Hello Rob. Uunfortunately Ben (Vtec abuser) was January... Will try find a way to make it up to him...
John... To say im peed off with the bank is an understaement. Firstly my account was set to a private account. That's why it kept bouncing. Oh and the bloody bank details they gave me were wrong. Completely wrong account number...
Now Joes bank (which have been very on the ball) said it was in my account... But its not. The people at my bank are tools.
My dad is also at ABSA and they never give him problems. Kelle (my chinese terrorist friend) opened her account on the same day as me. Same bank lady, same time. Hers is fine but mine is not... agitating as hell.
But lets see what happens hey....
Cos of this I had to cancel my detailing session at Porsche... So im not a happy bunny...