MK5 Golf GTI
General => Random Chat => Topic started by: biffobear on February 21, 2014, 09:17:38 pm
I get irritated at lengthy ad breaks all through programmes, so much so that I now record most things and fast forward the ad breaks
To much to list on here. :signLOL:
Room spin!! :sick:
Haemorrhoids are pretty irritating.
Woolen underwear. :booty:
I could expand but I'd be here SOME time!
My inability to tolerate hangovers. Went out drinking last night for the first time 3-4 months and I'm paying for this morning.
Cold road kill champagne and drivers who don't understand roundabouts
Yesterday was cars behind me with 1 headlamp and the working 1 on full beam ARGH.
Today it will be something else!
Paying Taxes. That is all :signLOL:
what do you find irritating threads
what do you find irritating threads
people that should not comment on threads if they are unable to add anything constructive.
Simply - people who are inconsiderate of others around them. This means the selfish people who block isles, let doors slam in your face, let their kids run riot in stores, walk into lifts before they have let you exit. This is just today's observation after going into town!
Don't get me started on how they drive...
People (normally grossly obese) without kids who park in parent and child spaces. I've taken to shouting at them now and have no doubt I will end up rolling around a carpark with someone shortly. Makes my blood boil.
:fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Paying Taxes. That is all :signLOL:
When the sign says national speed limit (i.e. 60) this does not mean that you stick to 40 that was 3 miles back. MOVE IT!!
Revo v APR threads :scared:
Revo v APR threads :scared:
I could expand but I'd be here SOME time!
Cant argue with that.
Being made redundant AGAIN after only 4 months with the company. :sad1:
People who write on a for sale thread
'I would of bought this if I didn't spend all my money on wheels last week'
Why comment if you haven't the money to buy it?!
Being made redundant AGAIN after only 4 months with the company. :sad1:
Thats not just irritating its also very annoying and many more sh*t words, hope you get sorted and back into work soon :happy2:
Being made redundant AGAIN after only 4 months with the company. :sad1:
Thats not just irritating its also very annoying and many more sh*t words, hope you get sorted and back into work soon :happy2:
On the plus side i have a interview with Vodafone on Thursday working in the same office (Bracknell)i was there last year the only difference is the position is permanent.
Downside is it's fixed line phone infrastructure (ex Cable and Wireless network) not Telco which i'm used to.
What I find irritating:,76373.0.html
my girl friend wanting to spend all my wages :signLOL:
my girl friend wanting to spend all my wages :signLOL:
I think all girls come with a built-in impatient feature! :stupid: My fiancé is already out furniture shopping and we haven't even got the keys to our house. Probably best we see what we're dealing with (room sizes) before we go splashing the cash. :confused:
Probably best we see what we're dealing with (room sizes) before we go splashing the cash. :confused:
u shud defntely get her 2 wait untl u hv mvd in2 da hous. best u don't brought furni2re untl u hve mesurd the rooms properly. unless u hve brought a proper massiv crib.
:laugh: bad man^
Probably best we see what we're dealing with (room sizes) before we go splashing the cash. :confused:
u shud defntely get her 2 wait untl u hv mvd in2 da hous. best u don't brought furni2re untl u hve mesurd the rooms properly. unless u hve brought a proper massiv crib.
I find it so irritating when these randoms come along and take over your thread!! :wink:
People who still can seem to grasp the new for sale rules despite my best attempts.
Being cut up on a roundabout by a Spanish lorry driver :mad:
It would be fair to say it was a bit of a brown trouser moment!
Calling your woman to ask the most simple question. Then 10mins later shes still babbling on about god knows what... :surprised:
Spending all Sunday afternoon cleaning the car, full polish and wax etc to come out to find that some HUGE Eagle sized bird has decided to lay its territory on it. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
^^^^^^^ this and living by the sea there are GIANT seagulls
rain when i want to go for a drive
Those people that make the extra special effort to park right next to you even when you've put your car in the furthest corner of a not very full car park in the hope that it'll be relatively safe from damage. You can guarantee even if there's ten spaces either side of you there'll be someone tucked up right next to you when you return.
Never ceases to amaze me, we were in a service station a few months ago at 2am in the morning, there were no other cars in the car park and yet these biffs in a motor home came and parked right next to us, they were actually that close they couldn't open their door fully to get out properly......WHY????????????
waiting on parts....
Middle lane hoggers... scared of the slow lane like it will swallow them up!
Have to fight between changing across 2 lanes to overtake or undertaking to prove a point...
Monday mornings
People driving with their fogs lights on with no sign of fog
Noisy eaters, slurpers, people needlessly typing so loud it sounds like you're in a warzone, tappers and hummers.
All of which I put up with for 40 hours a week.
People driving with their fogs lights on with no sign of fog
Same here!! By the same token, idiots who only use fog lights INSTEAD of sidelights & dipped beams when it gets dark!! Really grates my gears!!
People coming back to their car after paying for petrol and taking ages to drive off
Getting a knock on my door every Friday asking for Charity clothes or the bag back that they posted through my door on the Monday before. They then get a bit shirty when I tell them any sh*te through my door gets binned. And yet the same person keeps coming back and getting upset that I threw the bag away. :rolleye:
My missus asking me what I want for tea, then she just makes something different. :stupid:
Idiots who thinks 40 mph is a good speed on a slip road joining a motorway. :fighting:
Dog sh*t everywhere, you really notice this when you have small children.
Noisy fukcers in hotels. :booty:
People who shout really loud on phones.
Packets of crisps with nothing in them.
Absolutely sh*t commercial radio with a 6 song playlist and adverts every 2 minutes.
People who do their weekly shop at the petrol station and leave their car at the pump.
Our family cat who wakes me up at 5:30 just because he can. :rolleye:
And breathe.
Idiots who thinks 40 mph is a good speed on a slip road joining a motorway. :fighting:
Or more generally people who drive everywhere at 40!
People driving with their fogs lights on with no sign of fog
Same here!! By the same token, idiots who only use fog lights INSTEAD of sidelights & dipped beams when it gets dark!! Really grates my gears!!
And when you ask them why, they give the answer: "The manufacturer wouldn't fit them if it was illegal to use them" :sad:
DSG v manual threads.
(Because it's obvious - DSG is just so much better.)
People NOT reading the newish rules on selling stuff on here and seeing Admin messages reminding them.
Read the rules!!
In my case today. Washing the car all nice and polished then a fat ass seagull decides to deficate all over the shiny paintwork... :fighting:
Middle lane hoggers... scared of the slow lane like it will swallow them up!
Have to fight between changing across 2 lanes to overtake or undertaking to prove a point...
This seems to be getting worse since the new "law" came in. I live and work near Sheffield/Chesterfield and use the M1 for work. Where the current road works and 50 mph average speed cameras are in place nobody uses the first lane. I can join the motorway and undertake everbody in the first lane all the way home.
Middle lane hoggers... scared of the slow lane like it will swallow them up!
Have to fight between changing across 2 lanes to overtake or undertaking to prove a point...
This seems to be getting worse since the new "law" came in. I live and work near Sheffield/Chesterfield and use the M1 for work. Where the current road works and 50 mph average speed cameras are in place nobody uses the first lane. I can join the motorway and undertake everbody in the first lane all the way home.
M....2.......5!! Ahhhh. Thank god I don't work normal office hours normally. This experience also shows how "the public" generally are also stupid. We are all, of course, not "the public" here!
The missus's incapablity to decide on dinner. She'll ask me what I fancy so I'll say something then I get " I didn't really like that, I've gone off that, last time I didn't really enjoy it" okay Natalie what do you want...I don't know to be honest, I'm not sure what I want :jumping: I end up making my own because I'm chewing the remote by 7:30 I'm so hungry :signLOL:
The bad boy corsa boys at tesco car park doing wheel spins in there rip speed wheels and pumping 50 cents greatest hits at 1am.
That one person everyone body knows that laughs like a kookaburra on sniff :laugh:
Making the jump from Virgin Media to BT for Broadband but due to BT being incapable of performing the simplest of tasks on three seperate occasions, like turning i cancelled the order and went back to VM. Wind the clock forward 6 weeks i am now getting calls from BT as my account is in arrears for services i have cancelled so therefore did not use and they want ME to settle the account of circa £500 as they have no record of the account being cancelled. I have "sorry your leaving letter" from BT, screen shot of a online conversation stating stating i owe nothing yet they insist my account is in arrears.
In a perverse way i actually taking the big guys on :grin:
That one person everyone body knows that laughs like a kookaburra on sniff :laugh:
I am intrigued to know, how you know, what that sounds like.
Been to Australia :wink:
My wife.
My wife.
Oh dear. I sense trouble. Big trouble.
Do you need a good solicitor (because you should know - there's no such thing).
My wife.
Oh dear. I sense trouble. Big trouble.
Do you need a good solicitor (because you should know - there's no such thing).
Nah shes alright, the chains are keeping her under control in the kitchen!
I know what you're saying about solicitors, they are all useless!
My wife.
Oh dear. I sense trouble. Big trouble.
Do you need a good solicitor (because you should know - there's no such thing).
Nah shes alright, the chains are keeping her under control in the kitchen!
Well done there Sir!
Timewasters... :fighting: :sad1:
Front led sidelight bulbs :jumping: :jumping:
People who write on a for sale thread
'I would of bought this if I didn't spend all my money on wheels last week'
Why comment if you haven't the money to buy it?!
After owning countless iPhones and iPads and over the years I have been carefull not to drop them, this morning I dropped my ipad mini from about 2 feet and the damn screen cracked :mad:
My girlfriend.
Her side of the car is just covered make-up smudges :fighting:
Other drivers driving in fog on the motorway with NO lights on and doing over 80!
Reminder to them: Autolights wont turn on in fog!!!!!!!
People that pull out into the outside lane without indicating, then proceed to sit at 60-65 barely overtaking the cars on the left and then when there is a LARGE space, they don't pull back in again!
Happened 5 times on the a3 this morning.
Or some complete c*** of a BMW (for some reason it always is a BMW driver who does this), who tailgates you, you pull over and he hammers it past then slows down, sits in the outside lane at a slower speed than you were doing in the first place!
OR! People who indicate right and turn left at roundabouts or vice versa!
GRRRRR :fighting:
Middle lane drivers :fighting:
Why do people have it in their heads that the left lane is only for lorries and MOT failures? :confused:
There would be a lot less delays on our motorways if people used the spare capacity which there is in the left hand lane.
Drivers joining motorway from slip road that think they have the right of way, when you are driving a loaded fuel tanker and cars passing you on outside lane. Then when the f*****g idiot passes you he starts giving you abuse and thinks its a good idea to slam on their brakes on a wet road. One day some f*****g moron will do that to me and I will just run right over the top of the b*****d
I saw someone stop on a motorway slip road when they could have easily accelerated past the lorry
Yes, I know ffsake read your highway code effing retards
Internet "know it alls" who resort to abuse when they start to realise they're wrong.
I saw someone stop on a motorway slip road when they could have easily accelerated past the lorry
See this very regularly!!!
Theres a slip road before my exit close to my house
the amount of c**ts that accelerate up there at 40-50mph and as I am approaching, just pull out in front of me, even though I need to be off at the next exit. it drives me insane
so 9/10 I move into the outside lane to let them on, I then move back across to use the exit I need, and then they flash their lights at me or speed up to make it difficult for me
How can they expect me to slow down to 50 mph when I am doing 70mph to let them on? they should reach the speed limit as they are merging from the slip road to the dual carriageway, or f*ck off and pull out behind me
soz for the rant. lol
I was told when I took my driving lessons that if I pulled out in front of someone at a junction, then I'd fail my test. Why do people not carry out these practises on the road once theyve passed?
Every time I'm outside washing my car and people walk past and say "oh you'll wash it away" or "you'll polish it away" thinking its funny, it wasn't funny when I was 17 and it sure ain't funny 4 years later. Why not just say hello for fook sake ha
Every time I'm outside washing my car and people walk past and say "oh you'll wash it away" or "you'll polish it away" thinking its funny, it wasn't funny when I was 17 and it sure ain't funny 4 years later. Why not just say hello for fook sake ha
Hahaha are you going to wash mine as well??
I saw someone stop on a motorway slip road when they could have easily accelerated past the lorry
^this too!!
Forever seeing idiots trying to join a 70mph road at 40mph :fighting:
Then they stop at the very end of the slip road as if it is a junction :stupid:
Every time I'm outside washing my car and people walk past and say "oh you'll wash it away" or "you'll polish it away" thinking its funny, it wasn't funny when I was 17 and it sure ain't funny 4 years later. Why not just say hello for fook sake ha
Every time now I'm machining someone's car I get passers by say "oh wanna do mine next" and I say sure for £150 they soon lose their smile and piss off.
Headphones works wonders just ignore people then
I saw someone stop on a motorway slip road when they could have easily accelerated past the lorry
^this too!!
