MK5 Golf GTI
All Things Mk5 => How to Guides / Troubleshooting => Topic started by: davep84gti on September 04, 2014, 01:26:07 pm
hi all, recently had cutting out issues with my gti back along... that all got sorted and its been a happy 4 weeks!! but today my Gti decided its had enough of running properly... heres what happened......
driving home this morning from town and the gti decided to loose all power and cut out.. tried starting it and it starts and is very lumpy and struggles to stay idling and then cuts out. if you try revving it struggles and then cuts out aswell.
Seriously had enough of Gti's!! should of kept my v8 merc!!
any ideas?? I've had a new LPFP and thrust sensor when i had other issues previously with the car.
Sorry to hear of your problem!
What you really need here is a vcds scan looking for fault code(s) and maybe even a live logging session to get to the root of the problem.
yerr I'm going to get it slapped on the computer again when i can be bothered to walk back to where i abandoned it lol.. selling it once its fixed.. had nothing but trouble with this Gti
Cam follower been checked?
Bad MAF?
the maf never crossed my mind tbh.. cam follower hasn't been changed.. it was on my to do list
a mechanic friend of mine just mentioned a PCV valve.. this likely?
a mechanic friend of mine just mentioned a PCV valve.. this likely?
A leaking pcv may cause your idling rpm to hunt but shouldn't cause the car to cut out.
Cheapest blind fix is to change the fuel filter though I'd recommend getting a scan first to see if it flags up anything.
a mechanic friend of mine just mentioned a PCV valve.. this likely?
A leaking pcv may cause your idling rpm to hunt but shouldn't cause the car to cut out.
Cheapest blind fix is to change the fuel filter though I'd recommend getting a scan first to see if it flags up anything.
For my own information. Why would a dodgy fuel filter cause this?
I've just been back to where i abandoned the car.. started it and its fine.. made it home.. was driving much better though which is weird...
So i had this issue - Turned out it was a small fuel pump within the engine bay that was full of crap that was causing the cut-outs ...
For my own information. Why would a dodgy fuel filter cause this?
Clogged filter could cause fuel starvation to the engine...
Interesting! Changing fuel filter next week so will look for any grit on the old filter even if I have to tear it apart!
any fuel gauge issues?
nope no fuel gauge issues.
it literately lost all power and struggled to stay ticking over and then stalls/cuts out. hours later the car is running like nothing ever happened
Where abouts are you located mate? I have a spare MAF if you want to try it. I'd also try another HPFP to rules things out.
The fuel filter seems a good place to start though.
im in plymouth buddy. I've used the car this morning and its ran absolutely fine so I'm assuming something is faulty or is on its way out... I'm thinking HPFP as if it was the maf surely it would just run lumpy and not cause the engine to stall/cut out?