Right here we go, for starts.
I had this car when i was 16 and started to lean to drive on the roads on my 17th birthday.
Renault Clio 1.4 Dci - 86 bhp. quick car for a first. and it had xenons. Ive never seen another "non-182" with xenons yet either!
I passed my test pretty quick and 6 hours after passing, i wrote it off. nice. Please let me assure you it was due to diesel on the road. you can moan and winge all you want about it being an excuse, but it happened!
so after that, i bought two vectras off my dads company for £1500. ex company cars.
I ran around in the burgundy one for a few weeks until id tidied up the silver one.
they were Both 1.8 Sri's. About 120BHP, not bad for 17.
Yes that bonnet scoop was a horrible idea, but it was free! i hated it from the start, believe me!!
Two weeks after i did that i decided it had to go!
So two weeks before my 18th, i bought this.
Vectra 2.2 Sri - 150bhp. Had all the extras, leather cruise. a nice car really...for a family!!! so i got rid pretty quick, 6 months i think?
So 6 months later, i bought this...my first real car!!
Golf Mk4 GTi Anniversary! no doubt this was a fantastic car, especially at 18. i only sold it about 3 months ago!
I had this car for just over two years and loved every minute of it!
In Nov 2008 i bought my brand new Golf Gt Sport. it looked terrible on delivery and wondered why i replaced the anni...
here it is on the first day i had it!
this is how it looked a few days after! lol
I love this car as much as the Mk4, maybe more, its a more suitable car for what i need!
thanks for looking!