Forever seeing idiots trying to join a 70mph road at 40mph :fighting:
Then they stop at the very end of the slip road as if it is a junction :stupid:
The slip road onto a motorway (or dual carriageway) is in fact a give way junction. If there's no space available on the motorway to join, then you must give way and wait at the line for a suitable gap to join.
I saw someone stop on a motorway slip road when they could have easily accelerated past the lorry
^this too!!
Forever seeing idiots trying to join a 70mph road at 40mph :fighting:
Then they stop at the very end of the slip road as if it is a junction :stupid:
The slip road onto a motorway (or dual carriageway) is in fact a give way junction. If there's no space available on the motorway to join, then you must give way and wait at the line for a suitable gap to join.
Yes, that's fine, but when there is space for people to accelerate but they slam their brakes on, it's a hazard.
Someone tried to outrun a tanker getting on the M5 at Bristol tonight but in an old 106, he clearly left it too late and the tanker had no choice to pull into the middle lane. I was a few cars back watching in slow motion for the pile up to commence! my face was :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised: :surprised:
for the whole journey home.
I saw someone stop on a motorway slip road when they could have easily accelerated past the lorry
^this too!!
Forever seeing idiots trying to join a 70mph road at 40mph :fighting:
Then they stop at the very end of the slip road as if it is a junction :stupid:
The slip road onto a motorway (or dual carriageway) is in fact a give way junction. If there's no space available on the motorway to join, then you must give way and wait at the line for a suitable gap to join.
I agree.
HOWEVER, my gripe is with people expecting to join a 70mph road at 40mph, if they were doing 70mph it's easy to slip into a reasonable gap as you are matching the speed of the traffic, or worst case you would have to brake and lose some speed to slip into the traffic.
If you are trying to join a busy motorway at 40mph you need a MASSIVE gap to accelerate to 70mph which is why they needlessly pose a hazard by sitting at the end of the slip lane :stupid:
People who get all political on Facebook and start to bombard your timeline with their opinions making out they are clearly the ones in the right and everyone else is wrong. I tend to find mostly this is Labour supporters who only seem to be happy when they've got a Tory government to complain about. They bang on about how morally perfect they are when most of them openly celebrated the death of an old lady.
PS this isn't a bias view I really cant stand politics, politicians or any government for that matter they are all a bunch of corrupt w*nkers. (I suppose thats another thing that irritates me lol)
Drivers who don't indicate & who pull out causing you to brake then they proceed at 20mph... why!!
F*****g miopic old farts, and lately a lot younger ones, who drive on the motorway at 55.5 mph so when I overtake them in my tanker (56mph restricted) it takes about ten minutes to pass them, then by the time you pass them, that's if they don't put the foot down slightly so their up to warp speed ( in their head) of 56 mph, in which case you end up slowing down and pulling back in, so you look like a twat and get abuse from the thousands of drivers stuck behind you in the outside lane. Ffs if I was the traffic police I would make a fortune prosecuting these c****s for obstructing traffic.
Plastic bed sheets :ashamed:
Wheel bolts, surely the dumbest idea ever, what was wrong with studs, at least when you put the wheel on it lined up instantly, and stayed in place till you fitted the nuts. "NUTS OR WHAT"
Every time I'm outside washing my car and people walk past and say "oh you'll wash it away" or "you'll polish it away" thinking its funny, it wasn't funny when I was 17 and it sure ain't funny 4 years later. Why not just say hello for fook sake ha
Every time now I'm machining someone's car I get passers by say "oh wanna do mine next" and I say sure for £150 they soon lose their smile and piss off.
Headphones works wonders just ignore people then
yeah, do they think that after 4 hours washing and polishing our 2 cars, sweat running down my ass crack ready to pass out, that I am going to do it all again for them?. When I look at some of their cars, honestly you would be at it for about a week before you found out what colour it was
HGV drivers who sit a foot away from your rear bumper on a 50mph section of dual carriageway. No pal, I'm not going to speed up for you and get a ticket, thanks. :angry015:
Plastic bed sheets :ashamed:
You shouldn't still be wetting the bed
My misses,
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Most of the above.
People who "modify" their number-plates with incorrect spacing & font and a "D" when the car is clearly from "GB". There is a legal requirement.
Do they also "modify" their birth certificates and passports? How about changing the spacing in their national insurance numbers?
Aftermarket HID conversions! Before I get attacked by an angry mob - HID's in Halogen lenses so that the beam pattern looks like the 2nd coming!
FLIES :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Sex ban by the misses
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People moaning about HID conversions :pomppomp: :P
Don't start me on HiDs in standard reflector headlights.the most pointless upgrade ever!
If you want a better quality of light output either get updated bulbs, after market Projector headlights with a HID kit (if you must) or let the moths out and buy some xenon headlights.
People who say wing mirror.
Where's the mirror on your car, its not on the f-ing wing is it !!!!!
People who say wing mirror.
Where's the mirror on your car, its not on the f-ing wing is it !!!!!
I would say wing mirror... :P
Tailgate. Don't you mean boot. FFS!
Don't start me on HiDs in standard reflector headlights.the most pointless upgrade ever!
If you want a better quality of light output either get updated bulbs, after market Projector headlights with a HID kit (if you must) or let the moths out and buy some xenon headlights.
I've got HID conv :sad1: in my defence it was on there when I bought it! I quite like it :evilgrin:
Tailgate. Don't you mean boot. FFS!
Nope, the boot is inside the tailgate, or bootlid. But the boot is the space inside. :P Definitely not called the trunk. :smiley:
Ha ha, just messing with ya mate. I hate all the old sayings/names we still use for cars even though they mean nothing to us. :happy2:
Hate it when I have cruise set for 70mph on the motorway, and I end up over taking and then being overtaken by the same person
f*ck me how difficult is it to maintain ya speed
If you can't do that, get cruise installed ya scruffs.
People who leave the foil/paper on top of the butter tubs, Dirty glasses(fellow speccys will get this) and the 50 mph limit on the M1 between Chesterfield and Sheffield. I have been driving for nearly 9 years now and its the fourth time this area has had the crash barriers replaced. To top it off its going to be made into a 50mph limit at all times due to "emissions" BOLLLLLLOCKS :stupid:
Automated menus for call centres which just transfer you to the same group of people at the end of the pain!
and mobile networks charging 45p a minute for a FREE PHONE 0800 number.
and mobile networks charging 45p a minute for a FREE PHONE 0800 number.
and mobile networks charging 45p a minute for a FREE PHONE 0800 number.
cheers yeh I use that but unfortunately it doesn't have a few of the numbers I need :-(
The fact ebay does not a filter to stop you buying stuff when drunk. APPARENTLY last weekend after a couple/lot of beer i bid on some 18" Charleston alloys which i have subsequently won. I tried to back out of the auction but the seller didn't think drunk bidding was a good enough excuse, which is a fair point.
So £700 later i am now the owner of a full set of refurbished, genuine VW 18" Charleston alloys two of which have new tyres.
Anybody want a set of Classixs with new tyres :grin:
Little boys in corsa's that want to race and women that can't drive :smiley: (I can get away with saying that as i'm female lmao)
Little boys in corsa's that want to race and women that can't drive :smiley: (I can get away with saying that as i'm female lmao)
You are a rare kind of woman! :notworthy:
Pot holes! Stupidly large kerbs that damage your door when you open it. Relatives who borrow tools and don't give them back for 2 years even after you've asked for them for the same amount of time. Bird droppings even when the car is filthy and people who try and put an offer in on the house your selling even though they haven't got there house for sale???
Drivers when you get upto a built up area with parked cars either side, lots of minor roads coming onto the narrow main road with little visability, sit up your arse when you do the speed limit or god forbid, slightly less than the speed limit.
Little boys in corsa's that want to race and women that can't drive :smiley: (I can get away with saying that as i'm female lmao)
every corsa driver I've come across recently has wanted to race me (vxr being the worst)... there's a reason he's in a sh*tty vauxhall and I'm in a golf
Little boys in corsa's that want to race and women that can't drive :smiley: (I can get away with saying that as i'm female lmao)
every corsa driver I've come across recently has wanted to race me (vxr being the worst)... there's a reason he's in a sh*tty vauxhall and I'm in a golf
Then probably goes and tells all his mates he wasted a Golf Gti.........."was he trying?" "Yeah he was innit, totally whooped his ass man"
Capable, grown men paying to have there wiper blades fitted at Halfords.
Capable, grown men paying to have there wiper blades fitted at Halfords.
EXACTLY that :grin:
People who brake for the variable limit on the M25, then speed off to the next one, and brake again... If people could keep a constant speed, there'd be less bunching!! :mad:
Little boys in corsa's that want to race and women that can't drive :smiley: (I can get away with saying that as i'm female lmao)
every corsa driver I've come across recently has wanted to race me (vxr being the worst)... there's a reason he's in a sh*tty vauxhall and I'm in a golf
Then probably goes and tells all his mates he wasted a Golf Gti.........."was he trying?" "Yeah he was innit, totally whooped his ass man"
Bet he wouldn't say he got beat by a girl hahaha :smiley:
When ever I plug them in I always have to turn it over!
Why can't they invent USB like the lightning connector?
When ever I plug them in I always have to turn it over!
Why can't they invent USB like the lightning connector?
Try plugging it in with the USB embossed logo on top, and the blank bit on bottom.
Thanks skard I am aware of which way round it goes, most of the USB sticks I have at work the logo has worn off. Also plugging in the USB phone charger into the ciggy lighter socket in the car!
(Driving one again)
Those who think its ok to try and cut in front of you to get off at a junction despite being a gap half a mile long behind you. Had some dozy woman in a mini try it on yesterday, i was on the inside, car in the middle lane slowly overtaking me, woman in the mini up his arse trying to get in front of me in which she failed
Recently bought some genuine diamond cut Charleston Alloys off ebay, the advert described them as in immaculate condition as they had recently refurbished. I bought the alloys on the strength of the advert and the assurance of the seller the wheels are immaculate.
They arrived today and well they are far from immaculate. I appreciate immaculate in the contact of used wheels can be subject to interpretation but i didn't expect every wheel to be scratched, to still have evidence of white worm and one wheel even had "ebay 0033" etched into the lacquer!
Contacted the seller and they have agreed to have the wheels collected on Monday refund the cost of the wheels, not the cost of delivery, i am of course going to dispute this and seek a full refund.
When bus drivers just pull out in front of you without looking they think they run the roads. Just happened to me so the next bus stop i stopped and let rip on him :mad: :fighting:
There all the same every time you know what they are going to do :fighting:
When bus drivers just pull out in front of you without looking they think they run the roads. Just happened to me so the next bus stop i stopped and let rip on him :mad: :fighting:
There all the same every time you know what they are going to do :fighting:
Lol class. They do my nut in as well, once forced their way through a traffic calming system when I actually had right of way, which caused me to kerb my f**king alloy.
Rang the bus company who claimed they'd checked the CCTV from the bus and that the driver had proceeded as normal...what, so buses can barge their way through traffic when they don't have right of way?
absolute c**ts.
Recently bought some genuine diamond cut Charleston Alloys off ebay, the advert described them as in immaculate condition as they had recently refurbished. I bought the alloys on the strength of the advert and the assurance of the seller the wheels are immaculate.
They arrived today and well they are far from immaculate. I appreciate immaculate in the contact of used wheels can be subject to interpretation but i didn't expect every wheel to be scratched, to still have evidence of white worm and one wheel even had "ebay 0033" etched into the lacquer!
Contacted the seller and they have agreed to have the wheels collected on Monday refund the cost of the wheels, not the cost of delivery, i am of course going to dispute this and seek a full refund.
What a joke!!!
I hate tv ads, but when I do watch any it irritates me that all toothpaste, home cleaning products, deodorants, yoghurts etc are badly dubbed into english. DONT WE MAKE ANY ADS IN THIS COUNTRY
Recently bought some genuine diamond cut Charleston Alloys off ebay, the advert described them as in immaculate condition as they had recently refurbished. I bought the alloys on the strength of the advert and the assurance of the seller the wheels are immaculate.
They arrived today and well they are far from immaculate. I appreciate immaculate in the contact of used wheels can be subject to interpretation but i didn't expect every wheel to be scratched, to still have evidence of white worm and one wheel even had "ebay 0033" etched into the lacquer!
Contacted the seller and they have agreed to have the wheels collected on Monday refund the cost of the wheels, not the cost of delivery, i am of course going to dispute this and seek a full refund.
Looks like the ebay seller wants shot of the wheels ASAP as he has already relisted them which is odd as they are still in my garage waiting to be returned. He seems to have overlooked the fact they are not immaculate (he states otherwise) and one of the alloys has ebay etched into it :surprised: (
Bloke seems like a right dick head
Your pictures don't look freshly refurbished! Boils my piss that someone can do this to peoples hard earned money, someone on hear should request to view them and see what excuse they come up with as they are sat in your garage. I would but I'm in the south.
Waiting for car parts especially from overseas
Your pictures don't look freshly refurbished! Boils my piss that someone can do this to peoples hard earned money, someone on hear should request to view them and see what excuse they come up with as they are sat in your garage. I would but I'm in the south.
Im near by :evilgrin:
I just know there is going to be a problem getting a refund thank god i declined the offer of a 10% discount if i paid by bank transfer and opted to instead pay by paypal using my credit card. I like to play safe :laugh:
Your pictures don't look freshly refurbished! Boils my piss that someone can do this to peoples hard earned money, someone on hear should request to view them and see what excuse they come up with as they are sat in your garage. I would but I'm in the south.
Im near by :evilgrin:
I would love to see how he replies :grin:
People who park in front of my drive and then f**k off to god knows where thinking it is alright as it is Sunday evening!!!!! :fighting:
Your pictures don't look freshly refurbished! Boils my piss that someone can do this to peoples hard earned money, someone on hear should request to view them and see what excuse they come up with as they are sat in your garage. I would but I'm in the south.
Im near by :evilgrin:
I would love to see how he replies :grin:
I will do it lol
That would be amazing :grin:
That would be amazing :grin:
PMd him, will let you know if owt happens mate
BTW I won't do/say anything that may cause problems for your refund mate.
Thanks :happy2:
People who park in front of my drive and then f**k off to god knows where thinking it is alright as it is Sunday evening!!!!! :fighting:
We are getting a drive way put in next week and I can see this happening every time I leave the house, end of the day it's common sense not to park so your blocking someone's drive. Thick c**ts. Go let a tyre down I dare you :wink:
Thanks :happy2:
Away on business until Wed, Wed 2pm onwards your welcome to come on view.
That was his reply, convenient :booty:
LOL. Hopefully the wheels will be collected today. The wait for the courier begins!
People who purposely stand in front of you on a train platform to get on a train knowing full well that you have been standing waiting safely back for ages grr lol
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
People who purposely stand in front of you on a train platform to get on a train knowing full well that you have been standing waiting safely back for ages grr lol
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Commuters eh :laugh:
They know all the tactics
The Kindle Fire advert featuring the Mayday button where the girl appears on the corner of the screen and says things like " get back to you friends" or "for me it's Candy Crush Saga, it's becoming a real problem"
Makes me want to do an 'Elvis' and :fighting: the TV!
people who are like
"hmm im thinking of buying this car"
make your own bloody mind up or give me the money and i'll buy a car for me thank you very much
The Kindle Fire advert featuring the Mayday button where the girl appears on the corner of the screen and says things like " get back to you friends" or "for me it's Candy Crush Saga, it's becoming a real problem"
Makes me want to do an 'Elvis' and :fighting: the TV!
"My niece is coming over and want to limit how long she is on it for, how do i do that? (well something along those lines)"
Just take the fooking thing off her. Simple.
I f*cking hate that advert. just as bad as the car insurance one with that little robot prick
I like Brian! Can't stand that go compare ring piece!
When people refer to something as being "cheeky"
Ie " I had a cheeky pizza last night"
a 'cheeky Nandos' seems to be a popular one at the moment
I f*cking hate that advert. just as bad as the car insurance one with that little robot prick
I LOVE Brian! Especially when he says "Who is our Daddy?" And "Hello Mr Geezer" PMSL!! :signLOL:
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
How would u start the ad?
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
How would u start the ad?
x2, I'd love to know. We get the point that it is stating the bleeding obvious. It's just a formality people use.
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
How would u start the ad?
x2, I'd love to know. We get the point that it is stating the bleeding obvious. It's just a formality people use.
Make and model of car?????? I dont know why it's just that wording that niggles with me I dont like it, maybe even a simple "For Sale" to kick things off but normally for me that fact the car's for sale on ebay, trader, pistonheads ets clearly states your intention to sell, so from that I can clearly see it's been "presented" or made "available" thank you very much.
Far too many things to list here but my biggest hate is middle lane hoggers and just bad drivers in general :fighting:
At this precious moment. Employment Agencies :mad: :mad:
Was offered a contract position nearly 2 weeks ago and STILL waiting on the contract and start date even after chasing twice a week. What annoys me more is that i was assured the client wanted to move quickly and i would start with in 2 days!!
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
How would u start the ad?
x2, I'd love to know. We get the point that it is stating the bleeding obvious. It's just a formality people use.
Make and model of car?????? I dont know why it's just that wording that niggles with me I dont like it, maybe even a simple "For Sale" to kick things off but normally for me that fact the car's for sale on ebay, trader, pistonheads ets clearly states your intention to sell, so from that I can clearly see it's been "presented" or made "available" thank you very much.
Maybe some think its better to actually write something meaningful about their car instead of just listing the spec :stupid:
Soz genius
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
How would u start the ad?
x2, I'd love to know. We get the point that it is stating the bleeding obvious. It's just a formality people use.
Make and model of car?????? I dont know why it's just that wording that niggles with me I dont like it, maybe even a simple "For Sale" to kick things off but normally for me that fact the car's for sale on ebay, trader, pistonheads ets clearly states your intention to sell, so from that I can clearly see it's been "presented" or made "available" thank you very much.
Maybe some think its better to actually write something meaningful about their car instead of just listing the spec :stupid:
Soz genius
Genius.....haha that's actually the 2nd time someones called me that today..*licks finger sweeps eyebrows*
BOUGHT NOT BROUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Car ad's that start with - "Here I have for sale", "Here made available for sale is..." or "Here presented for sale is my..."
I don't know why just makes my blood boil, as soon as I've read that bit I just close the page and move on, I've probably missed out on loads of decent cars because of this. But hey that's my loss.
How would u start the ad?
x2, I'd love to know. We get the point that it is stating the bleeding obvious. It's just a formality people use.
Make and model of car?????? I dont know why it's just that wording that niggles with me I dont like it, maybe even a simple "For Sale" to kick things off but normally for me that fact the car's for sale on ebay, trader, pistonheads ets clearly states your intention to sell, so from that I can clearly see it's been "presented" or made "available" thank you very much.
Maybe some think its better to actually write something meaningful about their car instead of just listing the spec :stupid:
Soz genius
Genius.....haha that's actually the 2nd time someones called me that today..*licks finger sweeps eyebrows*
Car adverts where they have no pictures of the interior but they have pictures of their showroom and forecourt!?!?!?!
People selling wheels as 'mint', turning up to buy them and finding out there all kerbed to death and one has a massive weld the width of the wheel.
BOUGHT NOT BROUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1 I usually end up asking "where have you brought it from and how much have you bought it for?"
Middle lane hoggers (accross 2 lanes and back across 2 lanes just to overtake some numpty).
Seagulls that love to deposit a fishy white paste on your car usually after washing it (hence I have white cars!)
Old people that drive at 40mph in a 60mph limit and stay at 40mph even tho its now a 30 limit!!!!!
PPI Automated phone calls/texts :fighting:
People driving at night who slow down when a car is coming towards them (If your eyes are bad, dont drive at night!!!!)
Scammers/Thieves, should be castrated as a minimum or preferably be euthanised, will help curb the wasters in this world
Crows/Seagulls who have a penchant for Golf Balls and nick your ball after you just creamed a 300+yd drive into the middle of the fairway!!
Keyboard warriors! :fighting2:
Next day delivery paid for and it arrrives 2 days later!!
^^^^ That's a great list (albeit you clearly have some anger issues). :signLOL:
BOUGHT NOT BROUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like you couldn't imagine. Its not healthy how much such a little thing riles me so much.
People who don't know the difference between lose and loose.
People who don't know the difference between lose and loose.
Or "Their" or "There" :signLOL:
^^^^ That's a great list (albeit you clearly have some anger issues). :signLOL:
I do get annoyed often, but not angry that often :signLOL:
y do ppl fink their cleverer cos they can spell proper?
y do ppl fink their cleverer cos they can spell proper?
"Their" used in correct sense, no problem with that :grin:
y do ppl fink their cleverer cos they can spell proper?
"Their" used in correct sense, no problem with that :grin:
Surely it should be "they're"??
as in "they think THEY ARE (they're) cleverer"?
:party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, "their home"; "their rights as citizens".
Correcting one word in a sentence being wholly incorrect is pointless tho :wink:
Why do people insist on writing/typing at all unless it's correct (unless you want people to think your thick) :signLOL:
If you are going to do something, do it right, or get someone who can to do it for you :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
People who don't know the difference between lose and loose.
Or "Their" or "There" :signLOL:
I was going to put that as well. :signLOL:
a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, "their home"; "their rights as citizens".
Correcting one word in a sentence being wholly incorrect is pointless tho :wink:
Why do people insist on writing/typing at all unless it's correct (unless you want people to think your thick) :signLOL:
If you are going to do something, do it right, or get someone who can to do it for you :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
ehhhh you're confusing me lol. :scared: :scared: :scared:
a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, "their home"; "their rights as citizens".
Correcting one word in a sentence being wholly incorrect is pointless tho :wink:
Why do people insist on writing/typing at all unless it's correct (unless you want people to think your thick) :signLOL:
If you are going to do something, do it right, or get someone who can to do it for you :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
ehhhh you're confusing me lol. :scared: :scared: :scared:
Persecution prosecution rests it's case........................... :signLOL:
a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, "their home"; "their rights as citizens".
Correcting one word in a sentence being wholly incorrect is pointless tho :wink:
Why do people insist on writing/typing at all unless it's correct (unless you want people to think your thick) :signLOL:
If you are going to do something, do it right, or get someone who can to do it for you :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
so its ok to say
"their so funny"
I don't think so.
Back on topic..................
Diesel spills on the road (usually on a bend or roundabout when you happen to be pressing on) :scared:
HGV drivers who insist on being 12 inches from your rear bumper in traffic :fighting2:
People that drive at 40mph in a 60mph zone and when you go to overtake either speed up (Idiots!) or flash their lights/blast their horn at you like your the one who is doing something wrong :fighting:
Jehova's witnesses knocking on your door (Sneaky round our way, they have been sending very attractive young ladies round!!)
a form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, "their home"; "their rights as citizens".
Correcting one word in a sentence being wholly incorrect is pointless tho :wink:
Why do people insist on writing/typing at all unless it's correct (unless you want people to think your thick) :signLOL:
If you are going to do something, do it right, or get someone who can to do it for you :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
so its ok to say
"their so funny"
I don't think so.
It's ok to say their if it's OK to say Cleverer :signLOL:
People that drive at 40mph in a 60mph zone and when you go to overtake either speed up (Idiots!) or flash their lights/blast their horn at you like your the one who is doing something wrong :fighting:
I had that twice the other day, i swear to god, the woman was doing 30mph in a 60 zone.
Then flashed her lights after I had overtaken her.
Stupid c**t
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
The bridge over the m9 at grangemouth, quite often has a police camera van sitting on it, most of the miopic old farts driving about 60 ( which i suppose must be like piloting the USS Enterprise compared to the model t ford they passed their test in) slam on their brakes when they spot the van. One day there is going to be a massive pile up here, ffs its a f#######g motorway you really can drive at 70 and not get proscecuted feffin retards
that lottery programme on Saturday nights, it really irritates me how the contestants witter on before answering the questions, don't they get it that the quicker they answer the questions the more money they will win. Also Dale Winton slavers a lot of crap all the way through it, obviously gets a bonus for keeping the jackpot low. I am surprised one of the poor sods that don't get picked don't snap and shout over to the ones answering the questions to "fu####g hurry up, we want on as well"
Bearded men wearing dresses winning the Eurovision….seriously wtf is this world coming to
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
...and if you're leaving as much room as the Highway Code says, which is as much room as you would for a car, then two abreast makes them easier to pass because the joint overall length is shorter. According to the good book, they must not be more than two abreast.
Don't flame me. I'm not going to defend every cyclist any more that I'd defend all GTI drivers. I might ride a push bike from time to time, but motorcycles, HGV (class one), PCVs and Mk5 GTIs much, much more!
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
They're (They are)
Their (They own/posess)
There (A place)
Bring it back up you just did.
Cyclists on the road are a pain, 2nd class citizens :signLOL:
my lass :signLOL:
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
...and if you're leaving as much room as the Highway Code says, which is as much room as you would for a car, then two abreast makes them easier to pass because the joint overall length is shorter. According to the good book, they must not be more than two abreast.
Don't flame me. I'm not going to defend every cyclist any more that I'd defend all GTI drivers. I might ride a push bike from time to time, but motorcycles, HGV (class one), PCVs and Mk5 GTIs much, much more!
Where do you live that people are "taught" how to ride a push bike? :stupid: :signLOL:
And if they're riding to the Highway Code they might wanna skip to the page that says a red light on a traffic light means stop :congrats:
Bin men, or more precisely those dustcart drivers who feel a compulsion to to stop, load then unload the bins in the middle of the bloody road stopping all traffic flow when they could quite easily just pull over to the kerb and do it. But oh no, that would be too easy. Its probably the highlight of their miserable lives. :mad:
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
...and if you're leaving as much room as the Highway Code says, which is as much room as you would for a car, then two abreast makes them easier to pass because the joint overall length is shorter. According to the good book, they must not be more than two abreast.
