Well I've just switched to a new R32 after owning an ED 30 GTi, and before that a Mk V GTi, so feel I should share my experience with you

All cars were standard with no remaps
1. Pace - The R32 is still running in and feeling quicker each week. Nevertheless the ED30 "felt" more punchier after 3500rpm, especially in 3rd and 4th gear. In comparison the R32 just oozes low down power and delivers smooth accelaration all the way to the red line with no turbo "punch". I reckon performance is very similar in a straight line on a dry road. So 8/10 for both cars. The standard GTi felt slighty less powerful at higher revs and a bit slower at motorway speeds so 7/10.
2. Guzzling gas
The ED30 managed an overall 27.36mpg average for me (with plenty of city commuting) over 12500 miles
The R32 is managing an overall 24.12mpg so far (and steadily improving) after 1600 miles (same roads etc as ED30)
The standard GTi managed 28.9mpg overall
So 6/10 for the ED30, 4/10 for the R32 and 7/10 for the standard GTi
3. The driving experience is completey different between the two cars, but both very enjoybale. The R32 with it's Haldex 4wd is just incredible for traction - you can boot it out of side roads, exiting roundabouts and away from the lights with no fuss or wheelspin. On the move the R32 feels heavier and less "chuckable" than the GTi but with awesome amount of grips around corners. The GTi by comparison feels lighter and more nimble, but tractions can be a problem at times and you have to learn to feather the throttle to avoid wheelspin. Uphill in the wet or even damp I could still get a little wheelspin in 3rd (no remap either).
Have to say this is difficult to score, the R32 scores best for traction & grip but the GTi scores better for chuckability and fun. Both cars are fantastic to drive so 9/10 for both
4. The R32 sounds superb and running it on V-Power and Tesco 99 everyone says it sounds like a rally car
My ED30 did'nt sound so bad either ... nothing like the V6 but it had a nice deep rasp at idle and sounded quite purposeful when pressing on. In comparison my 1st standard GTi sounded like a tractor at idle

and never sounded as good as the ED 30.
So 10/10 for the R32

, 8/10 for the ED30 and 6/10 for the GTi.
R32 Plus points :
1. Getting away from a standstill with 4WD and DSG

: it's just TOO easy

2. The sound of the exhaust
3. The "catapult" feel you get as you boot it away from corners and roundabouts
Minus points
1. MPG
2. Vehicle Tax
3. Weight
ED 30 plus points :
1. Handling is more fun (lighter and more nimble)
2. The turbo "punch" after around 3250rpm
3. Cheap to remap
Minus Points
1. Traction
2. Traction !
3. Not much else
My conclusion : I would be happy with either a ED30 or R32, they both edge out the standard GTi IMHO.