Looks very good indeed to me. A car has to be practical imo and lowering too much might look cool but will be a royal PITA if you keep scraping it and also lower doesn't automatically produce better handling results but sometimes the contrary!
I'm not a great fan of anything other than Monza's - To me they're an important iconic element of the GTI's appearance. However, I respect the use of other alloys for track purposes and, of course as always, ETTO!
Would you say that cornerweighting is a necessity? I've been told by an experienced VAG tuner that it is not necessary on the GTI (I forget the reason for this)...
....It's not "necessary" but it's one of the things which adds up to a car which is better setup overall. VWR advised it and I rather think Mark knows what he's talking about!! Mine certainly feels like it's on rails.
Which tuner told you it's not necessary? (I bet they haven't got the corner-weighting gear!).

Oh, when I first read "Is my stance ok?" I was tempted to answer "Does my arse look too fat in this?"

I once followed a rather hot looking brunette driving a black Beemer M5 (fast driver too) and she had a rear window sticker: "I bet you don't think my arse looks too fat in this!" - Class!