MK5 Golf GTI

All Things Mk5 => Mk5 General Area => Topic started by: lambera on March 12, 2015, 05:12:03 pm

Title: Hesitation when starting
Post by: lambera on March 12, 2015, 05:12:03 pm
Right so I have owned my eddie since mid January and within the first week or so I noticed it was sort of hesitating when starting like the battery was on its way out. So I bought a new battery, but soon realised it was still the same, I have left it for a weeks but think I should find out what it is.
Sometimes it is worse than other times, it sounds like it isn't going to start sometimes then sort of kicks in and fires up. The cam follower has been changed also the Dv and the pcv is fine.
Any help would be great thanks. 
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Spankiee on March 12, 2015, 06:54:27 pm
Massive thread on this somewhere mate. Loads of our cars are similar. I've changed battery and plugs it's not much better.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: OSB on March 12, 2015, 07:06:04 pm
Plugs, coil packs?
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: numec on March 12, 2015, 08:43:14 pm
Check engine oil level? Try topup (if below max) and compare the difference?
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: rich83 on March 12, 2015, 09:37:18 pm
Same here.

I changed the battery for a supa-dupa one and it stil "coughs" into life. I wonder if its the injectors.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Kam88 on March 12, 2015, 10:02:12 pm
Same here new battery new plugs and service and still same I remember my friends mk4 was the same even thoe my one is mk5
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: andybon on March 12, 2015, 10:22:59 pm
Is it not the starter motor?
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: lambera on March 12, 2015, 10:41:15 pm
Seems a very common problem, exactly that it coughs into life. Doesn't do it if it was started not long ago
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: lambera on March 12, 2015, 10:41:43 pm
Seems to be when its been sat for a good few hours
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Kam88 on March 12, 2015, 10:42:06 pm
Not starter as it's turning over its not firing up quick of the mark
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: rich83 on March 12, 2015, 10:43:45 pm
Seems to be when its been sat for a good few hours

Yep.... first start always the worst. Need to get VCDS on the case to see whats happening to the crank speed on ignition
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: lambera on March 12, 2015, 10:50:51 pm
Seems to be when its been sat for a good few hours

Yep.... first start always the worst. Need to get VCDS on the case to see whats happening to the crank speed on ignition
My mate is plugging mine in tomorrow or Saturday see if any faults pop up.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Kam88 on March 12, 2015, 10:55:40 pm
My one shows no faults so not sure what else but it stopped bothering me now  :signLOL:
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Spankiee on March 12, 2015, 11:14:13 pm
Just another perk of mk5 ownership to match all the rust.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: #ed30 on March 13, 2015, 11:50:57 am
my ed30 does exactly the same when its been left overnight/for a few hours... always has been. had new plugs, new coils... i just put it down to the car being a grumpy bugger, adds to the character  :happy2:
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: simpsb on March 24, 2015, 08:42:40 pm
 :happy2: same here. its like the battery is dead
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Dave J on March 24, 2015, 09:56:34 pm
As mentioned earlier, there's a big thread on this somewhere on here. Must admit, I always thought the same about my ED30 - just seems a bit lazy churning into life compared to my old 1.8T which burst into life (albeit with that annoying screech that the starters seem to have after a few years of dust / grime!).

It's pretty normal as far as I know - seems to be a trait of the engines!
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: TaylorGTi on March 24, 2015, 10:51:07 pm
Same here.... Sometimes I don't start car for days as I live where I work so that start on a Friday is abit of a grumpy one!
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Panthera on January 13, 2016, 07:58:09 pm
I have the same and I was going to post a new topic on this very same issue, but as I see it has been covered before, I did not bother. 

It is like it is not 'catching' when I try to start.  iirc, it never used to do this, only since about the last 5 months.

But I have noticed that when I park the car in the garage and go to shut the door - I reverse into the garage - I can here a quiet hmmmmm noise.   I am not sure how long it hummmms for, and I am wondering it is draining the battery a little bit? 
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Madone on January 13, 2016, 08:11:56 pm
Mine used to do this loads, I spent a bit of time looking into it, initially it looked like fuel pressure was leaking back from the high pressure side of the fuel rail, I wrote some obd logging software to record the rail and line (from the low pressure pump) pressures during each start. That turned out to be a false alarm, it would start just as well with high and low rail and line pressure. Then I tried plugs etc, no difference, the last thing after fuel and spark was air, the throttle body butterfly acts as the idle control, running off a stepper motor, there is no separate idle control circuit. So next to performed an adaptation on the throttle body, bingo !, it's not perfect and very occasionally gets a bit spluttery but it's 10x better than it was and not something I notice anymore. As I said I spent a load of time trying to work it out and this fixed it for me
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Chris92 on January 13, 2016, 08:36:15 pm
My old mk5 gti used to splutter like mad and was a little embarrassing when the neighbors seen it trying to start, even had a few people ask what's up with the car. Anyways my 2nd mk5 gti doesn't splutter at all, turn key and bang it's running. Both cars were pampered. Wouldn't worry about it.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Beej on January 13, 2016, 09:36:42 pm
Could broken or sticking runner flaps cause this?
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Madone on January 13, 2016, 10:48:30 pm
You would get a error code doe that, my runners are fine,
So very doubtful. Def wasn't the case with my care
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Berry on January 13, 2016, 11:58:50 pm
Mine used to do this loads, I spent a bit of time looking into it, initially it looked like fuel pressure was leaking back from the high pressure side of the fuel rail, I wrote some obd logging software to record the rail and line (from the low pressure pump) pressures during each start. That turned out to be a false alarm, it would start just as well with high and low rail and line pressure. Then I tried plugs etc, no difference, the last thing after fuel and spark was air, the throttle body butterfly acts as the idle control, running off a stepper motor, there is no separate idle control circuit. So next to performed an adaptation on the throttle body, bingo !, it's not perfect and very occasionally gets a bit spluttery but it's 10x better than it was and not something I notice anymore. As I said I spent a load of time trying to work it out and this fixed it for me

