first off thanks to Awesome for the graphs and Arin for taking the time to post on here in a professional manner

my thoughts
1) its always going to be 'difficult' due to the nature of the split to see the definitive wood from the trees.
2) Someone correct if Im wrong but I believe the protection mapping has been proved to exist in later REVO software, due to logged AFR dyno graphs
3) APR have always claimed compressor surge at 3-4krpm, REVO disagree so the maps differ in requested boost at this rpm by quite a lot.
4) for those of us with long running APR software we need to carefully consider changing, components tend to 'bed' together and if you change the power levels and delivery its game over. e.g. clutch = bye bye
for me I intend to switch to REVO as I cant go without the support Awesome provides. Not that I have needed it for a long time but when/if I do then I need to know its there. It also reinforces to me how much weight this aspect carries.
I will also probably turn the boost setting down to preserve my clutch. high end power shouldnt be a problem.
I will of course be posting a review in due course