MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => How to Guides / Troubleshooting => Topic started by: GrayMK5GTI on March 14, 2014, 12:52:35 pm

Title: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 14, 2014, 12:52:35 pm
Afternoon All,

I collected my Ed30 on saturday and in general its running really well, still feels very tight  :smiley:

However. . . although it warms up quickly (definetly quicker than my K03 GTI did), and holds 90 degrees on the gauge when driving, if i take my foot off and coast down to a roundabout the water temp gauge drops a little bit - more noticable when coasting from 60mph to a standstill. When I accelerate away again it goes back up to 90 degrees quickly.

I did 200+ miles on the motorway over the weekend and whilst driving it held a solid 90 degrees still.

I've done a quick search, but most thermostat / temp sensor issues were about the car either taking a long time to warm up, or the fans coming on all the time, neither of which are similar to my issue.

For clarity, its got no fault codes, coolant is clean and full, Cambelt & water pump replaced by last owner in 2012.

Any ideas? does this sound normal for an Ed30?


Gray  :happy2:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: V2 FAN on March 14, 2014, 03:53:28 pm
Hi Mate

Not noticed any change in temp on mine, it holds a steady 90 until switched off  :happy2:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 14, 2014, 04:05:35 pm
Thanks matey!

Is yours an Ed30? I heard they have different thermostats to a GTI. Was hoping to pin it on that  :sad1:

It's looking like the thermostat is not working 100% right then.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: skard on March 14, 2014, 04:10:50 pm
I have thermostat coming which I am putting on at the same time as a new timing belt.

The BYD (ED30) has a different stat according to ETKA - 06F121111H same price about £30
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: doylebros on March 14, 2014, 06:10:25 pm
This could be the auxiliary coolant pump running unnecessarily

Chassis number dependant part number 1K0 965 561 G - price £136.93 full retail inc vat from the dealers.

Get it scanned to see if any sensors are faulty causing it to run?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 14, 2014, 07:11:45 pm

I'll try to get some logging done later. I've read on the MK6 GTI forum that's it's quite common fault with those. They are all getting the thermostat replaced.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: V2 FAN on March 14, 2014, 08:07:29 pm
Thanks matey!

Is yours an Ed30? I heard they have different thermostats to a GTI. Was hoping to pin it on that  :sad1:

It's looking like the thermostat is not working 100% right then.

Hi mate yes it's an Eddie  :happy2: was out earlier and checked to confirm but it's certainly a steady Eddie at 90  :laugh:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 14, 2014, 09:39:58 pm
Just been out for a drive. Did the little trick with the climate display to get the coolant temp shown in the display. Although the dash gauge was showing 90 degrees, the climate display was showing the coolant at around 74-76 degrees driving around at 30mph. I did a long run on the by-pass and allowed it to coast in gear where the climate dropped down to 70-71 degrees and the gauge dropped by one notch by the time the car had slowed from 80mph to 10mph.

I pulled over and the gauge moved back up to 90 degrees. I let the engine idle until the climate display showed 87 degrees where I could feel the heat on the radiator so the thermostat must have opened. When the climate said 89 degrees, the fan switched on and the temps dropped. During this, the gauge stayed at 90 degrees.

So to summarise, when I'm driving normally it holds 90 degrees on the gauge no problem, but after a long coast in gear from speed, the gauge drops a little. 
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 17, 2014, 12:51:47 pm
Done another load of reserch and i've seen threads on the Briskoda & Audi Forums where others have had the same problem.

Its looking like the thermostat is sticking a bit. Not a serious issue, but something that i'll get round to!
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: MichaelR on March 17, 2014, 01:02:16 pm
Did the little trick with the climate display to get the coolant temp shown in the display.

How do you do that?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 17, 2014, 02:22:54 pm
Did the little trick with the climate display to get the coolant temp shown in the display.

How do you do that?

