Whats this a hose witchhunt with a braided hose manufacturer who's merely stated the advantages of fitting braided over rubber when changing, and NOT suggested anything else?!
Not once have I said that people have complained about spongey pedals (merely said that fitting braided reduces this), but seen as you mention fade, how about other problems induced partly by rubber hoses such as rubber absorbing water vapour into the brake fluid which in turn affects the fluid, one of a few reasons for brake fade - Brake fluid is hydroscopic which means it has an affinity to water and absorbs water from the air. When brake fluid absorbs water it’s boiling point drops rapidly. (Taken from our own brake doctor section of our site -
http://www.helperformance.com/brake-doctor/index.php?page=5#Reducing fluid fadeSeems to be alot of confusion of this spongy pedal business, perhaps the industry term for this pedal feeling is a little overawed and is making people think its this massive amount of play in the pedal, its not at all - Simple question I'd ask people is do you really all have brake pedals that give you instant pressure, the minute you put ANY pressure on the brake pedal no matter how slight you get instant braking response? I'd say no, in which case you have experienced the 'spongy' feel, as slight as that may be on a road car to some people.
However, not interested in the continuation of this 'ive not got a spongey pedal business', as its being totally over egged, so i'm out from here....