MK5 Golf GTI

General => Product Reviews => Topic started by: jason_rmh on November 16, 2014, 05:00:07 pm

Title: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: jason_rmh on November 16, 2014, 05:00:07 pm
LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP

The standard incandescant 501 sidle light bulb give off a dull yellow light which is quite noticeable against the crisp white light of the xenons.
I have tried several different LED bulbs over the past two years, from cheap ebay ones to more expensive ones from places usch as HIDS Direct.
Eventually they always seem to fail giving a bulb warning on the dash. They sometimes work for 6 months but eventually fail.

Most LED 'CANUS compatible' bulbs have built in resistors designed to stop the bulb error.
As the built in resistors are small, I think they eventually burn out.
When this happens, the lights may come on for 5 seconds, the bulb error will show and the car will think there's a fault and shut off the sidelights.

To get around this, you could fit inline, larger resistors, but I was trying to get away without them.

@DamoP (;u=2936) sells LED bulbs which are reasonably priced, so I thought I would give them a go.

Although i'm fitting them to xenon headlights, they can also be used in halogen lights.

@DamoP (;u=2936)
The bulbs you need are W5W / T10 fitment to replace the 501 incandescent bulb.

There are various posts on fitting side light bulbs to xenon headlights, its tricky but can be done without removing the headlights, and when you've done it once, its quite easy there after.
Remember, LEDs are diodes and will only work one way, if the bulb does not light up once fitted, remove and rotate it 180 degrees and re install.




Damo was great to deal with and the LEDs arrived quickly in the post.
Fitting may take some practice, but no need to remove bumper and headlights etc.
Nice white light giving an improvement over the old yellow bulbs and they compliment the xenon bulb nicely.
Not as bright as I thought they would be in the daytime, but nice and bright at night.
If you're after a cheap set that so far is known to work well, you can't go far wrong with these.

I'll update the review in the future once they've been fitted for a while.
Bulbs (Old Vs New)




Night shot

Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: DamoP on December 01, 2014, 04:46:40 am
really good write up mate
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: K9 on December 07, 2014, 08:57:28 pm
will post some pics tomorrow when i get time  :happy2: happy with the leds from @DamoP (;u=2936)
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: DamoP on December 08, 2014, 02:33:09 am
will post some pics tomorrow when i get time  :happy2: happy with the leds from @DamoP (;u=2936)
cheers dude
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: Georrge on January 06, 2015, 09:45:27 pm
Are these in the genuine xenons?
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: jason_rmh on January 06, 2015, 10:20:12 pm
The ones in my pictures? Yes they are.
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: xjay1337 on January 06, 2015, 10:29:17 pm
Playing devils advocate
what is different about these bulbs over the cheap buggers from ebay?

i guess they are more expensive (price isn't mentioned).

i get bulb errors with mine but only if the weather is really cold and battery voltage drops on initial crank.
if the warning comes on i just turn on the side lights on and off again and it goes out. Not that annoying haha  :star:
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: jason_rmh on January 06, 2015, 10:33:05 pm
The ones from Damo weren't bad, £6 a pair.
They're very similar to cheap eBay ones, but when I compared them, the resistors on the PCB are slightly different. This is the key to stopping the can bus error.
Several members are using these bulbs now, without issue.
I got the same issue with cold weather with my eBay bulbs, eventually the error would not clear, I guess because the small resistors eventually burn out, hence the error.

Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: xjay1337 on January 06, 2015, 10:53:25 pm
might try them then sometime if i get bored with mine!

although think the scirocco ones are different.
the side lights can't be longer than like 87mm or it fouls on the inner lense, the running light one is a stupid bulb i'd never heard of!

mk5s are just easier  :signLOL: :signLOL:
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: th3_f15t on January 19, 2015, 12:13:23 pm
mk5s are just easier  :signLOL: :signLOL:

Starting to regret selling your GTI? :P
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: Gripper1 on January 24, 2015, 08:02:46 pm
Would they work with halogen headlights ?
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: K9 on January 25, 2015, 02:05:42 pm
Would they work with halogen headlights ?
yes they will work without any problems!

When i installed my leds the 4 top leds 2 of them did not work :(
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: Gripper1 on January 25, 2015, 07:17:24 pm
Brilliant, thanks
Title: Re: LED Side light Bulbs from DamoP
Post by: Scott_GT_TDI on July 08, 2015, 11:10:06 pm
Just my tuppence worth.....

I bought some off of Ebay that looked identical to these however they were a hair too big to fit in the sidelight hole (Halogen GTI lights)

Maybe thats another difference with this dude's?
