Link to the BBC news story:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11909886Jumping on last year's band wagon to stop the X-Factor winner hitting number one in the charts is an anti-X-Factor so called 'supergroup' getting together to record, not music but virtual silence - That's really musically creative and worthy of praise isn't it! Orbital, Imogen Heap, Pete Doherty, and commercial popsters if ever I heard some: Heaven 17, and also serial activist Billy Bragg are among those forming this so called supergroup. What do these players have in common? I suggest a need to rescue or rejuvenate their own musical, in some cases, careers.
It's all very well and everyone has a right to sling mud at the X-Factor and deride its pure pop commercial-ality. However, this year in particular (I've not watched previous years) has thrown up some excellent singers as well as those who make you want to vomit. Rebecca Ferguson may not be Nina Simone but she sure has a very fine voice and oozes class even though she doesn't realise it herself. Matt Cardle is another good contestant and sings well from his heart and soul. 17yo Cher Lloyd has plenty of attitude but is also a worthy performer. One Direction aren't at all original but hordes of screaming girl fans love them, so why shouldn't they have some success?
Those who don't make the grade only humiliate themselves in the eyes of others if their musical abilities are so awful - And many are so truly awful that's it's entertaining, which is more than can be said for recording silence. The X-Factor judges are doing everyone a favour by rejecting their efforts. Besides which, many of those who haven't reached the final will have created a new career for themselves anyway - Mary the 50yo supermarket worker being a good example. Crazy Kate Waissel who wasn't that great in my opinion but I bet will be more than pleased she got as far as she did. Even the wretched Wagner won't be disappointed! I haven't seen anyone humiliated in the slightest, not even by Simon Cowell, and I have been particularly impressed by judge Cheryl Cole's showing of compassion.
Those four acts who have made the final in this competition deserve whatever degree of success which might come their way. They are clearly sincere and wholehearted about their music and they have been given a chance of a lifetime. How mean and intolerant are those who are going out of their way to waste time recording literally nothing musical to offer the public in their poisonous protest.
The Royal British Legion's 2-minute silent video was appropriate as standing in silence is an established gesture in remembering the fallen in armed conflict, and at least there was a video to buy. To my mind, this anti-X-Factor song also disrespects the silence of that video. Have any of you seen or heard this year's X-Factor 16 finalists perform David Bowie's song "Heroes" in aid of Help For Heroes? - It's brilliant imo and this comes from someone who particularly loves the Bowie original.
Why can't these already established so-called musicians live and let live or even offer some music in return for the money they would gain?
Rebecca Ferguson:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ34OAUZj7Ehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z5N1UDhx4oMatt Cardle - Who can seriously say this guy doesn't deserve success. Not pitch perfect at times, but...
http://www.formulatv.com/videos/2424Help for Heroes Charity single:
I'm anti British soldiers being in Afghanistan but wholeheartedly support them as people. F*CK you! Billy Bragg and co!

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