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Mk5 General Area / Re: Fan Working on Full Blast But Not Lower
« Last post by GVK on Yesterday at 09:16:59 pm »
Yep , fan resistor failure
Mk5 General Area / Re: Fan Working on Full Blast But Not Lower
« Last post by Octoparrot on Yesterday at 07:15:35 pm »
Those symptoms usually mean that the fan blower resistor has failed. The resistor is used in the lower speeds to slow the fan but not used at the top speed hence your symptoms.
Mk5 General Area / Passat front control arms, holes out of line?
« Last post by pandaman on Yesterday at 05:43:30 pm »
I’m in the process of a suspension redo. I've bought Lemforder Passat B6 alloy front control arms. Many posts on here say they are a straight bolt on replacement but I went to put one earlier and one of the smaller subframe bolt holes seemed to be about 5mm out of line.

The bigger and other smaller holes lined up fine, the other one seemed to be about half way across the hole in the control arm. Is there a difference in the passat arms? Do I now have an excuse to get an anti lift kit in the black friday sales?

Mk5 General Area / Re: Help with intake leak code
« Last post by ZoliWorks on Yesterday at 04:57:02 pm »
I'm not sure exactly if the 2nd sensor is just a check sensor or if it actually influences the fuel trims in anyway. On the forums I've heard it's only there to test the cat efficiency and doesnt actually influence fuel trims but one of my mechanic buddies claims it does influence trims.

If it does influence trims, then it needs to be mapped out or spaced out to get rid of the error/CEL. I'm not actually sure if mine is mapped out or I just got lucky and it hasn't thrown a cel but I'm leaning towards the fact that it's mapped out since I did specify to my mapper that I have a sports cat.
Mk5 General Area / Re: Help with intake leak code
« Last post by Jons1001 on Yesterday at 04:33:49 pm »
Well if you have a sports cat, the post cat lambda reading is way out of factory spec because a sports cat flows better than the 2 stock cats. It filters out less so the lambda read different values. You either need to get the 2nd sensor mapped out / adjusted via the map or you use a spacer to space out the sensor from the downpipe, making it read closer to factory specs. It will start popping up more and more frequently cause sports cats are cheap and way lower quality than factory cats so they burn out sooner and their efficiency decreases. Some guys here replace them once every 2-3 years cause they no longer pass inspection. I've only had mine for half a year and the tone of the engine changed drastically since I first fitted it. I'll likely have to replace it next year if I want to pass checks.

Thanks, the sports cat already won't pass an mot as of last year...

It's good that you mentioned the two different readings as the mechanic was saying he read mine and they were different which points to a bad sensor, however i now know that it is just the map. I asked them (remap company) about this when i got the map tweaked - guess they just sold me a Lambda sensor when i may not have needed one. Surely an established mapping company like they are would know to map out the lambda sensor though  :doh:

Still a bit stumped then, probably going to fit a new PCV and go from there.
Mk5 General Area / Re: Help with intake leak code
« Last post by ZoliWorks on Yesterday at 03:53:17 pm »
Mk5 General Area / Re: Help with intake leak code
« Last post by ZoliWorks on Yesterday at 03:48:33 pm »
Well if you have a sports cat, the post cat lambda reading is way out of factory spec because a sports cat flows better than the 2 stock cats. It filters out less so the lambda read different values. You either need to get the 2nd sensor mapped out / adjusted via the map or you use a spacer to space out the sensor from the downpipe, making it read closer to factory specs. It will start popping up more and more frequently cause sports cats are cheap and way lower quality than factory cats so they burn out sooner and their efficiency decreases. Some guys here replace them once every 2-3 years cause they no longer pass inspection. I've only had mine for half a year and the tone of the engine changed drastically since I first fitted it. I'll likely have to replace it next year if I want to pass checks.
Mk5 General Area / Fan Working on Full Blast But Not Lower
« Last post by Hamd01 on Yesterday at 03:27:11 pm »
Hi guys.
Ive had a search of the forums, but cant find the same issue....well not exactly the same anyway.

My son turned 17 and we got his car a few weeks ago.  Its a 1.2 Polo 2017.

The problem is with the fan....same issue regardless of direction.  If you have the fan on the first 3 levels it doesnt blow at all, however the highest setting of 4 works perfectly. 

As sure as I possibly can be, theres nothing at all coming out on 1,2 or 3.  Ive switched the engine off and listened carefully, but it sounds totally dead on those settings. Comparing it to me vw EOS, id say 4 is perfect, and as powerful as you would expect.

Does anyone know the possible cause...its almost like the first trhee settings are on a seperate fuse?

Thank you.
Mk5 General Area / Re: Help with intake leak code
« Last post by Jons1001 on Yesterday at 02:55:01 pm »
Pcv sounds fine to me. Pulling the plug, the engine clearly start going rough but it stabilizes itself and increases the rpm. Thats normal. If the pcv was bad, you'd get misfires, running lean codes and the engine would tend to shake at idle, especially after starting.

On the other hand, if there's a vacuum leak, what will happen is the engine will stabilize itself after 2 minutes or so and then if you pull the dipstick or take the oil cap off, it will make no difference. This means there's a constant air leak in the system.

But yeah, if it hasn't been done, it's worth replacing. Another thing that went bad for me was the brake booster vacuum hose. The plastic hose that goes from the check valve to the vacuum pump cracked and created a constant leak.

Hi thanks for the reply. Just got back from the garage and they are saying the second code is pointing towards the lambda sensor (post cat). I think the plan is to replace the PCV, and then do a continuity test on the lambda with a view to possibly replacing that if it is showing as bad. Thing is i had the same lambda issue 2 years ago when i went back to the mapping company to get the map tweaked after fitting a sports cat.  They said the lambda was damaged and they replaced it. A week or so later the code was back. However this code only seemed to appear every 500-1000 miles after clearing, which i put down to the map. The code relating to the vacuum leak won't go away. 

They are telling me after the second smoke test there were no leaks showing, so either it is the lambda sensor causing it, or something that wouldn't show in the smoke test (PCV, Diverter valve?) or they have missed something e.g very small leak from a hose - possibly obscured if it was resting on another hose etc.

Very frustrating!
Mk5 General Area / Re: Aircon delete
« Last post by DSG_MK5_MANIA on Yesterday at 02:36:53 pm »
I know this is an old thread, but wondering how you got on with the Aircon delete? I'm planning it on my MK5 regardless of the weather that's what windows are for haha
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