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Author Topic: Diesel cars  (Read 889 times)

Offline gigolo456

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Diesel cars
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:29:18 pm »
Hi Folks, quick question, is it true that diesel cars need an oil and filter change more often than petrol cars?? An oil warning light has come on in my wife's Suzuki SX4, well it blinks, then goes off, and the local dealer is stating that she needs a new oil and filter change!! She only had a major service 6 mths ago, yet she is now expected to pay yet another £75 for the courtesy of letting them change the oil yet again!! Am i missing something here???? Oh yes, his words, and i quote, manufacturers dont make diesel cars now that are on service regimes, ie. he is suggesting that oil and filter might need changing a few times a year!! I'd maybe see his point if she did 40k miles a year, but she does about 10k tops!!


Offline TrickGTI

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Re: Diesel cars
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2012, 09:38:14 pm »
What a load of tod!! why is there such thing as a long life service for the VAG group! yes the oil will get more carbon in it than a petrol will but not to the extent you would need to change the oil a few times a year ( dependant on mileage of coarse ) now a lot of new diesels have a DPF filter in the exhaust which if the oil in the engine is not a low ash oil this will cause this filter to block up.
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Offline gigolo456

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Re: Diesel cars
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2012, 10:02:34 pm »
Well its a 58 plate Suzuki, but I wud assume the principles r still the same!? In the 6 mths since her last service she has done c. 3k miles, but Suzuki r claiming that the cause of this need for an oil change is down to her mostly urban driving!! So basically wat the dealer is suggesting is that they have to change the oil not only every December (service time), but perhaps other times throughout the year when the warning light flashes!! Talk bout a licence for printing money!! :(

Offline Degudodger

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Re: Diesel cars
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2012, 10:07:05 pm »
I have a TDI Jetta with 129k on the clock and do on average 25k pa and change the oil three times a year but that is only because on the milage i do.

In the case of your wife i would say given the mileage she does changing the oil once a year should be ok but i would consult the user manual first.
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Offline gigolo456

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Re: Diesel cars
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 10:20:50 pm »
Cheers. Lets put it like this, in the 3.5 yrs she has had it, she has had it religiously serviced every December, she did bout 10k miles a year. Due to a change of circumstances, she will b doing bout 6k a yr tops, and as I said above, she has only done bout 3k miles since last service in December! I will fight this 1 to the bitter end, over principle alone!!

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Re: Diesel cars
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 10:24:09 pm »
It's got nothing to do with carbon, but everything to do with the high sulphur content of Diesel.

"Sulphur in diesel forms sulphuric acid that play a major role in increasing engine wear. When ultra low sulphur diesel is combusted, far less sulphuric acid is formed and hence engine wear rates are significantly reduced"

The sulphur robs the diesel of the additives in diesel. In the bad old days, diesel engines needed oil changes as soon as every 5000km. Nowadays with the improved ultra low sulphur fuels and diesel specific oils, engines can go much longer between changes.

At an average of 10k per annum and using said diesel and long life oil, I would have my engines oil changed every year as a precaution more than anything.

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Offline gigolo456

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Re: Diesel cars
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 10:28:11 pm »
Yes, I would agree, and certainly not 3k miles after yr last change im sure!