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Members Rides / Re: Edition 30 powered by RBS
« Last post by RBS on Yesterday at 07:59:38 pm »
Sucked the old brake fluid out and filled it up with new fluid.
Bled the whole system and brake pedal feels nice and hard👍🏻

Tomorrow it’s suspension setup😅…
Members Rides / Re: Edition 30 powered by RBS
« Last post by RBS on Yesterday at 07:53:28 pm »
Next up… the left side, last shot of the 312mm disc and brake caliper

After disassembly of the old parts and bit of cleaning, all new shiny stuff😎

Members Rides / Re: Edition 30 powered by RBS
« Last post by RBS on Yesterday at 07:44:27 pm »
Some shots of the complete setup…

Mk5 General Area / Dogbone Mount broken
« Last post by yusufq32 on Yesterday at 07:28:54 pm »
Broken my dogbone mount. Got the pendulum one aswell. Pushed it first gear quite hard it snapped off. Would it just be straight replacement or does it look like I’ve damaged anything else.

Mk5 General Area / Need Advice on MKv GTI intermittent cooling issue
« Last post by elie.chahine on Yesterday at 03:17:48 pm »
So i have a VW golf GTI 2007, with AC issues.

-the AC stops blowing cold air suddenly. Sometimes it fixes it self, sometimes i restart the car and it works, sometimes it stays like this for a few days then it works
What my mechanic have checked and tried:

- Low pressure sensor code, so i changed the pressure sensor (the one that is plugged on the freon line) it worked for a day then it stopped working (worth noting my mechanic changed this sensor 4 times before finding one that works). Now it works from time to time

-Freon levels are good

-Compressor pressure is good; 10 bar (when it's working)
-both fans kick on when the compressor is running
-I have a p2181 code. not sure if this helps
Any help appreciated!
Mk5 General Area / Mk V golf gti clutch issue
« Last post by Scott1990gti on Yesterday at 01:59:28 pm »
Hello all, new to this; so hoping it gets seen and responded to by someone who can help!

So, I recently bought a  Mk V golf GTI and I've noticed the clutch pedal returns slowly.  I've had the system bled through, multiple times by a friend and by the VW Dealers.  Also, had the master cylinder replaced by VW; which has not solved the issue.

Seems that when it's cold before reaching 90 engine temp, the clutch pedal will return as expected - springs back no problem.

However, when the car is warmed up, and under load or Boost, the clutch pedal comes back very slowly - so if I wanted to do a sharp fast gear change, the pedal won't let me because it's returning too slowly and sticking.. as if you had the clutch in half way while accelerating.

The other thing I notice is that it's only happening under high pressure/speed or RPM. If I drive it with lightly, with gear changes under 4k RPM, the clutch comes back okayish.

Dont think I've experienced any clutch slip, it pulls well in all gears, no rattles or grinding, although I havent put my foot down and proper pressed the cars power- I wouldn't want to hammer a 19 year old car that I don't know much about yet and this clutch issue probably wouldn't help it.

I am hoping someone has knowledge on this, and if I've explained it clearly..  just don't fancy the £2.5k bill from VW if they have to drop the gearbox and change the slave, flywheel, clutch and possibly anything else that may be an issue.  BWA engine if that helps, 114k Milage so could be on the original clutch as there's no history.

Thanks for reading
Mk5 General Area / Re: Temp not exceeding 70 degrees.
« Last post by lazy on March 26, 2025, 08:05:13 pm »
When I first got mine I noticed the same, it was the first job I done on mine while I was doing the the timing belt. Mine is also an import.
Mk5 General Area / Re: Slight loss of power after driving for an hour
« Last post by lazy on March 26, 2025, 07:58:47 pm »
Thanks Zoli I've already done it, I got a genuine one, but it does pay to shop around. I'm going to have to shop around and be more careful with my money this car has cost me a fortune and I haven't even had it a year yet.
Mk5 General Area / Re: Temp not exceeding 70 degrees.
« Last post by ZoliWorks on March 26, 2025, 04:46:31 pm »
99% of the time it's the thermostat. Not an expensive part but annoying to replace.
Mk5 General Area / First time GTi buyer
« Last post by jimboq on March 26, 2025, 12:08:59 pm »

Hello all, this is my first post, so I hope I'm in the correct part of the forum... Apologies if not, I'll learn.

I'd like to ask you experts a not so simple question please. I'm looking to buy a stage 1 mapped Mk 5 GTI in the coming months, year probably around 2008 ish, hopefully relatively low mileage.

My question is in two parts. (1) should I buy a car already mapped, or have this done after purchase? Q2 is, what kind of budget would be expected for a good low mileage car?

Thanks in advance.
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