Don't flame me. I'm not going to defend every cyclist any more that I'd defend all GTI drivers. I might ride a push bike from time to time, but motorcycles, HGV (class one), PCVs and Mk5 GTIs much, much more!
Where do you live that people are "taught" how to ride a push bike? :stupid: :signLOL:
And if they're riding to the Highway Code they might wanna skip to the page that says a red light on a traffic light means stop :congrats:
:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Beat me to that. :signLOL:
Cyclists ride 2 abreast to make it easier and safer for a vehicle to pass them , it shortens the length of the overtake , 2 cycles one behind the other are at least 25 feet long , 2 cycles side by side are only the length of the bikes . This is why you will find alot of cyclist riding like this , afterall road safety is alot more important to a cyclist due to their vulnerability :innocent:
People selling parts at almost market value :stupid:
Surly by 2nd hand rule things should be 75% or less than new price always has been in my book :signLOL:
People at work who phone you up immediately after sending you an email to tell you they've sent you an email.
Me - Hello
Them - Hi, I've just sent you an email
Me - p*ss of then and give me time to read it
People that sit and clam benefits and get free cars and are well off for f**k all! Just about everyone around here that clams are conning the system I know for a fact there is sh*t all wrong with them. Why do they need to give all these fancy cars out for? Why not just say like a list of say 3 cars to pick from with cars such as kia's there is no need for every car under the sun to pick From.
Every nice sunny day I come home for work to find these Cnuts sitting out in the sun having a cold beer, smiling and laughing. Probs laughing at me 'look at that fool who works his arse off as we sit here having fun and getting payed for it' :fighting: :fighting:
Why dont we just ship all the work shy benefits claimers off to Gibraltar and when we know they all there, hand Gibraltar back to spain :signLOL: :signLOL:
Altho seeing as its Tax payers money thats bailing spain out already, not sure it would work?.
Edit, after handing gibraltar back we immediatley drop out of the Eurozone :happy2:
Yeah, I pass a row of terraced houses on the way back from work every day, and on hot days like today after sweating my arse off since 5am , you see all these f#####g lazy b######s that have never done a days work sitting on old sofas, sunbathing, drinking had laughing without a care in the world, while their vast brood of kids play on a f######g trampoline. And I think , its daft c####s like me who keep you in this lifestyle, not knowing if I will even have a pension to live off when I retire. I would tie the b######t to a conveyor belt separating waste for 12 hours a day.
this advert:
The SLS AMG (the one with gullwing doors) reg H4 WEE that passed me this morning quickly followed by a Nissan GTR :fighting: :fighting:
Ever so slightly jelous as well as irritated
this advert:
That blantently looks like its been robbed....
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
...and if you're leaving as much room as the Highway Code says, which is as much room as you would for a car, then two abreast makes them easier to pass because the joint overall length is shorter. According to the good book, they must not be more than two abreast.
Don't flame me. I'm not going to defend every cyclist any more that I'd defend all GTI drivers. I might ride a push bike from time to time, but motorcycles, HGV (class one), PCVs and Mk5 GTIs much, much more!
Where do you live that people are "taught" how to ride a push bike? :stupid: :signLOL:
And if they're riding to the Highway Code they might wanna skip to the page that says a red light on a traffic light means stop :congrats:
:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Beat me to that. :signLOL:
OK, I got flamed but I'll risk it again.
They're - used in the context of "they are taught..." and so correct.
Where do I live? England. The cycling proficiency test is now called Bikeability and my daughter's doing it next week. I wouldn't let my kids ride without proper training and I'm not so arrogant that I think I know it all.
Finally, cyclists who go through red lights, ride on the pavement or without lights at night wind me up, too. Or didn't you get to my last line? :wink:
People on this site you pm, and you know they are online, but don't have the decency to reply.
People who complain when it's to cold and then complain when it's to hot :rolleye:
these f#####g lazy b######s that have never done a days work sitting on old sofas, sunbathing, drinking had laughing without a care in the world
Maybe they work different hours to you?
Anyway, from what I've heard, you actually do have a better lifestyle if you are gainfully employed.
these f#####g lazy b######s that have never done a days work sitting on old sofas, sunbathing, drinking had laughing without a care in the world
Maybe they work different hours to you?
Anyway, from what I've heard, you actually do have a better lifestyle if you are gainfully employed.
believe me they don't work, well apart from the occassional housebreaking and murdering someone who had the audacity to go to their door and complain about the noise from a party
People who assume that because you cant see my disability, that theres nothing 'wrong' with me. I worked as a teacher until two and a half years ago. Once l was diagnosed and signed off work, the amount of people who said words to the affect of 'you dont look ill, why arent you at work' really surprised me. I was hugely upset by some of the comments, so much so that l now dread going into my local town centre in case l see these people again. At times l wish ld got a plaster cast etc to 'prove' that lm ill. There is such a stigma attached to mental illness that no one wants to talk about it, or are, like l was, embarassed to admit to it, for fear of being judged or labelled. Ive lost some 'friends' because of my illness and my way of coping, but l have also gained some new, genuine, friends who take me for what l am and who l am.
Just because you cant see something doesnt mean its not there.
Severe Depression, Severe Anxiety, Bipolar Personality Disorder. There are many more, but these are the invisible illnesses that lm living with on a daily basis. I know l can get better, and lm sure l will, one day.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Sorry for the rant.
these f#####g lazy b######s that have never done a days work sitting on old sofas, sunbathing, drinking had laughing without a care in the world
Maybe they work different hours to you?
Anyway, from what I've heard, you actually do have a better lifestyle if you are gainfully employed.
When you live in a small village like me you know who works and who doesn't, people know everyone else business from what they had for dinner to mental health like someone wrote above. I know there isn't any thing wrong with these people to stop them working. I don't judge a book by its cover if I don't know them but I know these people and they are nothing but a waste of space. 1. Get a job. 2. Stop breeding, I hope these wasters take note.
People that drive expensive cars and you can tell they haven't move a finger to get the money for them. Fraud. Fraud. Fraud. That is all.
People who assume that because you cant see my disability, that theres nothing 'wrong' with me. I worked as a teacher until two and a half years ago. Once l was diagnosed and signed off work, the amount of people who said words to the affect of 'you dont look ill, why arent you at work' really surprised me. I was hugely upset by some of the comments, so much so that l now dread going into my local town centre in case l see these people again. At times l wish ld got a plaster cast etc to 'prove' that lm ill. There is such a stigma attached to mental illness that no one wants to talk about it, or are, like l was, embarassed to admit to it, for fear of being judged or labelled. Ive lost some 'friends' because of my illness and my way of coping, but l have also gained some new, genuine, friends who take me for what l am and who l am.
Just because you cant see something doesnt mean its not there.
Severe Depression, Severe Anxiety, Bipolar Personality Disorder. There are many more, but these are the invisible illnesses that lm living with on a daily basis. I know l can get better, and lm sure l will, one day.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Sorry for the rant.
I think you've just put everyone else's "irritations" into perspective. I consider myself very lucky that the closest I've come was a fractured skull. My symptoms from that were deeply unpleasant but fortunately temporary. I honestly found broken legs and sternum easier to cope with, for similar reasons you gave. Friends with invisible illnesses like these report exactly the same. Their advice? Talk about it and let your true friends show themselves.
My sincere best wishes for a full recovery.
SRC. Thank you for your kind wishes.
Means a lot.
Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
...and if you're leaving as much room as the Highway Code says, which is as much room as you would for a car, then two abreast makes them easier to pass because the joint overall length is shorter. According to the good book, they must not be more than two abreast.
Don't flame me. I'm not going to defend every cyclist any more that I'd defend all GTI drivers. I might ride a push bike from time to time, but motorcycles, HGV (class one), PCVs and Mk5 GTIs much, much more!
Where do you live that people are "taught" how to ride a push bike? :stupid: :signLOL:
And if they're riding to the Highway Code they might wanna skip to the page that says a red light on a traffic light means stop :congrats:
:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Beat me to that. :signLOL:
OK, I got flamed but I'll risk it again.
They're - used in the context of "they are taught..." and so correct.
Where do I live? England. The cycling proficiency test is now called Bikeability and my daughter's doing it next week. I wouldn't let my kids ride without proper training and I'm not so arrogant that I think I know it all.
Finally, cyclists who go through red lights, ride on the pavement or without lights at night wind me up, too. Or didn't you get to my last line? :wink:
I'm well aware of the cycling proficiency test, as I did it as a child myself, but there lies the problem.... It's taken by children at school and not the idiots who sign up for a ride to work scheme having not cycled for years and then have no clue how to behave on the road :stupid: they sum up the phrase "all the gear and no idea"
As for thinking you were flamed it was you who came out with the ridiculous comment suggesting cyclists are following the rules of the Highway Code and were fairly patronising in the way you put it forward
I for one have nothing against cyclists, I leave them plenty of room and if they want to ride like idiots risking their lives then so be it, unfortunately many of them also drive cars and seem to bring with them a false sense of security thinking they won't get hurt and a helmet will work miracles
What actually has been annoying me of late is the amount of car drivers looking for races and traffic light gp's :stupid:
Usually driving fairly underpowered cars but insist on trying to race me and when I play ball, say from a set of lights, take more and more dangerous risks just to stay in front and in most cases I slow down as I don't want them to cause an accident and somebody get hurt :fighting:
Dave there's a few bellends round my way that seem to think there focus and mopeds can nail the back roads at 80+ which has more blind corners than I can even think of a word for. Again they will sit up your ass, as soon as I put my foot down slighty on a straight they will do there best to over take on the wrong side of road, round a tight blind corner. Now that's scary driving!
I will never race someone on a road like this nor on any road to be honest as there is to many tits that believe because they've watched Vin diesel pull off 100+ mph one handed drifts they have gained the knowledge to drive like ken block :jumping: I don't want to be part blamed for 'encouraging' the knobhead that took out a innocent car so like yourself I just slow down now.
Pulling away from a porsche on a dual carriage way is I guess contradicting myself about racing but when his gf smiles at you when you let him catch up that's a bonus :P but hardly dangerous on a straight empty road.
See you Sunday mate for some wheel spins off the lakeside traffic lights :signLOL: :P
Dave there's a few bellends round my way that seem to think there focus and mopeds can nail the back roads at 80+ which has more blind corners than I can even think of a word for. Again they will sit up your ass, as soon as I put my foot down slighty on a straight they will do there best to over take on the wrong side of road, round a tight blind corner. Now that's scary driving!
I will never race someone on a road like this nor on any road to be honest as there is to many tits that believe because they've watched Vin diesel pull off 100+ mph one handed drifts they have gained the knowledge to drive like ken bloke :jumping: I don't want to be part blamed for 'encouraging' the knobhead that took out a innocent car so like yourself I just slow down now.
Pulling away from a porsche on a dual carriage way is I guess contradicting myself about racing but when his gf smiles at you when you let him catch up that's a bonus :P but hardly dangerous on a straight empty road.
See you Sunday mate for some wheel spins off the lakeside traffic lights :signLOL: :P
Funnily enough my latest game is once I've spotted the knobheads is to encourage them at a set of lights revving slightly, then they go green they fly off spinning wheels smoke everywhere and I just pull away normally :signLOL:
Look on their face is a picture :sad1:
I'll leave the wheel spins to you mate as I can't even do it if I try :booty: :signLOL:
Not having spare cash when one of the major mods on the wish list comes up in the classifieds :sad1:
Dave there's a few bellends round my way that seem to think there focus and mopeds can nail the back roads at 80+ which has more blind corners than I can even think of a word for. Again they will sit up your ass, as soon as I put my foot down slighty on a straight they will do there best to over take on the wrong side of road, round a tight blind corner. Now that's scary driving!
I will never race someone on a road like this nor on any road to be honest as there is to many tits that believe because they've watched Vin diesel pull off 100+ mph one handed drifts they have gained the knowledge to drive like ken bloke :jumping: I don't want to be part blamed for 'encouraging' the knobhead that took out a innocent car so like yourself I just slow down now.
Pulling away from a porsche on a dual carriage way is I guess contradicting myself about racing but when his gf smiles at you when you let him catch up that's a bonus :P but hardly dangerous on a straight empty road.
See you Sunday mate for some wheel spins off the lakeside traffic lights :signLOL: :P
Funnily enough my latest game is once I've spotted the knobheads is to encourage them at a set of lights revving slightly, then they go green they fly off spinning wheels smoke everywhere and I just pull away normally :signLOL:
Look on their face is a picture :sad1:
I'll leave the wheel spins to you mate as I can't even do it if I try :booty: :signLOL:
The funniest is when they stall :signLOL: or when you can see his girlfriend shouting at him for driving like a tit !
Never done a wheel spin on purpose in my life, don't see the point lol
Not having spare cash when one of the major mods on the wish list comes up in the classifieds :sad1:
Know the feeling mike, however them seats really have got your name on them, got any offers on the wife son and dog yet :P
Nothing :sad1:
Funnily enough my latest game is once I've spotted the knobheads is to encourage them at a set of lights revving slightly, then they go green they fly off spinning wheels smoke everywhere and I just pull away normally :signLOL:
Look on their face is a picture :sad1:
I'll leave the wheel spins to you mate as I can't even do it if I try :booty: :signLOL:
hahahahahaha I love doing that to people, especially scum driving Corsa's etc!
