Your best bet is to either get one from a scrapyard or get the cheap one and repaint it. I can say for sure the ebay ones dont compare to the factory quality. Factory ones were super expensive so when I was doing the GTI face swap on my previous car, I ended up just buying a cheap ebay copy and spray painting it myself.
You could also just get yours painted, especially if it's OEM. Might be the best bang for your buck solution.
If it's the honeycomb part that worries you, you could try using a heat gun to blow hot air on it and revitalize the plastic. I used that to restore the front and rear bumper splitters on my old car. Tho make sure it actually works since it depends a lot on the material. some plastics will fade and if you try and restore them this way, they'll just burn up (VW badge on the trunk for example).