MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:09:47 pm

Title: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:09:47 pm
Last week my car was vandalised with the back window smashed to get hold of both locking nuts, the standard VW and the McGard. It looks as though 4 guys, one on each wheel had spanners and removed all the standard nuts apart from the locking ones, then the window went in and the locking nuts were quickly passed from corner to corner to remove each wheel.

Must have been like a McLaren pit stop with the alarm sounding off. Luckily one of the nice guys put the McGard nut onto a standard VW wheel nut and churned the key making it dead and so unable to remove the remaining McGards. The car is now in the bodyshop with a £3200 bill.

Question is where should you keep your nuts, is it the right thing to keep them together next to the spare wheel or should they be hidden within the car where they would then smash all the windows to find the nuts in the ashtray.

Finally if you do not have McGards then get some fitted today. 

Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: cuprak1 on October 29, 2009, 12:13:39 pm
Holy shizzle !

that sucks mate , 3200! what needs replacing? can you not go through insurance?
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:19:25 pm
Yep...It's an insurance job.

1, New rear window.
2, Repaint back hatch - vandalised
3, Repaint back bumper - vandalised
4, New wheels - all vandalised when they could not be removed. Had to be drilled off by specialist.

The new window was fitted yesterday, but good old window man fitted a blue one when I am a MY06 green window.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Andy on October 29, 2009, 12:29:42 pm
bloody hell-its a god jod you had the mc guards on-was this out side your house
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: TrickyRed on October 29, 2009, 12:35:06 pm

I know of an almost identical story.......................which has me thinking you are/must be the same person??!

Would you happen to be from Nottingham??!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:35:49 pm
No..... It was parked while I was watching Nottingham Forest.....Go on let me have the jokes.... I'll start things by saying at least they won.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:36:49 pm
Trickyred....How did you hear?
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: TrickyRed on October 29, 2009, 12:38:49 pm
You are the same guy then!! My old man knows you!!

Red GTi?

I'm his son!! ( & a Forest Fan!! )  :happy2:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:41:35 pm
Oh yes....Your Dad works with me and drives a VW... Am I right?

Don't tell him this is what I do when at work !!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: TrickyRed on October 29, 2009, 12:44:16 pm

Spot on with your detective skills!!

As long as you don't tell my work I'm on here too!! :innocent:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: 182_blue on October 29, 2009, 12:52:54 pm
Not good, where in Nottingham was this ?
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:54:13 pm
Not the best of places.... Parked near Meadow Lane in the Cattle Market.....Never again!!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: 182_blue on October 29, 2009, 12:55:32 pm
yes, deffo not the best place  :surprised:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 12:58:32 pm
I've parked there every other Saturday for 32 years while suffering the tricky trees and never a problem...Just my luck... but told by the boys in blue that gangs are driving round looking for GTI's with nice wheels.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 01:00:06 pm
By the way.... The bu**ers even took my little stumpy aerial
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: 182_blue on October 29, 2009, 01:12:35 pm
this was daylight i assume ?
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 01:16:54 pm
No....Good old night match.......Bu**ers can see in the dark
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: clive_gti on October 29, 2009, 01:58:55 pm
That's terrible mate, the cops need to set up a sting and catch the scrotes in the act!

Personally I think that if you hide the key somewhere in the car they will only do even more damage trying to find it.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 02:05:21 pm
Yep...My thoughts too.

I'll leave both nuts in the boot along with my mobile number, so they can always ask if they need advice on wheel removal.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Greeners on October 29, 2009, 02:05:51 pm
Sorry to hear about your troubles matey!