Not having spare cash when one of the major mods on the wish list comes up in the classifieds :sad1:
i would have bought the lot if I had the money!!!
especially the brakes and seats!!
interested to see what price the wheels are going to be listed at....
Yeah that for sale thread is like a complete wish list of parts :notworthy:
If I didn't already have my brakes sorted I'd be all over it :love:
Nothing :sad1:
I apologize for shouting.
Being offered the chance to work in another country (Vietnam) with a new Mobile Operator owned by the same consortium backing Three. Twelve months ago i would have been over this like a rash but with Mrs DD recovering from 6 months of pretty nasty treatment i can't really take it. :sad1:
Loose chippings on roads!!
Its that time of year again when councils cover knackered roads in loose chippings, they don't fix the damage underneath they just throw tar down and then the chippings. Its dangerous for motorbikes and cyclists, you have to hope your paint and windscreen don't get chipped and damaged complete waste of time! :stupid:
Being offered the job I have been working towards for 6 years... but having to give over 3 months notice... even though it's an internal transfer!!!
People throwing cigarettes and other s@@@ out the car windows on the motorway when riding behind on a motorbike.
Feekin handpumps :popcornsoda:
Saving HARD for a house deposit, finally thinking I have enough, go through the mortgage application and get accepted.
Then find out houses and flats in Aberdeenshire are going for £20-50k above valuations :scared:
So now I have to save for the over valuation price
Aberdeen prices will always be sky high. :mad:
When people use the first fuel pump instead of using the one in front and not being able to drive around to use the front one... Especially if on the pump with v power in there ford ka
When people use the first fuel pump instead of using the one in front and not being able to drive around to use the front one... Especially if on the pump with v power in there ford ka
That plus the driver taking their sweet ass time driving away from the pump :fighting:
When people use the first fuel pump instead of using the one in front and not being able to drive around to use the front one... Especially if on the pump with v power in there ford ka
That plus the driver taking their sweet ass time driving away from the pump :fighting:
Worse is a combination of those two plus them doing a weekly shop as it's a tesco direct shop aswell as a petrol station :fighting: :fighting:
Aberdeen prices will always be sky high. :mad:
As is just about everything else..£4.85 for a pint of john a pub, on my last visit!
Och..but the wages aren,t too bad either, enough to attract quite o few of us from the SW to work up there.
Beats selling pasties and ice cream for a living!
I thought Winchester had extortionate beer prices but £4.85 is bloody ridiculous :stupid:
I thought Winchester had extortionate beer prices but £4.85 is bloody ridiculous :stupid:
I hear you there mate, walked out of the Black Boy the other day and Im sure I need a new mortgage to cover the bill!
I thought Winchester had extortionate beer prices but £4.85 is bloody ridiculous :stupid:
I hear you there mate, walked out of the Black Boy the other day and Im sure I need a new mortgage to cover the bill!
I have a theory beer gets cheaper the higher up the high street you go. Royal Oak isn't too bad but my favourite is still the Exchange.
I thought Winchester had extortionate beer prices but £4.85 is bloody ridiculous :stupid:
I hear you there mate, walked out of the Black Boy the other day and Im sure I need a new mortgage to cover the bill!
I have a theory beer gets cheaper the higher up the high street you go. Royal Oak isn't too bad but my favourite is still the Exchange.
Think you're right there, I've not tried the Exchange - good opportunity to drag the guys out for a beer to try it out!
F*cking Kn*bhead motorcyclists blasting down the inside of you on the M/Way at about 80-90mph, bloke on the M1 on Sunday was literally about a millisecond away from death as the car in front pulled over just after he'd passed, not only could he have ended up in thousands of pieces the carnage he could have caused around him would have been dreadful. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
F*cking Kn*bhead motorcyclists blasting down the inside of you on the M/Way at about 80-90mph, bloke on the M1 on Sunday was literally about a millisecond away from death as the car in front pulled over just after he'd passed, not only could he have ended up in thousands of pieces the carnage he could have caused around him would have been dreadful. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Car drivers hogging the middle lane doing 60 - 70 mph. Causes congestion, and the inside lane ends up empty apart from a lorry or two.
F*cking Kn*bhead motorcyclists blasting down the inside of you on the M/Way at about 80-90mph, bloke on the M1 on Sunday was literally about a millisecond away from death as the car in front pulled over just after he'd passed, not only could he have ended up in thousands of pieces the carnage he could have caused around him would have been dreadful. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Car drivers hogging the middle lane doing 60 - 70 mph. Causes congestion, and the inside lane ends up empty apart from a lorry or two.
Realistically, if you intend to drive at the speed limit the opportunity to drive in the inside lane is pretty much non existent as it's full of lorries slipstreaming at 56mph. Even If you do get a chance to drop into the inside lane it's only for 20seconds.
The real issue is people who overtake in the outside lane at 70.1mph and take hours about it. Although it's illegal, I still want to drive at 80, people often think they're doing nothing wrong because they're doing 70 in the outside. :(
F*cking Kn*bhead motorcyclists blasting down the inside of you on the M/Way at about 80-90mph, bloke on the M1 on Sunday was literally about a millisecond away from death as the car in front pulled over just after he'd passed, not only could he have ended up in thousands of pieces the carnage he could have caused around him would have been dreadful. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Car drivers hogging the middle lane doing 60 - 70 mph. Causes congestion, and the inside lane ends up empty apart from a lorry or two.
Realistically, if you intend to drive at the speed limit the opportunity to drive in the inside lane is pretty much non existent as it's full of lorries slipstreaming at 56mph. Even If you do get a chance to drop into the inside lane it's only for 20seconds.
The real issue is people who overtake in the outside lane at 70.1mph and take hours about it. Although it's illegal, I still want to drive at 80, people often think they're doing nothing wrong because they're doing 70 in the outside. :(
This was nothing to do with lane hoggers etc, the motorway was busy but all 3 lanes operating as they should, this inside was full of slower moving vehicles, middle (including myself) moving at approx 65-70ish passing, and the outside lane moving quicker, there was absolutely no excuse for him to do what he did....other than he's a dick that was in a hurry.
F*cking Kn*bhead motorcyclists blasting down the inside of you on the M/Way at about 80-90mph, bloke on the M1 on Sunday was literally about a millisecond away from death as the car in front pulled over just after he'd passed, not only could he have ended up in thousands of pieces the carnage he could have caused around him would have been dreadful. :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
Car drivers hogging the middle lane doing 60 - 70 mph. Causes congestion, and the inside lane ends up empty apart from a lorry or two.
Realistically, if you intend to drive at the speed limit the opportunity to drive in the inside lane is pretty much non existent as it's full of lorries slipstreaming at 56mph. Even If you do get a chance to drop into the inside lane it's only for 20seconds.
The real issue is people who overtake in the outside lane at 70.1mph and take hours about it. Although it's illegal, I still want to drive at 80, people often think they're doing nothing wrong because they're doing 70 in the outside. :(
This was nothing to do with lane hoggers etc, the motorway was busy but all 3 lanes operating as they should, this inside was full of slower moving vehicles, middle (including myself) moving at approx 65-70ish passing, and the outside lane moving quicker, there was absolutely no excuse for him to do what he did....other than he's a dick that was in a hurry.
I wasn't condoning what the biker did. Just replying the car drivers hogging the middle lane post. And biker who undertakes at speed is an utter bell-end. It's dangerous enough being on a small light bike amongst cars, not taking into account how invisible you are whilst undertaking.
ordering stuff online :fighting:, the site says " item in stock ready for dispatch " phone them up in the morning to confirm the order and delivery date for next day, the response is always every frigging time " sorry there not in stock and will be with us by the end of the week so expect delivery early next week. if i added up all the paypal delivery charge refunds, i could buy a mk7 R for me and the missus :jumping:
ordering stuff online :fighting:, the site says " item in stock ready for dispatch " phone them up in the morning to confirm the order and delivery date for next day, the response is always every frigging time " sorry there not in stock and will be with us by the end of the week so expect delivery early next week. if i added up all the paypal delivery charge refunds, i could buy a mk7 R for me and the missus :jumping:
hahahahaha :party: :party: :party:
I know exactly what you mean. I ordering something off a website, it said it was in stock and then I got an email saying the SUPPLIERS will be getting it in stock within 2 weeks and then I will receive it
the bit that winds me up is they take payment for next day special delivery :confused:
the bit that winds me up is they take payment for next day special delivery :confused:
hahahaha exactly!!!! arse holes man
There's passing a cyclist with safe distance... then there's full on driving like you're suddenly in America, head on towards myself :driver:
There's passing a cyclist with safe distance... then there's full on driving like you're suddenly in America, head on towards myself :driver:
I think I may be one of those culprits lol, but I only do that if the oncoming car is miles away
if not I will hold back and wait
Paying £337 to have a new air con condenser fitted, now six weeks later finding it's blowing hot air, returning it to complain and being told it's another £48 for the sensor/switch as there's power to it but not out, then (what a bloody surprise) "sorry but there's bad news, you need a new compressor", FFS it's over £850 now!
Less irritated now (apart from the £s). Was thinking of selling the golf when it was costing a fortune to be fixed, and I was driving a silly cheap to run automatic skoda citigo, but now I've got the golf back, I love it again ... :)
Moved house 4 weeks ago and have had Sky make a complete f*ck up blaming Openreach taking 4 weeks to connect my fibre broadband again. Settled for just broadband till next tuesday!
People who don't pick up their dog's sh*te off the pavement.
Dirty horrible scum.
People who don't pick up their dog's sh*te off the pavement.
Dirty horrible scum.
I've noticed that "tolerance" is common amongst us guys so here's a works of advice my ol'man gave me one upon a time...
If your tolerance is less that the level of sh*t you receive, get the hell out of there!
Fruit juice liars. You pick up a carton of Tropicana Orange and Raspberry then read the ingredients and find it is actually 52% apple juice, 12% grape juice and then the rest is orange and raspberry!
Going up a couple of posts, there is someone who live round my way who does pick up their dog's sh*t, but then throws the bag in the bushes. I reckon that's worse than just leaving it for the flies!
I am going to Germany driving through France Belgium Holland and into Germany
they will not sell me an internet booster I have to go on google chrome and order it when I am in the country I am staying in
if I cant get wifi while driving I cant pay for a booster ?
stupid people and stupid company
People joining a motorway at 40mph :fighting:
How stupid can you be attempting to join traffic flowing at 60-70mph at 40mph :stupid:
My boss
I think the wife can go in here today :fighting:
Fruit juice liars. You pick up a carton of Tropicana Orange and Raspberry then read the ingredients and find it is actually 52% apple juice, 12% grape juice and then the rest is orange and raspberry!
Going up a couple of posts, there is someone who live round my way who does pick up their dog's sh*t, but then throws the bag in the bushes. I reckon that's worse than just leaving it for the flies!
That absolutely sends me into a rage, also these people that go to all the bother of picking their dog mess up, bagging it and hanging it on a post or sitting it on top of a wall, they'd be better leaving it on the floor at least it would wash away or decompose eventually. Hanging is too good for them :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
A person advertising for parts in the wanted section, you respond to his ad, he wants what you have and asks for your paypal details, you being a trusting person, whilst waiting for the payment, weighs, measures, arranges a courier. Then you hear nothing for a few days, so had to cancel the courier, and pm the person, who says " I still want the parts can you send paypal details again???".
This time you wait for the payment, 1 week, 2 weeks no payment, so you look at his last posts and see he has got the parts elsewhere, SO THANKS FOR WASTING PART OF MY LIFE TRYIN G TO HELP YOU YA FEFFING WASTE OF SPACE, you know who you are
Original installation date: 23rd July.
Actual date I finally get phone and internet connection to get back on the forum: 1st October.
Sky didn't exactly chase them on my behalf.
When people wipe bogeys on the cubicles in toilets, why!?
There's 300m of bog roll 12" below where you've wiped a big crusty specimen you vile beast.
Dogs off lead and not under control on shared paths. Why? Plenty of fields for that.
Reading this has made me realise i hate just about everything
Is it cos im getting older? 3 years from 40
Oh my god 3 years from 40
I'm with this man.
I'm with this man.
I think there's still space on the Mars misson: right up your street/s...
It's a single. :laugh: :happy2:
Haha no thanks I am in a relationship :grin:
Lol, did you hear of that woman who's leaving her husband and family to be onboard the misson! To be out there! On Mars, for ever... :stupid:
..when you're on cruise control and overtake someone on the motorway, then 30 secs later they pass you, pull in ahead of you, then proceed to slow down again :fighting:
..when you're on cruise control and overtake someone on the motorway, then 30 secs later they pass you, pull in ahead of you, then proceed to slow down again :fighting:
If everyone drove with cruise control this problem would be a thing of the past
That's the very reason I don't use it!