See here:

Note, 15:0 isn't oil temp. Can't remember what it is though.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: MichaelR on March 17, 2014, 03:19:19 pm
Thanks mate!
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: vRSAlex on March 17, 2014, 08:25:33 pm
You need a new stat. Having it run low will hurt power and economy. Get it changed sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on March 17, 2014, 08:29:36 pm
^ thanks Alex.

Stat ordered today. Looking forward to fitting this  :sad1:

We did the climate trick with my mates K03 GTI and that was running about 5 degrees warmer than mine
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on April 10, 2014, 06:58:06 pm
New stat has solved the problem  :jumpmove:

Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Tfsi_Mike on May 02, 2014, 12:41:05 pm

Stat not bring up a fault code?

How much did it set you back?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on May 02, 2014, 09:12:34 pm

Stat not bring up a fault code?

How much did it set you back?

Nope. It was still kinda working as it should, just sticking a tiny bit open so the car was about 10 degrees cooler than it should be. Feels much better now.

Part was about £30 from VW, and fitting (inc coolant change) was £200. Ball-ache of a job. I attempted it but gave up.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Markyed30 on May 02, 2014, 10:45:15 pm
I seem to have an issue on dash mine is always 90 but with climate 19/2 I only seem to get over 80 in traffic or sitting at 70 on motorway normal driving I always seem to be around 70 is is this correct?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on May 02, 2014, 10:57:34 pm
^ sounds similar to my problem. Gauge showing 90 apart from coasting down hill but climate display was showing around 74 in normal driving. When dash gauge dropped 1 notch, climate would show 71 degrees.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Markyed30 on May 02, 2014, 11:06:11 pm
I'll try a drive tomorrow and check again  but sounds like I'll need to replace my thermostat then  :fighting:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Markyed30 on May 02, 2014, 11:11:15 pm
What would be good is a video of the cruise control temp video from a cold start to 10 min in on average driving, prob find some have an issue and didn't know
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: skard on May 02, 2014, 11:50:12 pm
I seem to have an issue on dash mine is always 90 but with climate 19/2 I only seem to get over 80 in traffic or sitting at 70 on motorway normal driving I always seem to be around 70 is is this correct?

Since changing mine it has not fluctuated to a low level, and I have been running wih the MFA add-on via FISCON to get oil and water readings whilst driving.

I wouldn't like to guess at how many of these stats have now failed and we are just realising.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: paulmni on November 11, 2014, 09:07:07 am
think I'm in the same boat.  Sits at 90 when sitting in traffic, once I get on to the motorway etc it drops to 70.

VW Quoted £200 all in with a courtesy car :).

Local Indy is £100 labour plus I have to source the part.

AwesomeGTI seem to be a bit of a rip sometimes.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: edd30 on November 16, 2014, 08:57:22 pm
guys - do you have the part number for the stat ?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: skard on November 16, 2014, 09:03:39 pm
06F121111H for ED30
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on November 16, 2014, 09:04:40 pm
06F121111H for ED30

Beat me to it!

It was mentioned in page 1 of this thread:,80793.msg837789.html#msg837789
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: edd30 on November 16, 2014, 09:09:00 pm
Thanks - that'll learn me for skimming ...
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Andy1994 on December 07, 2014, 09:31:27 pm
did you fit the thermostat yourself? and was it the

inline one

or the main one
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on December 07, 2014, 10:00:37 pm
As I said further up in this thread, I attempted It but it was just too tough  :sad1:

Most of the front of the engine has to come off. I got Awesome GTI to fit it in the end

It was the main one (in part number above)
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Andy1994 on December 07, 2014, 10:07:56 pm
sorry didnt even realise there was a second page on this, im a mechanic myself so il give it a go, just not a fan of rolling about the ground espcially in this weather
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: Neil 54 on January 07, 2015, 07:43:54 pm
i dont know how it affects performance but after having mine done it definitely felt like it was more responsive
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: MC71 on January 07, 2015, 07:50:36 pm
Having a new Stat fitted in a few weeks as mine drops a fair bit once cruising so def FUBAR'd. Be good to see if it improves anything, can't see where but you never know.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: DomBacon on January 08, 2015, 10:04:19 pm
@vRSAlex (;u=1981) how does it hurt power?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on January 09, 2015, 06:59:52 am
I didn't notice any difference power-wise but the car ran marginally better afterwards. With the ECU attempting to get the car to operating temperature it will over-fuel a bit and that will hurt MPG and cause buildup of carbon in the combustion chamber (long term).

Best to get it fixed @DomBacon (;u=7514)
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: DomBacon on January 09, 2015, 08:43:42 am
Mines not boosting how it should and I've ran it through vcds plenty of times!
It's been like this for a while now!
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: mo on January 22, 2015, 04:15:15 pm
Picked my car up this morning after having my main thermostat changed and i definitely notice a difference in power.Feels much more responsive. My car has felt low on power for as long as i can remember and couldn't put my finger on it until the temp guage started to drop from 90 degrees on the motorway and then take nearly 40 mins to reach 90 degrees.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: fab5freddy on February 01, 2015, 07:49:54 pm
Ok so a little help needed please peeps  :innocent:

I think i have the main thermostat problem, but someone riddle me this, i've got a GTI which was orginally a BWA engine code, but have since converted to a CDL. Anyone know which part number i'd need?

Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: GrayMK5GTI on February 01, 2015, 07:53:47 pm
You probably need the same one as the ed30.

Best way to check would be to take down the number plate of a Golf R on Autotrader and go down to your local VW and get the part number for that car  :happy2:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: doylebros on February 01, 2015, 08:25:27 pm
Ok so a little help needed please peeps  :innocent:

I think i have the main thermostat problem, but someone riddle me this, i've got a GTI which was orginally a BWA engine code, but have since converted to a CDL. Anyone know which part number i'd need?

If it's CDLC engines it's

32 - Seal 06B 121 119 B - £4:08

31 - Regulator 06F 121 111 H - £49:86

Full retail inc vat
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: fab5freddy on February 01, 2015, 08:41:18 pm
Ok so a little help needed please peeps  :innocent:

I think i have the main thermostat problem, but someone riddle me this, i've got a GTI which was orginally a BWA engine code, but have since converted to a CDL. Anyone know which part number i'd need?

If it's CDLC engines it's

32 - Seal 06B 121 119 B - £4:08

31 - Regulator 06F 121 111 H - £49:86

Full retail inc vat

So the ED30/CDL revision "H" will be compatible with my car you think John?

The more i think about it the more confused i'm getting, as when i did the conversion to CDL it was a bare block, meaning my BWA gti thermostat would have gone back on, revision "F"?

So is there actually any difference between the stats?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: doylebros on February 01, 2015, 09:06:58 pm
Ok so a little help needed please peeps  :innocent:

I think i have the main thermostat problem, but someone riddle me this, i've got a GTI which was orginally a BWA engine code, but have since converted to a CDL. Anyone know which part number i'd need?

If it's CDLC engines it's

32 - Seal 06B 121 119 B - £4:08

31 - Regulator 06F 121 111 H - £49:86

Full retail inc vat

So the ED30/CDL revision "H" will be compatible with my car you think John?

The more i think about it the more confused i'm getting, as when i did the conversion to CDL it was a bare block, meaning my BWA gti thermostat would have gone back on, revision "F"?

So is there actually any difference between the stats?
Yes they look physically different on these illustrations!
If you fitted the BWA gear back then you need
regulator part number 06F 121 111 F - £49:86
seal 06B 121 119 B - £4.08
full retail Inc vat.
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: fab5freddy on February 01, 2015, 09:14:52 pm
So I need to stick to the original engine codes thermostat you think?
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: doylebros on February 01, 2015, 09:22:52 pm
I would cause it's to match your existing coolant system hose layout so (F) ending is the way to go, and as I said (H) ending regulator looks physically different. :happy2:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: fab5freddy on February 01, 2015, 09:40:40 pm
Cheers John  :happy2:
Title: Re: Ed30 Temp Gauge Drop When Coasting
Post by: doylebros on February 01, 2015, 09:42:45 pm
Happy to help Freddy :wink: