MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: bigmig95 on July 17, 2014, 01:39:35 pm
Was going to get a cambelt change a service earlier than anticipated due to various reasons until I got a quote from Listers of Coventry. Anyway I'd be supplying all the OEM parts due to having a TPS account and the guys at Listers just charge labour. Phoned up and thought may as well do the water pump as well as the usual dropping the oil out.......................Price for labour only from them was £600...........yes £600. :confused:
After getting up off the floor I said that sounded a little steep :stupid: the service manager type then proceeded to quote £550 at a reduced rate :fighting: as I said I'd rather go to an independant than pay that. I know the overheads are substantial but FFS.
On top of this a day after my last service (to keep it all full VWSH) the oil light came on. Checked the oil and she was bone dry. After topping her up at my own expense I phoned up Listers asking if the dick technician that serviced my car new what he was doing or whether the apprentice was having a bad day, the service guy said "sorry" then there was silence, not would you like to bring the car back in to be checked sir or anything else that would restore some form of confidence. This highlighted to me the fact that some people think full VW service history is better than an indpendent servicing, apparently it makes the car more valuable as well :confused: Well in my book it don't mean jack.
Needless to say Listers, Coventry you can kiss my ass if you think I'm coming back. Rant over. :happy2:
That's is absolutely disgusting!!
Not only the price for labour to do the cambelt/waterpump etc, but to not do the oil properly and then just say sorry like that's going to be enough!!!
I checked the oil the other day (had the bonnet up, so thought I'd have a look) It was only serviced 5000 miles ago, and the oil probably has a little too much in there!! Again, VW dealer (the guys I purchased it from)
What is the point of these so called professionals and experts if they can't even do a simple job like top up the oil properly. :stupid:
If I were you, I would be seriously kicking up a stink about the lack of oil.... imagine the outcome had you not checked it!
Mrs bought a new BMW 1 series from Sytner, Coventry. The whole purchase and servicing experience etc has just been hassle free. Pleasure dealing with them.
I fell off my chair when I saw the price...Aks can supply & fit cambelt,water etc etc for less then £400..
I got mine done by Listers Stratford (parts+labour), along with fourth year service and fuel filter change for a similar price.
I got mine done by Listers Stratford (parts+labour), along with fourth year service and fuel filter change for a similar price.
Similar price to AKS quote or similar to Listers ?
I though VW had fixed price on cambelt @ £419 or £499 with waterpump (both including parts)
I had my cambelt, tensioner, rollers, water pump etc. done by VW Knaresborough, and an oil service, for £290. £40 of that was the oil service.
i got a quote from VW in Tunbridge Wells for cambelt, tensioners and water pump.......£750
Dealers just quote what they want :booty:
i have the VW our service , their price booklet
and for a golf : cambelt and tensioner £499 / cambelt , tensioner and water pump £519
i have the VW our service , their price booklet
and for a golf : cambelt and tensioner £499 / cambelt , tensioner and water pump £519
these should be set prices
Well not at Listers, unless the service guy didn't know WTF he was quoting on ?
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Do you want me to send you picture of the vw brochure? Should help you get a small refund
Do you want me to send you picture of the vw brochure? Should help you get a small refund
Thanks for the offer mate but don't go to any trouble :happy2:. I'm not even contemplating them touching my car again, particularly after the oil change saga last time :fighting:
Got her booked in at a local VW / Seat Indy tomorrow.
Still can't get over the fact they charge so much and can't even get an oil change right, muppets.
Great, mines in at Listers Stratford tomorrow for cam belt and water pump, dsg oil change and major service.....they quoted me £675 for cam belt and water pump? I thought that was menu pricing? :confused:
I went to johnsons tamworth fixed price had water pump aux belt and tensioners done along with cam belt kit £450, I found up listers before and they just plucked a figure out there head straight away didn't look at how big the job was which put me off
Hi mate I'm in Cov too and listers quoted me the same! Midland VW in Cannock have a good reputation and they quoted me 350. Listers Coventry said they will price match a written quotation though if you would like to keep the vwsh though!
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I've used listers Stratford and Banbury before and they've always met my quote from Pioneer automotive in Cheltenham.
Thanks for the input guys. Won't be going back though even with a cheaper quote in hand, can't trust them. :happy2:
That's why I never go to the dealers..I prefer a specialist instead
But what really winds me up is the fact if I went in to part ex my car they'd claim a car with their full VW service history is worth more than a car serviced elsewhere. So up there own ar$e$ and yet can't even do the job properly.
More ranting sorry :signLOL:
I just booked a cambelt & waterpump change at my local VW dealer in Northern Ireland and it's coming in at £420 including parts, labour & VAT :P
I just booked a cambelt & waterpump change at my local VW dealer in Northern Ireland and it's coming in at £420 including parts, labour & VAT :P
No one dare take the pi$$ round your way pal. Too scared of getting knee capped :wink:
I just booked a cambelt & waterpump change at my local VW dealer in Northern Ireland and it's coming in at £420 including parts, labour & VAT :P
No one dare take the pi$$ round your way pal. Too scared of getting knee capped :wink:
:signLOL: you're probably right there
I had my cambelt, tensioner, rollers, water pump etc. done by VW Knaresborough, and an oil service, for £290. £40 of that was the oil service.
........that's great for a main dealer.
When I went to VW for a price to do the CB and WP on my 2.0TDI it was £420 for just the CB or £499 for both.
(Thats VW Yeovil BTW)
CB & WP £449 at vw Chelmsford under fixed price servicing
AI Auto UK - Coventry charged me £425 to do the water pump, belt and tensioner on the ED.. valeted and collected inside of 5 hours.
Great, mines in at Listers Stratford tomorrow for cam belt and water pump, dsg oil change and major service.....they quoted me £675 for cam belt and water pump? I thought that was menu pricing? :confused:
Just been in to listers this morning, cambelt and water pump: £499, dsg: £175. So for both your price is right.
Great, mines in at Listers Stratford tomorrow for cam belt and water pump, dsg oil change and major service.....they quoted me £675 for cam belt and water pump? I thought that was menu pricing? :confused:
Just been in to listers this morning, cambelt and water pump: £499, dsg: £175. So for both your price is right.
Try to get them to match vw Chelmsford prices I linked?
Well I got my cam belt, water pump, DSG oil change, haldex oil change and brake fluid changed for the grand total of £800.82. It also had a major service but that was covered by my free servicing when I bought the car! I'm fairly happy with the price considering all that has been done and the staff we're very helpful as usual! :happy2:
For all you local lads Stratford sounds ok then. Saying that someone must have been happy with Listers during its life........just not me.
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I had my cambelt, tensioner, rollers, water pump etc. done by VW Knaresborough, and an oil service, for £290. £40 of that was the oil service.
........that's great for a main dealer.
i think they use a different exchange rate in that part of the country :chicken:
For all you local lads Stratford sounds ok then. Saying that someone must have been happy with Listers during its life........just not me.
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I have had my issues with Listers previously but after the issue was resolved I have no cause for complaint, but you pay your money you make your own choice! :happy2:
For all you local lads Stratford sounds ok then. Saying that someone must have been happy with Listers during its life........just not me.
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I have had my issues with Listers previously but after the issue was resolved I have no cause for complaint, but you pay your money you make your own choice! :happy2:
I think marks statement is best. They look after you when they can, but they do have flaws.
I usually go to them and get them to price match to Pioneer automotive. That'll knock 200 off.