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Author Topic: 2007 gti ***new to the group*** bad to start from cold and a nosiy  (Read 1437 times)


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Hi I've had a my 2007 gti for 8 months now. It was  occasionally bad to start I have put a new battery one and it improved it but just recently it seems to be getting bad again. It spins over more then you would expect and is quite nosiy (rattle sound) it's only from first thing. Starts up fine for the rest of day. Also it does have a bit of a ticking noise from top of engine on idle which I've read is very common with these and is usually the cam chain? Any help would be great. Cheers
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 09:30:33 am by Burnhill88 »

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Re: 2007 gti ***new to the group*** bad to start from cold and a nosiy
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2017, 02:58:18 pm »
If it rattles like a diesel then you may need to get the Cam Chain and Tensioner adjusted, not a cheap job but leaving it to the end could lead to catastrophic failure for the engine. But considering you have a 2007 GTI you should have the revised BWA engine to the AXX version which are known for these.

I would take it in to a specialist for a clearer picture, if you need more info about this then you can find it on this thread here -,64912.0.html