranty, they took a few readings, got a phone call from the bodyshop a week later asking to book my car in, very simple.
Even if it means putting oem wheels on and raising it up, or just raising it up, you've only got to get the warranty guy to pass it off, gotta be worth it