Lol, did you hear of that woman who's leaving her husband and family to be onboard the misson! To be out there! On Mars, for ever... :stupid:
Screw leaving everything behind to be killed by space-monsters.
What happens when all these now single people decide they're dying for a shag?
What happens when all these now single people decide they're dying for a shag?
Sure there's some Nasa developed device for that sort of thing.. :love:
Are they gonna supply the woman's husband with one, too?
Nah, he has to wait until she's out of Radio contact, then gets a free Hall Pass.
Curbing wheels

Seems it only happens when you get new wheels
The joys of on street parking
They are "the word that sounds like HUNTS"
exactly! thats the one.
Don't know if any of you other users are selling or looking to sell online. Would be interested to hear from you.
^ in respect to what? cars / car parts / general goods?
^ in respect to what? cars / car parts / general goods?
Anything i've been selling general goods since dial up. Built up to over a 1000 orders a day at one point. Past few years have been tough.
Tractor drivers going for miles along the road with massive tailbacks behind them, read you highway code you flipping morons, pull over now and again to let people pass
When people cruise at 40mph in a national speed limit single carriage road then it gets to a dual carriage and it turns into wacky races with people at 80+ mph then back down to 40 when dual carriageway stops!!!!
Eg the York to Scarborough road! :fighting:
thread revivals :signLOL:
Ginger people.
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Ginger people.
Yeh them too. Had one on my street when I was a kid used to follow me everywhere.
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2 brothers are ginger and I work with 1 of them!
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thread revivals :signLOL:
its my topc, I can revive it if I want :booty: :booty: :booty:
Mine is - lazy work colleagues who think they are above others.
We have one at ours - it is forever taking breaks, putting itself unavailable without telling colleagues meaning we take its work. It is not at desk ready to work until 9:25, yet logs off at 5:30. It is forever moaning about being how busy it is, but taking no effort to get in early to catch up (if it really is that busy) - which leads us to the conclusion that it is actually faking an affront at being busy whilst it is just on its Iphone half the day.
Second to that - the managers we have complained to about said above, who have so far taken no action... :fighting:
Chips without salt... :sick:
Chips without salt... :sick:
Surely that should be Chips without Vinegar :sick:
Gingers I married 1
Bought - to purchase
BROUGHT - to take somewhere
It's hardly rocket science to use the right one in context.
X factor :fighting: :fighting:
Staff in Subway who ask if I want cheese after I've asked for a 'steak and cheese'. Every single f*cking time :fighting:
The Post Offices new policy of asking what's in my parcel that I want to post. Mind your own business! Why can't they just have a list of restricted items like they do at airport check-ins and ask if it's any of the listed items?
Bought - to purchase
BROUGHT - to take somewhere
It's hardly rocket science to use the right one in context.
Another one from me...
People (mainly old women) who treat the swimming pool as a social get-together. They stand around at the shallow end talking taking up precious space that those of us swimming lengths need.
And don't get me started on the aqua aerobics class either :scared: When the morning general swim finishes at 9.15am I do not appreciate a group of 20 women getting in early for their class at 9.10am and spreading themselves across the pool waiting to start when me and other people are still clearly plodding up and down the lengths.
steve wright on radio 2, and most radio dj,s, what's the point playing songs if you start gibbering over it half way through :fighting:
Better then, earlier then, heavier then. Etc.
It's THAN.
An unbelievable list as I have a lot of OCD's
But besides OCD's, people flicking your ears
People chewing loudly
Cars not indicating when you're waiting at a junction for them to go past, only for them to turn into the road you are waiting at :@
Cars not indicating when you're waiting at a junction for them to go past, only for them to turn into the road you are waiting at :@
This in spades. :rolleye:
Bought - to purchase
BROUGHT - to take somewhere
It's hardly rocket science to use the right one in context.
Definitely agree with this one! Just too much effort to correct people every time.
My one has to be when fellas on Facebook take more selfies than their girlfriends do! I don't think I've ever taken a photo of myself!
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Seeing above ^ ..... people who incorrectly use "genuinely" and "generally"
For instance, someone on my facebook posted only yesterday "I generally can't wait for my holiday next week"
This really grinds on me.
Defiantly, instead of definitely.
I think most of it comes from autocorrect. And laziness/ignorance.
Laziness and attention seeking if it's Facebook.
People on there will ask a question, that they could just search for as they are on some marvellous thing called the Internet. Google it morons
Seeing above ^ ..... people who incorrectly use "genuinely" and "generally"
For instance, someone on my facebook posted only yesterday "I generally can't wait for my holiday next week"
This really grinds on me.
idiots on facebook telling the world they are going on holiday, posting pictures on holiday, the local housebreakers must love it.then when they come home they bleat on forums about some scumbag breaking into their house and stealing all their expensive possessions, then driving off in their golf r, rs4 etc, (insert make of car for whichever forum they belong to)
I keep seeing ponies chained up on the grass verge next to the road. If you can't afford to buy/rent a field, don't get a f***in' horse!
People who do their weekly shopping after filling their car with petrol and leaving it by the pump you're waiting on..
People who turn on fog lights when it's not foggy
People who don't indicate on roundabouts.. People who don't indicate in general.
Middle lane drivers.
People who leave their car alarms activated at car shows :stupid:
When you let somebody in and they don't thank you
When you indicate in due time and slow to turn a very sharp corner, yet some idiot behind you beeps as if you're doing something wrong. Most infuriating that I live down a street like this and it happens far too regularly :confused:
People who brake on back roads every time they ecounter a car coming the opposite way
People who can't go 60 in a 60
People who go 40 in a 30 but 30 in a 40
People who try merging onto the motorway at 30mph
Now for the non driving related peeves :grin:
People who sit next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.
Crumbs in butter
People who leave the foil wrapper thing on top of butter :sick:
People who use a wet spoon to put sugar in their tea or coffee. Sorry but I don't like clumps in my sugar
The noise flip flops make when you walk
Pictures uploaded to facebook that are out of focus
Life pretty much :signLOL: Though I am a woman so it's allowed
Injuring yourself, then doing the same injury exactly a week later. :fighting:
The noise flip flops make when you walk
The noise flip flops make when you walk
You should stop wearing them if it annoys so much :signLOL:
The noise flip flops make when you walk
You should stop wearing them if it annoys so much :signLOL:
I don't :( the woman who sits across from me in work does... To work. She wears flip flops TO WORK :mad:
People who do their weekly shopping after filling their car with petrol and leaving it by the pump you're waiting on..
People who turn on fog lights when it's not foggy
People who don't indicate on roundabouts.. People who don't indicate in general.
Middle lane drivers.
People who leave their car alarms activated at car shows :stupid:
When you let somebody in and they don't thank you
When you indicate in due time and slow to turn a very sharp corner, yet some idiot behind you beeps as if you're doing something wrong. Most infuriating that I live down a street like this and it happens far too regularly :confused:
People who brake on back roads every time they ecounter a car coming the opposite way
People who can't go 60 in a 60
People who go 40 in a 30 but 30 in a 40
People who try merging onto the motorway at 30mph
Now for the non driving related peeves :grin:
People who sit next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.
Crumbs in butter
People who leave the foil wrapper thing on top of butter :sick:
People who use a wet spoon to put sugar in their tea or coffee. Sorry but I don't like clumps in my sugar
The noise flip flops make when you walk
Pictures uploaded to facebook that are out of focus
Life pretty much :signLOL: Though I am a woman so it's allowed
Think you need a drink lass, or two :grin:
I do! I wasn't on lunch so I didn't even have time to list all of my peeves :sad1:
Here we go again!
People who work at a desk, typing on a keyboard with tons of bangles around their wrists.. The noise gets annoying after about four minutes.
When you can't tell if somebody is male or female
People who let their children run around restaurants
The salesman in work who insists on whistling or singing a song even though we already have a radio on that's playing another song
My neighbour that parks his van against the line of my driveway just to be a nuisance
Having the sun in my eyes while I'm driving
Hair being left in the plughole of the shower
The question "can I ask you a question?"
People who put Christmas lights up when it's not even December yet
People who leave pets in hot cars during the summer
People who can't use Google to research a single thing ever but can post in 7 different facebook groups
"Picture for attention"
Speed bumps
People who park on speed bumps
People with un-necessarily large prams in shopping centres/town/any other busy place
Crumbs in bed
People who don't vote but complain about the results
When my boyfriend can open my snapchats but ignores my whatsapps :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:
moany women :happy2:
Arsenal fans and no I'm not Tottenham
Jonathan Wilkes
Got semi-famous just from being Robbie William's mate but yet captains England for Soccer Aid when ever its on!!
What a ****!!
long lists
Traffic table - Speed bump
Traffic circle - Roundabout
And the biggest thing i heard on a daily basis from restaurant staff - "everything good - is it tasty?"
People who can't use Google to research a single thing ever but can post in 7 different facebook groups
People who post "anyone got the number for the doctors?" on Facebook. In the time it's taken them to post that they could have Googled it. I normally lead them to this:
Another question I saw recently on Facebook was "where can I buy a swimming hat from?". Seriously??! Either the f*cking swimming pool or Sports Direct and the like. How hard can it be to think about what sort of places would sell one. And if you really are that dense, then just stick it into f*cking Google!
moany women :happy2:
We just like the sound of our own voices!
FWD with sh*t OEM tyres!
I do have a long list, maybe not quite as long as some on here but near the top is:
1 - Selfies.......Finding my media littered with women I know taking selfies.. FFS I already know what you look like why post a new picture of yourself every week you insecure tw@t.
Oh did you change your make up or your hair, wow that's a lovely photo this week.....and you've been for a lovely walk today as well and watched a soap, that's absolutely fascinating, thank you for informing me :fighting:.
2 - The Jeremy Kyle show: How are these people allowed to breed. Justification for a sterilisation program for the UK.
And relax :smiley:
When people talk while watching a movie!
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X2 on selfies :fighting:
X2 on selfies :fighting:
Can i add selfie sticks… WTF.
And people who take tablets out with them to use as a camera.
X2 on selfies :fighting:
X3 - WHY are we so self important. LOOK AT ME - IDOLISE ME!!
X2 on selfies :fighting:
Can i add selfie sticks… WTF.
And people who take tablets out with them to use as a camera.
I walk past Buckingham palace on the way to work, dodging selfie taking tourists. One day I will kick one.
Can I also add to the list:
People who park next to you when you parked miles from anyone
Shopping with the wife. Or mum. Or any female
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Lazy arsed twats who park on the street when they have a perfectly good driveway. :fighting:
This one drives me crazy :fighting:
At work we did a job for one of my friends and he turned up didn't pay, says he will give it to me at football on Friday I said ok, Friday comes no money then says Sunday , now he's ignoring my texts :fighting: :fighting: never again. The cheek of some people I wouldn't dare expect a service and not pay right away then to fob me off twice is really pissing me off
I hate it when people park just outside the doors of a Tescos/Asda superstore, like they have the god given right to park right outside the doors but everyone else has to park an extra 10 ft away in the normal parking lot.
Mopeds. Aka hairdryers. Can't stand them or the noise they make.
Cyclists on the road, who seem to think they are the same width as a bus.
Move the fxck over before I knock you over.
Mopeds. Aka hairdryers. Can't stand them or the noise they make.
Cyclists on the road, who seem to think they are the same width as a bus.
Move the fxck over before I knock you over.
:grin: yes I hate them! There used to be a few bikers on here so watch out :laugh: it's a nightmare with them around here in the summer, the roads around here are part of that coast to Coast thing and I'm constantly having to stop as you always get stuck behind them on a tight bend when I'm out having a spirited drive. Then you get the ones chatting side by side :fighting:
Mopeds. Aka hairdryers. Can't stand them or the noise they make.
Cyclists on the road, who seem to think they are the same width as a bus.
Move the fxck over before I knock you over.
:grin: yes I hate them! There used to be a few bikers on here so watch out :laugh: it's a nightmare with them around here in the summer, the roads around here are part of that coast to Coast thing and I'm constantly having to stop as you always get stuck behind them on a tight bend when I'm out having a spirited drive. Then you get the ones chatting side by side :fighting:
I deliberately pop the DSG when I overtake them :grin:
Big Brother and anyone talking about Big Brother within my vicinity.
Big Brother and anyone talking about Big Brother within my vicinity.
Being January - self superior, self taught 'nutritionists' with ridiculous & scientifically unsupported health kicks...
Juice diets... really? I mean - if you go back to everything in moderation the body self detoxes anyway... :rolleye: ?!
Nissan Juke drivers who drive with their front fogs on, it seems that every Juke up here does it, actually anybody who drives with the fogs on......... :fighting:
Nissan Juke drivers who drive with their front fogs on, it seems that every Juke up here does it, actually anybody who drives with the fogs on......... :fighting:
One of my biggest gripes with drivers today. They must just press every button with a light symbol on it and think that is for the headlights.
