One of the kids managed to knacker the arm of our sofa playing on the wii.
So it's new sofa time, and wifey being a woman has decided that she also wants new chairs to go with it. So, we've done the tours of the funtiture places over the last few days, suffered the 'wit' of the salesmen and listened to their 'fantastic sale offers' and the usual BS.
DFS are handy, have a massive range and better still do 4 years interest free credit. I don't have a credit card as I like to either pay up front for something or take out interest free offers when available. At least with their big range you can actually sit in the things to see if they're too hard/soft unlike a lot of online retailers or smaller stores.
So, does anyone know of any leeway in DFS prices on top of the sticker prices? Or don't the salesmen have any flexibility in their deals? Typically, despite several visits, the only sofa my missus likes is one with only about £40 off and added to which you have their £45 delivery charge. Grrrr.
I can't find any online vouchers or similar and they don't seem to feature on cashback sites either.
Harveys are out of contention as my in-laws had loads of trouble with them.