Great to see some old faces today
turned out a nice day apart from the head wind.
My usual Ham Fisted Oaf technique proved to much with 3 degrees of camber on the front, but I cracked it on the 4th run.
Well pleased to get under 13 sec and 4.63 to 60 in the old Golf 

I was stood next the start when you did your fastest run.
Was quite interested to see your technique off the line in a tuned Ed30, as lots of cars were spinning their boots, especially the older stuff.
It seemed from the outside to be quite 'Driving Miss Daisy' and quite gentle in the initial phase, then once hooked up it just shot away, with a pleasing sound of gears going home with the DSG not interupting the flow of acceleration. Good job man.
That GTR looked rather rapido.