Being January - self superior, self taught 'nutritionists' with ridiculous & scientifically unsupported health kicks...
Juice diets... really? I mean - if you go back to everything in moderation the body self detoxes anyway... :rolleye: ?!
Yep, the liver and kidneys do a damn good job of 'detoxing' the body on their own!
Bmw drivers who think they own the road
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Nissan Juke drivers who drive with their front fogs on, it seems that every Juke up here does it, actually anybody who drives with the fogs on......... :fighting:
One of my biggest gripes with drivers today. They must just press every button with a light symbol on it and think that is for the headlights.
Totally agree although there are also the uber cool drivers who drive with fog lights and side lights, i mean wtf...... :confused:
While I'm at it, BMW drivers, people who sleep at traffic lights (because they are texting), outside lane hoggers, people who catch up to you really quickly on a motorway then sit on your back quarter, people who brake while travelling towards a green light at a junction (anticipating that they might change to red!) , undertakers and BMW drivers again........ And breathe......
BMW drivers :mad: and now every other driver after owning the gti :fighting:
Re the people who brake at a green light could be because they are cautious of the traffic going across as you do get the odd :stupid: one who'll jump the lights or even Emergency vehicles crossing :driver:
Specific to work environment in an office
Co workers who continually try to speak with you on your lunch break.
They are on for a reason, I would like to enjoy my break in peace thank you
I personally go sit in my car now or go a walk for the hour... I can't deal with the interruptions
I personally go sit in my car now or go a walk for the hour... I can't deal with the interruptions
Yep, I have also started doing the same. Always freezing in the car during these months though! Summer is alright because it's warmer or I just sit out in the sun ... When it shows its face!
Specific to work environment in an office
Co workers who continually try to speak with you on your lunch break.
They are on for a reason, I would like to enjoy my break in peace thank you
I know what u mean, at work when im on the phone, its so clear im talking to someone and people come up to me and start talking. WTH u think im doing, talking to myself???
That in my area it will only fall to 5c tonight but there are gritters everywhere showering the roads with salt.
The fact that someone has a £33 million winning lottery ticket unclaimed in Worcester and it isn't me :sad1:
Facebook trends, and requests on Facebook to join games!! :mad:
Almost everything :signLOL:
I could expand but I'd be here SOME time!
Seems we have a whole lot in common :signLOL:
Paying tax
People who insist on travelling 5 or even 10 mph under the speed limit, yet flash and beep their horn if you overtake, FFS.
Reminding me what irritates me!!!
Sent from my bitten apple using Tapatalk
People who drive like this dick.
I was shocked to see this muppet overtaking me, luckily i slowed to let him in.
Another dick move by the same dick in the bottom video.
Wow! An hooligan on the wheel with a people carrier! WTF!? :stupid:
On a side note Dazza, what mount do you have for your gopro? Does it have some sort of gimbal, the playback is nice and smooth.
On a side note Dazza, what mount do you have for your gopro? Does it have some sort of gimbal, the playback is nice and smooth.
I have a Koonlung K1S
People who drive like this dick.
I was shocked to see this muppet overtaking me, luckily i slowed to let him in.
Another dick move by the same dick in the bottom video.
He's a real :stupid: dick I'm thay MPV
Leather golf mk6 r seats, crap support feels like your sitting on them rather than in them. I thought they were the same as what's in the mk5 gti's and r32 just with different headrest. It's not the leather I think it's the side bolster are to small.
" bag for life", last one lasted 1 second
" bag for life", last one lasted 1 second
I've already exchanged two last Thursday but I guess it's cool as you get free new bags without the creases :signLOL:
Finding out that the company I work for are moving the entire operation. adding an extra 40 miles to my daily commute & may lead to me having to sell my gti. This is somewhat irksome..
Sat in the car waiting at traffic lights and then seeing adults ride their bikes straight through a red light
Kids will & do copy what adults do so all you adults on push bikes please have some bloody sense
People who take the piss and think your a charity :fighting: :fighting: some doors getting kicked down tomorrow :fighting:
Mortgage providers
Estate Agents
Being told i have to attend a voluntary yet compulsory 3 day company away break in the Lake District in June which is when i am likely to be moving. :fighting:
New car paranoia
Mortgage providers
Estate Agents
Being told i have to attend a voluntary yet compulsory 3 day company away break in the Lake District in June which is when i am likely to be moving. :fighting:
New car paranoia
New car paranoia lasts about three years for me. Only when I've replaced or uprated the important bits can I sleep
True :laugh:
I'm not going to mod this one as it has all the bits i want, that being said i am looking at going stage 1 but thats going to have to wait a couple of months.
Bloody scammers, I put my card into the ATM, and got my money out, but the card was not coming out, the ATM beeped and beeped, still no card.... luckly I'd seen a TV show about card jammers, and thus pulled at card slot where you put the card in and managed to pull the bit of plastic cover the scammers use to jam the card, it was well disgused and you wouldn't know its there. They record your number via a small camera which is stuck/magnet to to top of the ATM, which records your PIN, they then get the jammed card, and your DONE.
This happend in West London (Notting Hill gate area), in case anyone's around that area. Suffice to say, they didn't get my card or money and I recorded as an incident to the coppers (Watch out Peeps)
Bloody scammers, I put my card into the ATM, and got my money out, but the card was not coming out, the ATM beeped and beeped, still no card.... luckly I'd seen a TV show about card jammers, and thus pulled at card slot where you put the card in and managed to pull the bit of plastic cover the scammers use to jam the card, it was well disgused and you wouldn't know its there. They record your number via a small camera which is stuck/magnet to to top of the ATM, which records your PIN, they then get the jammed card, and your DONE.
This happend in West London (Notting Hill gate area), in case anyone's around that area. Suffice to say, they didn't get my card or money and I recorded as an incident to the coppers (Watch out Peeps)
I always assume every ATM I use is dodgy and cover my right hand with my left when I'm putting my pin in, and do it as quickly as possible.
It's not always a pinhole camera they use. Sometimes one of the gang will hover behind you trying to get a peek. There's all sorts of distraction scams as well. Popular with the Eastern Europeans.
Bloody scammers, I put my card into the ATM, and got my money out, but the card was not coming out, the ATM beeped and beeped, still no card.... luckly I'd seen a TV show about card jammers, and thus pulled at card slot where you put the card in and managed to pull the bit of plastic cover the scammers use to jam the card, it was well disgused and you wouldn't know its there. They record your number via a small camera which is stuck/magnet to to top of the ATM, which records your PIN, they then get the jammed card, and your DONE.
This happend in West London (Notting Hill gate area), in case anyone's around that area. Suffice to say, they didn't get my card or money and I recorded as an incident to the coppers (Watch out Peeps)
I always assume every ATM I use is dodgy and cover my right hand with my left when I'm putting my pin in, and do it as quickly as possible.
It's not always a pinhole camera they use. Sometimes one of the gang will hover behind you trying to get a peek. There's all sorts of distraction scams as well. Popular with the Eastern Europeans.
They do those distraction ones on Oxford street, I was in a pizza place not from from there a few years ago, and the tables were so close, the lady next to me had her hand inside my suit jacket which was on the chair, the waiter had seen it, and alerted me, I said what the F**K, and she legged, like rat up a drain pipe. They are like a rash on the undergeround as well working in teams. Its when they follow old people from the banks, that really gets me, and your right they tend to be from Eastern Europe, want something for nothing!!, need tougher sentencing and sending back.
The odd delay at junctions from the dsg, that and the noises it makes ( it has had a new mechatronics before anyone asks!)
The odd delay at junctions from the dsg, that and the noises it makes ( it has had a new mechatronics before anyone asks!)
I've never experienced any sort of delay at junctions. It's always in the right gear.
The increasing tend for people to pre-fix something they are saying with "So". Like......"So, this product is about, etc", and they keep doing it, every sentence......
And those being interviewed, who keep saying"you know"....well we don't actually - that's why you're being interviewed on this radio show........
The "of's", as mentioned by a few, as in would of, instead of would have
And a newish one - "Been as" in "being as"
Check - out assistants who carry on talking to their colleagues, while you're being served
People who leave you a telephone message and rattle their number off so quick, that you have to play it back 3 times to get the number.
Another've asked someone for some info, and they agree to call you back, which they do, but instead of telling you what you want to know in the message, they just say can you call me back.....
Enough for now! Been amusing reading through though
like, you know, basically and obviously...
- room to sit on the sofa now, so why do we need more?
More Duvet Covers......exactly how many sets do we need for the spare room?
Property solicitors taking their sweet arse time to get confirmation from the vender of a house we are buying of when the kitchen was extended. Pointed out it is contained within the home buyer survey yet they have to get the seller to confirm even though it was built before they bought it!
Sellers who get shirty when you want to exchange contracts and complete as they "just dont have the time" right now. Come on. You're selling a house, you know what comes next!!!!!!!!!
When driving on an open road following someone 10-15 mph under the speed limit & when you get to an open stretch you go to overtake them and they speed up. The fools!
Oh & grown adults that call tomato sauce red sauce. What are you 5? Grow up!
a new one for me today
phones that lie about the signal strength , today I had ,or so my iPhone 6s said I had full bars plus 3G and it couldn't open my FB , sometimes I get one bar and 3G and it fly's , its way over my head just don't understand unless the phones lying
That could just be Facebook playing up so you cant really blame the phone :thinking:
That could just be Facebook playing up so you cant really blame the phone :thinking:
tried other apps as well like google maps just no speed :jumping:
That could just be Facebook playing up so you cant really blame the phone :thinking:
tried other apps as well like google maps just no speed :jumping:
Right the phone may need the bin or as you're in 3g and not 4G that could also be the route of your connection?.
3G is the welsh valleys version of 4G :grin:
phones only about a month old picks up 4G in other areas I work all over south wales and the south west and notice this all over the place no signal and it fly's good signal and nothing, even before I had a 4G phone my old iPhone 3G signal got worse when they came out with 4G cant even get edge in my village
I could always move :happy2:
3G is the welsh valleys version of 4G :grin:
phones only about a month old picks up 4G in other areas I work all over south wales and the south west and notice this all over the place no signal and it fly's good signal and nothing, even before I had a 4G phone my old iPhone 3G signal got worse when they came out with 4G cant even get edge in my village
I could always move :happy2:
Oh that's about right then :signLOL: the welsh valleys always have issues with mobile services as ive had when I came to Wales many years ago and didn't any any service for certain parts :doh: I'd move :thinking:
I would but no one can understand a word I say :rolleye:
My dad has sh*t reception, lives just outside crosshands cant get through to him some days.
I would but no one can understand a word I say :rolleye:
Well speak English :signLOL: not Welsh :slap:
People who cannot make their f*****g mind up when you tell them something more than once :slap:
When people who decide to go out running or cycling and cross the road your turning into without looking and then have a go when you almost run them over!!!!!
People who have parked on the roadside; and just sling open their doors - just as annoying if on the passenger side and you're walking on the pavement - bloody dangerous on the roadside.
Same goes for people who just walk out of a shop door, without looking to see if anyone is walking; me; me
And as for the idiots who are walking along focused only their mobile, oblivious to anyone else.......
When I finish work early on a Friday then get stuck in 'the school run' with a bunch of muppets who can't drive their oversized cars clogging the roads, parking on double yellows etc :doh:
Working with a manager who lied through her teeth just to get me into her company and treats me like sh*te. :slap: beech
Numpties who have modded their T4/T5 VW van, and think that makes it a "performance vehicle", and so try it on.
NO, I won't "play"!
You're still driving a bl00dy Diesel VAN, as you will perhaps find out at the next corner...?
agreeing a price for an item for sale only to be told by the seller that hes now had offers at the asking price! :confused:
Girlfriend always says bought instead of brought and vice versa
These few im guilty of - which makes me a hypacrit - which ironically is something that also annoys me
The phrase "Can I get a...." for example when you order food "Can I get a burger" The whole point of a waiter/waitress is to bring you the food/drink.
and when people use the word literally when they don't mean literally AT ALL
Currently in my area they are going mad with tar spraying and chippings :fighting: I reckon 60% of my 13 mile commute to work has been done and it is awful. I have no paint left on the insides of the side skirts. Really winds me up this cheap sh*tty way of "repairing" roads. Any one had any luck claiming from the council for having paintwork sorted from this sort of thing?
Twats in London who in traffic sit really far over to one side so I can't get through on my ruddy bike.
cue me revving the tits off it to get them to look in their mirror and move over.
Twats in London who in traffic sit really far over to one side so I can't get through on my ruddy bike.
cue me revving the tits off it to get them to look in their mirror and move over.
Ohh no. You are turning into a biker bellend. :signLOL:
Idiot you message confirming you want to buy an exhaust they're selling and will pay them in two weeks time and the seller asking should he save it and put it up as sold then selling the item to someone else amd making up stupid excuses when I've already said definitely want it.
People responding to for sale adverts with a number asking you. The seller to call them...ffs...
Twats in London who in traffic sit really far over to one side so I can't get through on my ruddy bike.
cue me revving the tits off it to get them to look in their mirror and move over.