One saving grace is this wasn't done at your home address as that would be even more worrying!  :happy2:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on October 29, 2009, 02:34:05 pm
My laptop was also taken from the boot which contained lots of clues to my home address, so I have increased security at home just incase. October is time for the little Bu**ers to start collecting the stolen goods just in time for Christmas....May they rot in...
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: VC on October 29, 2009, 03:42:44 pm
Sounds like a Nottingham chav is upgrading his car by the sounds of it, gutted for you dude  :ashamed:

not so sure people should be discussing the security of their cars on an open forum though, even if it is only the location of the where the locking nuts are kept inside it....
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: edd666999 on October 29, 2009, 04:12:11 pm
mines in my pocket  :grin:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Greeners on October 29, 2009, 04:49:42 pm
mines in my pocket  :grin:

Mrs Ed's would be safer!  :grin: :laugh: :wink:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: CarrG on October 29, 2009, 04:58:18 pm
Wow gutted for you. You'd rather they had the wheels than cause loads of £££ damage.  :sad1:

I had a Nova GSI  :ashamed: when they were new. Parked in Hull and they took the rear screen inc rubbers and all stereo, components, amps, sub, the lot without a trace!! Couldn't find the screen and left no prints!!

These people have no shame and all the front of Brighton Pier!!!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: rskardon on October 29, 2009, 04:59:34 pm
Really sorry to hear about this,

I wouldnt recommend leaving them by the spare, its a bit too obvious, its a time game, if they cant find the nuts in sub 1 minute they arent going to hang around, mine are well hidden,

Its pathetic that they felt the need to vandalise the paint too, as if stealing your wheels isnt enough. We should have tougher sentences for these scroats', all they'd get is a slap on the wrist most likely even if caught.

Save up and buy your own wheels! Scum!  :fighting:

and relax.....

Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Boothy on October 29, 2009, 05:03:37 pm
There are lots of good hiding places for the locking nut within the car but there my little secret I'm afraid. At least they are on an open forum! I can see why you might wanna leave it somewhere obvious so they don't cause any damage but if thats the case whats the point in even locking the car? There's no door pins to see sticking up etc. Make it as HARD as you can for the thieving little tw*ts! The longer it takes the more likely they are to be seen and the more likely they are to fu*k up and get bored or leave something incriminating behind! I really hate tea leave mate!! They should be shot! :fighting:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: JPC on October 29, 2009, 06:18:47 pm
im disgusted at this, so sorry to hear about it!

this people make me so angry!  :fighting: :fighting:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: stealthwolf on October 29, 2009, 06:23:08 pm
Horrible news mate.

Reminds me of a story I heard about the new Focus RS. Some poor chap ordered one from the dealers. The day before it was to be collected, it arrived at the dealers.

Overnight, someone had smashed the back window, gained access into the boot to get the locking nut and stole the rims.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: JPC on October 29, 2009, 06:24:42 pm
i saw that, it was about april time as well i think...when a focus RS was uber rare!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: stealthwolf on October 29, 2009, 06:44:07 pm
I found the pic but not the thread:


I got side-tracked and was on the focusst website. All I'm gonna say is I'm glad I didn't get an RS or ST. They seem to be hot property for thieves - homes broken into, people being carjacked or threatened at knifepoint or mugged.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: cuprak1 on October 29, 2009, 06:46:13 pm
I found the pic but not the thread:


I got side-tracked and was on the focusst website. All I'm gonna say is I'm glad I didn't get an RS or ST. They seem to be hot property for thieves - homes broken into, people being carjacked or threatened at knifepoint or mugged.

o dear i feel sorry and all that .. but did make me chuckle a bit  :evilgrin:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Andy on October 29, 2009, 09:09:12 pm
seen that a few weeks ago-it was parked at the dealers,the new owner was picking it up on that day
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: NB07 on October 29, 2009, 09:35:57 pm
thats a bit crap candyman my condolences bro, we have to rise above these swines  :drinking:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Tarmac_Terrorist on October 29, 2009, 10:03:37 pm
Really sorry to hear of your bad luck. I'd be gutted

I reckon it's worth hiding these locking wheel nuts apart.
They may smash a window to try and find it but i'd rather have that than the car left with no wheels with brake discs and floor pan left damaged.

Got to make life difficult for these to$$ers!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: neg on October 30, 2009, 12:27:14 am
Feel for you mate - not just for being a forest fan of course but due to whats happened.

I went through a similar thing a few years back now - car parked at the dealers, they had it for a few days to diagnose a fault so was locked in the back - in fact in Nottingham too!


Nicked all the Nav system, including changer and control unit even!  must have taken them a while to get it out.  All 5 wheels went - spare being an alloy due to the brembo's on the front.