Madone could you expand on that a bit? What sort of adaptation did you perform? Glad to hear it's common, as mines had it since I bought her.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: rich83 on January 14, 2016, 12:31:18 am
Mine used to start terribly. Since the intake valves have been cleaned it's been much better
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Madone on January 14, 2016, 07:02:58 am
Mine used to do this loads, I spent a bit of time looking into it, initially it looked like fuel pressure was leaking back from the high pressure side of the fuel rail, I wrote some obd logging software to record the rail and line (from the low pressure pump) pressures during each start. That turned out to be a false alarm, it would start just as well with high and low rail and line pressure. Then I tried plugs etc, no difference, the last thing after fuel and spark was air, the throttle body butterfly acts as the idle control, running off a stepper motor, there is no separate idle control circuit. So next to performed an adaptation on the throttle body, bingo !, it's not perfect and very occasionally gets a bit spluttery but it's 10x better than it was and not something I notice anymore. As I said I spent a load of time trying to work it out and this fixed it for me

Madone could you expand on that a bit? What sort of adaptation did you perform? Glad to hear it's common, as mines had it since I bought her.

It's a setting you can run in vcds, you don't need to do anything other than let the software do its thing
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Beej on January 14, 2016, 10:04:13 am
I'm getting a RFD and intake clean done over the next few weeks, but also have the throttle body alignment done too, hopefully this will help
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: pudding on January 14, 2016, 04:35:17 pm
How often do you guys replace your fuel filters?  They have a fuel pressure regulator built into them, which can play up.  Whilst the rail pressure may be OK, the flow might not be, hence the sluggish starting.  I also suspect the mechanical pump needs a little time to build pressure / flow and if the feed pressure / flow is not there on the initial first cold start, it doesn't help matters.

If you're in-tank pump is a little more audible than usual, try bunging a new filter on as it's cheap easy to replace.   Mine has always started on the button since I've had it, but then again, I did a *FULL* service on it the day after I picked it up.  All filters, plugs, MAF, coilpacks, oil, coolant, all of it.  I like to 'start over' when I get a new car as you never know how it was treated beforehand.

Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Beej on January 14, 2016, 05:13:57 pm
I also done a complete service too including dv, and cam follower as soon as I bought it, so I don't think it's the fuel filter causing it

Also, it's had new coils fitted too in the last 6months
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: neiller on January 14, 2016, 06:53:43 pm
I have the same sort of problem my gti has 76k on the clock was thinking of doing a valve clean when I get the chance And the weather is better

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Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Bo! on January 16, 2016, 07:30:30 pm
I bought my golf GTI from main dealer 48000 miles cold starts were terrible after repeated visits into the dealer they changed plugs coil packs and PCV  to no avail . Had my intake off and valves media blasted they were really gummed up I'd liked to add + my cold start misfires have now gone . I had to shell out for this myself tho as VW said the car wasn't displaying a fault code and refused to investigate carbon build up .
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: r5gtt on January 16, 2016, 07:51:47 pm
That's messed up mate. I'd take them to small claims as you have proof of the gunked up inlet right? .
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Bo! on January 16, 2016, 08:07:13 pm
Yea I have proof a video and pics but as the head of business has offered an extra years warranty in previous discussions before  I had it media blasted. I decided now to take it on the chin and claim the extra warranty . The intake clean set me back 270 which I think is a small price to pay if I get an extra years warranty,if they knew I had taken it elsewhere they wouldn't give me the extra warranty no doubt + taking them to the small claims will cost and is agh I could do without .
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: r5gtt on January 16, 2016, 08:51:26 pm
I see what you mean mate.
Warranties aren't what they seem to be these days either but if you're happy then that's all that matters  :smiley:
I'd wanna argh!!!!  :mad: as how they get away with ripping us off pi*** me right off. Alan day in London on he highway are another bunch of t pots for lies and taking your money.
Title: Re: Hesitation when starting
Post by: Bigjimknickers on January 30, 2016, 10:17:36 am
I've never noticed this with my MK5 but my missus said it struggled to start a few times when she's used it.
Odd that it's never done it with me though!
Maybe it doesn't like her? :wink: