Mk5 General Area / Re: Fan Working on Full Blast But Not Lower
« Last post by GVK on Yesterday at 09:16:59 pm »Yep , fan resistor failure
Well if you have a sports cat, the post cat lambda reading is way out of factory spec because a sports cat flows better than the 2 stock cats. It filters out less so the lambda read different values. You either need to get the 2nd sensor mapped out / adjusted via the map or you use a spacer to space out the sensor from the downpipe, making it read closer to factory specs. It will start popping up more and more frequently cause sports cats are cheap and way lower quality than factory cats so they burn out sooner and their efficiency decreases. Some guys here replace them once every 2-3 years cause they no longer pass inspection. I've only had mine for half a year and the tone of the engine changed drastically since I first fitted it. I'll likely have to replace it next year if I want to pass checks.
Pcv sounds fine to me. Pulling the plug, the engine clearly start going rough but it stabilizes itself and increases the rpm. Thats normal. If the pcv was bad, you'd get misfires, running lean codes and the engine would tend to shake at idle, especially after starting.
On the other hand, if there's a vacuum leak, what will happen is the engine will stabilize itself after 2 minutes or so and then if you pull the dipstick or take the oil cap off, it will make no difference. This means there's a constant air leak in the system.
But yeah, if it hasn't been done, it's worth replacing. Another thing that went bad for me was the brake booster vacuum hose. The plastic hose that goes from the check valve to the vacuum pump cracked and created a constant leak.