shark perfomance do an STS handset with their maps if thats what you wantm, same functions as the bluefin handset(fault code reading, can immobiliser map, and standard map akl on the handset, and dead easy to use)
They are getting rave reviews at the moment accross a multitude of Vag vehicles and engines. priced about halfway between revo and bluefin and id say the perfomance was comparable to revo and mine is defintely better than my old bluefin map,
from what i gather about bluefin, k04 wise the problems have been with incorrect maps-dsg, non dsg etc(cant see VWR getting this wrong though) and for k03 maps its the lumpy delivery of stage 2 and 2+ maps that have been in question.(my bluefin amde 241hp249Ibft on Dyno dynamic rollers which HP wise is good, but lacking in the torque department compared to others.
If i was you id be going for REVO or as i have the shark perfomance.