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Author Topic: Please help ASAP  (Read 1611 times)

Offline tombGT

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Please help ASAP
« on: December 09, 2018, 12:19:10 pm »
Hope someone can help and/or give me some advice. My car is a 05 gt tdi 140 that is remapped to about 180ish.

Anyway I bought this car a few months back and it always had a slight boost leak but never got around to looking at it until the other day. It was the elbow that comes off the turbo outlet, it had a massive slice in it. So I got the part and replaced it. Them damb clips are a right pain to get on. Anyhow I got them on and took the car down the road. Never felt it pull so well. Actually took me back. But within a minute I heard a pop and had no power. Knew exactly what had happened. The pipe had popped off.

So today I have been back under the car and fixed it with the old tie wraps and jubilee clips. Pretty sure that will never come off now!

So took the car down the road again. Moved like a train until maybe half a mile when I heard a similar pop again. But this time time it is different. It's down on power again but the engine is really loud like there is no air filter or the exhaust as come off. I've had a look and can't see anything. The elbow definitely hasn't come off tho.

I'm worried because the car hasn't seen this much boost in a while that now something else has popped. But why the loud noise?

If anyone has any ideas it would be really helpful. I would love to get the car working to full power. At the minute it's like a straight diesel bit you can hear the turbo, just over the loud engine.

Thanks in advance!

Offline muff1991

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Re: Please help ASAP
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2018, 09:36:27 am »
you probably already have... but double check all your boost hoses. especially the intercooler ones. I have a PD170 remapped so I think I know which pipe you have replaced. with all of those hoses.. like on the other VW platforms.. you have to make sure all of those boost hoses are pushed ALL they way in and the clips are fully seated otherwise they do pop out.

Offline tombGT

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Re: Please help ASAP
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2018, 01:27:08 pm »
you probably already have... but double check all your boost hoses. especially the intercooler ones. I have a PD170 remapped so I think I know which pipe you have replaced. with all of those hoses.. like on the other VW platforms.. you have to make sure all of those boost hoses are pushed ALL they way in and the clips are fully seated otherwise they do pop out.

Thanks for the reply. Yes the bottom intercooler hose had come off. So done the same thing to that with the jubilee clips and tie wraps. Definitely moving quickest I've had it now although they are leaking a bit of air as I heard one of the pipes move a bit when under full boost. Is there any better fix for these because I would like to have full power. Not to mention all the black smoke out the back lol

Offline muff1991

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Re: Please help ASAP
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2018, 04:04:36 pm »
glad you found the issue, did sound like another pipe had blown off. there is no "permanent" fix for these joins unfortunately. I've heard the S3 intercooler is the only solution on the GTI but don't know about the diesels.

another member on here mentioned about sleeving the join with silicone hose and Jubilee over each side.. but I don't think its possible due to space on the intercooler side.. but then it might be I don't know for sure.