Got an Edition 30 with DSG a few weeks ago.
Great car, and I love the DSG too.
But i found the DSG mode selector very confusing at first. It's like they put it in back to front. I mean, (N)eutral is in the middle, fine, but you push it backwards to (D)rive forwards, further backwards to move forwards more quickly ((S)port mode), push it forwards to go in (R)everse, and move it as far away from the handbrake as possible to put it in (P)ark.
Not a big problem - I'm used to it now. But a couple of times when i first got the car I was stopped at lights in neutral and came close to putting it in reverse instead of D.
Still used to driving a manual and pushing the gearstick forwards into first to move off i guess.
Did anyone else find this at first?