Yep I know that feeling !!!!!!!
Twats in London who in traffic sit really far over to one side so I can't get through on my ruddy bike.
cue me revving the tits off it to get them to look in their mirror and move over.
Ohh no. You are turning into a biker bellend. :signLOL:
Pot kettle mate!!!!!!!!!!
it's just annoying peoples road positioning is so poor sometimes and it blocks all the cyclists/motorcyclists.
you can't get anywhere but shouldn't stop people like me being able to!!!
My wife.
My wife.
She said the same about you
My wife.
She said the same about you
Going through an average speed section of the motorway doing the limit (+2 :evilgrin:) and some c-unit right up your ar$e
Going through an average speed section of the motorway doing the limit (+2 :evilgrin:) and some c-unit right up your ar$e
Yeah, agree + those that overtake, and pull right in....just to get one space ahead :slap:
Often I've wondered how you get those electronic messaging thingies, like the Police use to say 'pull over', but instead to read "Back off D*ckhead" - when appropriate, of course... :stupid:
Going through an average speed section of the motorway doing the limit (+2 :evilgrin:) and some c-unit right up your ar$e
Yeah, agree + those that overtake, and pull right in....just to get one space ahead :slap:
Often I've wondered how you get those electronic messaging thingies, like the Police use to say 'pull over', but instead to read "Back off D*ckhead" - when appropriate, of course... :stupid:
I've wanted one of these for when you get some twat behind you with fog lights on when it's not foggy along with one of those super duper LED light bars. If they don't turn them off after a polite message it's goodbye retinas :laugh:
Going through an average speed section of the motorway doing the limit (+2 :evilgrin:) and some c-unit right up your ar$e
Yeah, agree + those that overtake, and pull right in....just to get one space ahead :slap:
Often I've wondered how you get those electronic messaging thingies, like the Police use to say 'pull over', but instead to read "Back off D*ckhead" - when appropriate, of course... :stupid:
I've wanted one of these for when you get some twat behind you with fog lights on when it's not foggy along with one of those super duper LED light bars. If they don't turn them off after a polite message it's goodbye retinas :laugh:
:signLOL: :signLOL: :signLOL:
"what do you find irritating?"
The amount of money this website costs me :D
Often I've wondered how you get those electronic messaging thingies, like the Police use to say 'pull over', but instead to read "Back off D*ckhead" - when appropriate, of course... :stupid:
What you need is an instant messaging system like the optional one on some BMW's.....see:
I was recommended this by a colleague when i was running my 330 - ON BUSINESS!!!!
it's just a little too true
That's a wind-up.....Isn't it, surely, yeah, gotta be?
That's a wind-up.....Isn't it, surely, yeah, gotta be?
2007 BMW April's Fools. :wink:
Going through an average speed section of the motorway doing the limit (+2 :evilgrin:) and some c-unit right up your ar$e
Yeah, agree + those that overtake, and pull right in....just to get one space ahead :slap:
Often I've wondered how you get those electronic messaging thingies, like the Police use to say 'pull over', but instead to read "Back off D*ckhead" - when appropriate, of course... :stupid:
I've wanted one of these for when you get some twat behind you with fog lights on when it's not foggy along with one of those super duper LED light bars. If they don't turn them off after a polite message it's goodbye retinas :laugh:
Actually :signLOL: at that.
Having just towed a small racing dinghy (200kgish...) behind my stage 2 Eddy, from Cornwall to Blackpool, via Llandudno I have to add some of the vast number of b@st@rd inconsiderate kn0bheads driving HGVs...
Today Spent 9 miles waiting for one such kn0b to pass at 59.9999 mph, one of his mates who was dawdling along at 58.9999 mph.
God forbid I should be so reckless as to nip into the outside lane for 500m on a relatively empty Mway, and pass the pair of them, that would guarantee an appearance by some valiant crime-fighter, and I know who they would be after; as ever, the easy meat. In this case Me!
Bee's, specifically bumble bees - Honey bees are fine.
Bee's, specifically bumble bees - Honey bees are fine.
What about Boo Bees?
Bee's, specifically bumble bees - Honey bees are fine.
What about Boo Bees?
Boo Bees are fine :signLOL:
Today i have also find Pine Martens irritating.
Bullying at work for no reason what so ever bloody barstuards :fighting:
The fact that after swapping to highline clocks the physical trip button to reset the odometer doesn't work.
And now my rear wiper doesn't 'go home' is sits roughly and inch high all the time it's 'off'
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Loud mopeds. Yes, you have 3.7 horsepower, doesn't mean that everyone within 4000 feet wants to listen to them!
Loud mopeds. Yes, you have 3.7 horsepower, doesn't mean that everyone within 4000 feet wants to listen to them!
No, you've got it all wrong. Taking the baffle out of the 'zorst transforms it into 750 Quacker.......Weren't you ever 16? My Yamaha FS1E (1974 DRF 830N) became a Kawasaki Z1000, with the baffle out......cylinder head off and a de-coke every other month - all helped, don't you know - ha ha, happy days. Those 'Ferswannies' (FS1E's) go for big money now. Old timers like me trying to re-capture their mis-spent youth. I never had a Raleigh Chopper though - my parents said I was too old for one. I still want one now, ha! :sad1:
On your post though, yes, they are very annoying..... :wink:
People who brag about how much money they earn, can't stand it.
I'm considerably richer than yow!
People who brag about how much money they earn, can't stand it.
Yeah, I'm with you on that one.
We get young plumbers who come into work who think there gods gift!
Yes you may have earned good money on that job but when they sit at home for the next week or run around fitting washers it averages itself out!
I just laugh to myself now :grin:
People who pay brown ale money and expect champagne quality :fighting: does my head in, if you want perfect items then go buy brand new!!
People who pay brown ale money and expect champagne quality :fighting: does my head in, if you want perfect items then go buy brand new!!
Nice ideology, but flawed....... Lost count of how many items we've bought brand new, including BMW's and Porsches, that were not perfect, but had faults...Champagne money for brown ale quality.... Just another perspective.....Does my head in, even more... :sad1:
When the forsale section isn't updated due to sellers not marking items as sold :slap:
People who brag about how much money they earn, can't stand it.
If you have to brag about how much money you make.... you are not making enough.
When you just finish washing the car & a seagull sits watching & waiting for you to go inside
You love it Bozz :grin:
You love it Bozz :grin:
. Lol, It's a love hate thing mate,, I truly think the hearing gull is a stunning sea bird,
I hate the way they plop all over cars and they a huge f****** things too :scared:
bit of a rant, but it's proper annoying when people use your photos and don't even say thanks or credit you when they upload them..... Good photo's don't just magic themselves.... grrr.
I truly think the hearing gull is a stunning sea bird
bit of a rant, but it's proper annoying when people use your photos and don't even say thanks or credit you when they upload them..... Good photo's don't just magic themselves.... grrr.
Know what you mean I found one of my pics on a us forum so contacted the offender who apologised over and over again until he mentioned my other pics. turns out he thought i was a pro with the same name Being the us he thought i was going to sue till his noise bled :grin: :grin: We parted friends i think :love:
Being baited and tailgated by Type Rs, Focus/Fiesta STs, Clio Sports, on a busy road, in poor conditions. Just because it says GTI on my car doesn't mean I'm going to join you in driving like a complete tool.
Being baited and tailgated by Type Rs, Focus/Fiesta STs, Clio Sports, on a busy road, in poor conditions. Just because it says GTI on my car doesn't mean I'm going to join you in driving like a complete tool.
I get the same from even the little 1.0L motors and it's so annoying. A golf GT with two younger lads tried it on with me a couple of weeks back so I had to show them who's the better driver and has the better car :signLOL:
That's the thing though. I don't rise to it. Let them scream past and tell their mates they "beat a GTI".
lmao I didn't want him to say that and feel embarrassed that I whooped his :booty: :signLOL:
bit of a rant, but it's proper annoying when people use your photos and don't even say thanks or credit you when they upload them..... Good photo's don't just magic themselves.... grrr.
Had this problem myself recently, A chap was selling a Saab Viggen coupe on ebay and was using pictures of my old car which I took in 2014 to sell his own car.
He also had a small business buying and selling Saabs and was using pictures of my cars and the mechanical and detailing work I had done and picures from a build thread I had.
Put a stop to it eventually but I was not impressed!
People who sit at a give way/roundabout, they can see you coming and there is nothing else to stop them pulling out so they wait and look and look and wait and wait some more then a little bit more then as you get closer they still wait then once you nice and close THEN they pull out, but not with any degree of acceleration so then you are forced to break and slow down to their 10-15mph pace and they don't make any attempt to use that right pedal for a few miles.
Add into that people who drive everywhere at 35 mph, up your arse or overtaking you in a 30 zone then hold you up in a 40/50mph zone.
People who insist on walking 2, 3 or 4 in a line down a narrow pavement and even when you walk onto the road look at you like you're the arthole.
Think i'm becoming a grumpy old fart at 34 :slap:
People who sit at a give way/roundabout, they can see you coming and there is nothing else to stop them pulling out so they wait and look and look and wait and wait some more then a little bit more then as you get closer they still wait then once you nice and close THEN they pull out, but not with any degree of acceleration so then you are forced to break and slow down to their 10-15mph pace and they don't make any attempt to use that right pedal for a few miles.
Add into that people who drive everywhere at 35 mph, up your arse or overtaking you in a 30 zone then hold you up in a 40/50mph zone.
People who insist on walking 2, 3 or 4 in a line down a narrow pavement and even when you walk onto the road look at you like you're the arthole.
Think i'm becoming a grumpy old fart at 34 :slap:
Or worse still... being behind someone who approaches a roundabout, painfully slows to a complete stop, and THEN looks to the right, to see that it's clear, and has been for the last 20 seconds which they'd have noticed if they had even the slightest idea how to drive.
Come to think of it, maybe it's these same people that pull out on you @nkp...?!
People who sit at a give way/roundabout, they can see you coming and there is nothing else to stop them pulling out so they wait and look and look and wait and wait some more then a little bit more then as you get closer they still wait then once you nice and close THEN they pull out, but not with any degree of acceleration so then you are forced to break and slow down to their 10-15mph pace and they don't make any attempt to use that right pedal for a few miles.
Add into that people who drive everywhere at 35 mph, up your arse or overtaking you in a 30 zone then hold you up in a 40/50mph zone.
People who insist on walking 2, 3 or 4 in a line down a narrow pavement and even when you walk onto the road look at you like you're the arthole.
Think i'm becoming a grumpy old fart at 34 :slap:
Or worse still... being behind someone who approaches a roundabout, painfully slows to a complete stop, and THEN looks to the right, to see that it's clear, and has been for the last 20 seconds which they'd have noticed if they had even the slightest idea how to drive.
Come to think of it, maybe it's these same people that pull out on you @nkp (;u=16911)...?!
Probably :happy2:. I do sometimes think these people lie in wait for me when i decide to go somewhere (don't do a lot of driving at the moment so it seems more frequent that it actually is). Its the same as folk who sit at the front of a queue waiting for the traffic lights to change and in that minute they've been waiting they've either fallen asleep and/or forgotten what to do when the lights go green so sit there for 30 seconds - just long enough for them to move and stop anyone else getting through before they change back to red again.
The annoying bits of paper (instructions) inside headache tablet boxes (ibuprofen, etc), which makes it really difficult to get the blister packs back in the box :doh: :signLOL:
The annoying bits of paper (instructions) inside headache tablet boxes (ibuprofen, etc), which makes it really difficult to get the blister packs back in the box :doh: :signLOL:
yep! always at the end you open first! :signLOL:
People who write on a for sale thread
'I would of bought this if I didn't spend all my money on wheels last week'
Why comment if you haven't the money to buy it?!
Must be the same person that irritates me Adam :grouphug:
Cyclists in pedestrianised shopping areas...... The way they bomb through so fast, not a care for anyone but their own need to get somewhere fast. This seems a relatively recent thing, over the last couple of years. Prior to that I'm sure they were more courteous.
Maybe its just a new generation of 'arrogant; rude; want it; want it now; sod everyone else; me, me, me' self-important individuals. Someone's gonna get pushed off soon... :fighting:
People that pull out from behind vans and causing me to collide with them and now having to deal with insurance claims stress and loss/damage of a perfectly good condition car :doh:
Cyclists in pedestrianised shopping areas...... The way they bomb through so fast, not a care for anyone but their own need to get somewhere fast. This seems a relatively recent thing, over the last couple of years. Prior to that I'm sure they were more courteous.
Maybe its just a new generation of 'arrogant; rude; want it; want it now; sod everyone else; me, me, me' self-important individuals. Someone's gonna get pushed off soon... :fighting:
Skateboarders also on my list. Clattering about practicing stunts. Then I'll add texters, oblivious to anyone in their path.....gotta send this text - it's soooo important. Don't matter who I walk into. On the other hand, the youngsters that do that freewalking stuff, jumping across walls, and up buildings, now that is impressive...