MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => How to Guides / Troubleshooting => Topic started by: killsta on January 31, 2015, 09:11:25 pm

Title: Weird vibration...
Post by: killsta on January 31, 2015, 09:11:25 pm
Hi all,

New GTi owner (57 plate).....had it for a month so far and love it, already had the common intercooler pipe oil leak which I solved cheaply with a new o-ring!

My next issue that has cropped up is it's got an odd vibration that appears at around 50-55mph and then goes away above 55, and comes back between 60-75mph and then goes away above this speed. The vibration isn't violent, just annoying, and seems to pulsate.  I've already swapped the wheels around, and initially I thought the vibration moved from the front (where it seemed to be originally) to more toward the back, but it's hard to tell and sometimes seems to be coming from the front still!

From my various googling the most likely cause seems to be wheel balance or a dodgy tyre, just checking there isn't a common VW Golf-ism that causes this...

Any tips/suggestions appreciated! :drinking:
Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: Mandy on February 03, 2015, 08:02:15 pm
What is your Golf? My 57 plate ed30 had this issue..
Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: Carpy25 on February 03, 2015, 08:27:24 pm
I would get all four wheels balanced to start with any bad rims or bulged tyres will be very easy to see on the balancing machine

if their ok then ball joints and rubber bushes are the next check

Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: killsta on February 03, 2015, 11:20:31 pm
What is your Golf? My 57 plate ed30 had this issue..

57 plate GTi.  Did you get to the bottom of it?
I would get all four wheels balanced to start with any bad rims or bulged tyres will be very easy to see on the balancing machine

if their ok then ball joints and rubber bushes are the next check


Will do this and report back, thanks!

Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: GTI-Pirelli on February 04, 2015, 12:04:54 am
+1 for wheel balancing.

1st set of Goodyear Eagl F1's - Started to get vibration above 60MPH as the fronts got to approx 1/2 tread.
Got all 4 wheels balanced. Front's required 15g & 10g / Rears both needed 5g. If I recal correctly cost me £10!

This set seem to be the same. They go out of balance as they wear. Never did it with the countless P-Zero's I got through. Had me worried at first.
Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: killsta on February 04, 2015, 06:51:44 pm
Took it to get the wheels balanced today.

While they were balancing the rear wheels they noticed they had high spots. So looks like the likely cause of my vibration.

Looks like two new tyres for me then!

Thanks for the replies all  :happy2:
Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: killsta on February 05, 2015, 05:19:37 pm
Got some new Eagle F1's today, along with full wheel alignment, and the vibration has gone. Hurray!

Cheers all  :drinking:
Title: Re: Weird vibration...
Post by: Carpy25 on February 05, 2015, 08:58:26 pm
