Interior None Electrical
Front armrest - leather
A great item weather OE or retro fitted
Added by DamoP, on 2014-11-11 09:20:13
Members with this Mod:
dieseldog, JC88, mrxbox360, DamoP, paulw123, Mev, MateyGuv, boardyuk, bestygti, TForrest94, Jacko2, hugo, NathED30, ssephi, liam, bbfb10, GTi-Andy, Scott73, USBulldog, Mitch H, Nino, D3mon_Hunt3r, robmcclel, graham-gti, wardyed30, shail, bluebert92, AlexR1823, Krisgti, mattkgti, Matt81, hlcst, swebster94, Morgen, ashbignall, Shoduchi, Paavo, Chris1H, Phatvalver, ady-uk, PatchySan, Adrian, kierhanlon6, gixerben, Stupots, andy7ven, grey golfster, golfgti10, farrell 88, Vader, golfmck1980, wesrev87, xionoulis, Tazocin, dennisgti, GitFlog, KarlB1, Raj2212, Christiank, Mobrrown45, kylo, Ripstop, Timmsy21, Sebas_theFish, Sleapy, Kontiki, Dopey,
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This mod is Wanted by the following 13 members: