Yesterday - wash (Meguiars NXT Shampoo) , rinsed , dried , Polished (AG SRP) , Sealant (AG EGP) , Waxed (one coat of Victoria Councours Wax) Glass Polished (AG Glass Polish) , Tyres Dressed (Meguiars Endurance Tyre Gel) , Black Plastic Dressed (Meguiars Tech Protectorant)
Today - Car rolled out of garage and another coat of Vics Concours , The inside of the windows were polished with the AG Glass Polish , The interior was hoovered. Leather seats were cleaned with the LTT kit , inside plastics were dressed with AG Vinyl and Rubber Care , the exposed metal under the bonnet was washed and treated with AG SRP , Underbonnet Plastics were dressed with AG Vinyl and Rubber Care , and finally a 3rd coat of Vics Concours was applied. Total time , over 2 days , about 8 hrs.
The result - (iPhone Pic)