Not the best phone call from the dealer when they told me this, then later was told its not covered on their insurance .. but thats a whole new story.

Hope you get it all sorted.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Felix on October 30, 2009, 08:29:33 am
Neg - dont mean to be nosy but please tell me they paid up  :surprised:

I had a highly modded vr stolen from a garage as they broke the shutters open - used in an armed robbery and still had guns in the car when it was found by the Feds. Bleedin tossers.

Sorry to hear it Candyman as its just hassle for you.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: neg on October 30, 2009, 08:53:49 am
I dont think they did in the end, came off insurance - a good couple of grand to sort, the wheels alone where over £1k with tyres.  They discounted the wheels mind you ... gee thanks!

It was a company car so didnt effect me too badly, still pretty pissed at their attitude to it.  Needless to say I never went back there.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: CarrG on October 30, 2009, 10:01:22 am
Feel for you mate - not just for being a forest fan of course but due to whats happened.

I went through a similar thing a few years back now - car parked at the dealers, they had it for a few days to diagnose a fault so was locked in the back - in fact in Nottingham too!


Nicked all the Nav system, including changer and control unit even!  must have taken them a while to get it out.  All 5 wheels went - spare being an alloy due to the brembo's on the front.

Not the best phone call from the dealer when they told me this, then later was told its not covered on their insurance .. but thats a whole new story.

Hope you get it all sorted.

OMG!! What a horrible sight! LCR best car ever. Suprised they didn't have those uber rare recaro's.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: cmdrfire on October 30, 2009, 11:10:33 am
Need one of these...
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: JPC on October 30, 2009, 05:48:07 pm
oh jesus! so sorry to hear about that neg, as if they didnt cover it! how the hell do these kind of companies get away with not insuring things like that?!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: neg on October 30, 2009, 06:10:43 pm
This was an official SEAT dealer too !
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: stealthwolf on October 30, 2009, 07:28:36 pm
This was an official SEAT dealer too !
That's terrible! Did you not speak to SEAT HQ?

I would have at least expected the dealer to reimburse me for the excess and the additional premium rise due to claiming for at least the next few years. You should not have had to pay a penny!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: VC on October 30, 2009, 07:44:53 pm
I found the pic but not the thread:


I got side-tracked and was on the focusst website. All I'm gonna say is I'm glad I didn't get an RS or ST. They seem to be hot property for thieves - homes broken into, people being carjacked or threatened at knifepoint or mugged.

how heartbreaking for the new owner  :sad1:
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: tommy1 on December 16, 2009, 11:58:14 pm
I noticed that this topic is a little out of date but had a close run-in in a pub car-park last week. surprisingly in a nice area. All my wheel nuts apart from the locking nuts were loose. obviously i didn't realize and drove off! had been driving for a while until noticed the nocking noise, took it to the dealer to get it checked over. all is fine but now i'm thinking this could me more common than i originally thought. Does everyone have 2 different locking nuts? im thinking of buying a second set. what is everyone running? just something to keep the chavs away! gutting to hear about all these nice cars! blooming pikeys!
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: Poverty on December 17, 2009, 12:03:33 am
I noticed that this topic is a little out of date but had a close run-in in a pub car-park last week. surprisingly in a nice area. All my wheel nuts apart from the locking nuts were loose. obviously i didn't realize and drove off! had been driving for a while until noticed the nocking noise, took it to the dealer to get it checked over. all is fine but now i'm thinking this could me more common than i originally thought. Does everyone have 2 different locking nuts? im thinking of buying a second set. what is everyone running? just something to keep the chavs away! gutting to hear about all these nice cars! blooming pikeys!

locking wheel nuts arent going to stop anyone who wants your wheels. Locking wheel nut breakers take them off in 2 mins.
Title: Re: Monza's nearly stolen - Where do you keep your nuts?
Post by: candyman on December 17, 2009, 09:15:40 am
My recommendation is to keep the existing VW lockers but add McGards 28018 SL's to each wheel. Hide your nuts and keep your fingers crossed. I've now got the car back with new wheels and new locking nuts which are well hidden.

I've noticed that on the Mk6 GTI's the VW lockers are a copy of the McGards and a change from the old MK5 version..... Good move VW