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Author Topic: August Meet - Berks, Surrey Hants meet 7pm Thursday 23rd August Leather Bottle  (Read 15623 times)

Offline Mk5 GTian

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Offline Mk5 GTian

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This is ridiculous.


Do what the f*ck you like boys I'm out.

Over the quality of garlic bread.....  :confused:

No not just that.

Enjoy your meet boys, wherever you decide to have it, with or without garlic bread. Me and Chris will probably go to Nandos.

Please don't drop out Hedge, getting to talk with people like you face to face is invaluable for people like me who haven't got a Scoobie!  :happy2:

Fun Golf: 2016 mk7 R DSG 3 door. Work Golf: 2015 mk7 1.4 TSI GT ACT 5 door.
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Offline simonp

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I counter your handbags with this tartan shopping trolley.

Now that's harsh!

Offline RedRobin

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Do they make those bags in GTI Interlagos 'tartan'?

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Offline Gti_Mad

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Rich me and you have the same bday  :laugh:

mines the 24th aswell so count me in if anything does happen that is  :happy2:

Had the ED30, but not got the balls.

Mk5 silver 5door Ed30 1707- now sold
Mk6 silver 3door Golf R- current

Offline simonp

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It's either at Chris' house or Nando's apparently...

Look for a massive pram with no toys in it parked outside! :rolleye:

Offline RedRobin

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Look for a massive pram with no toys in it parked outside! :rolleye:

....A very massive pram!

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Offline rich83

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Jesus... I think you all need to grow the f*ck up!

Offline RedRobin

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Jesus... I think you all need to grow the f*ck up!

....Such is the nature of banter on all car forums, not just this one.

Ask any female and most will tell you that men are just overgrown boys. If not, they are usually pretty dull.

I don't mind growing old, just as long as I don't have to grow up.

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Offline RedRobin

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In an effort to understand and possibly repair any damage done, I've been reading back through this thread:

It's always nice to get such constructive feedback about a venue you've suggested, actually the 2nd venue I've suggested.

Obviously my choices aren't up to scratch so come on then boys where do you want to go?  :popcornsoda:

....Hedge, you seem to have interpreted what was simply a comment about the garlic bread to mean that people (or just myself) weren't happy with the Leather Bottle venue you had suggested - This is NOT the case. As posted, myself and others really like the venue and are totally happy to continue there.

As Thor (and myself) posted, if anyone doesn't like something on the menu they simply don't have to order it. I don't like rice pudding but I wouldn't not go there just because it's on a menu.

Do what the f*ck you like boys I'm out.

....Obviously it's up to you to decide whether to attend or not but such a post worded like that is suggesting that you suddenly aren't coming just because of a comment about the garlic bread at the venue you had very helpfully suggested. The result of your post is that the meet has fallen apart just because of a moment you had of being over sensitive. We all have such moments occasionally of course and are much more sensitive than some women give us credit for.

Please correct me if you think I'm wrong.  :smiley:

I wasn't coming to the meet this time around anyway, so I have no interest in it still going ahead or not on August 23rd. But what does this debacle do for future meets in this neck of the woods?

As the organiser, Chris, what do you have to say about this?

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Throbbin' Red Mk5 GTI DSG with too many mods to list - Have Fun but Safe Journeys!

Offline Hedge

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It's not the garlic bread comments as much as the attitude Robin.

I appreciate the attempt to pour oil on troubled waters however I stand by what I said and recent comments by certain folk have done nothing for my enthusiasm regarding attending.

Offline Mk5 GTian

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I've had a lot of Golfs, but this forum has really inspired me to get much more involved in the scene, and this is the first meet I've attended more than once, and It's been brilliant.

I really hope we can all draw a line in the sand and get back on with what this forum is all about. Life is too short.

Fun Golf: 2016 mk7 R DSG 3 door. Work Golf: 2015 mk7 1.4 TSI GT ACT 5 door.
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Offline wigit

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sorry can't make August chaps, pitty as always a good night, good banter and i like the leather bottle  :happy2:

Offline Thor

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In an effort to understand and possibly repair any damage done, I've been reading back through this thread:

It's always nice to get such constructive feedback about a venue you've suggested, actually the 2nd venue I've suggested.

Obviously my choices aren't up to scratch so come on then boys where do you want to go?  :popcornsoda:

....Hedge, you seem to have interpreted what was simply a comment about the garlic bread to mean that people (or just myself) weren't happy with the Leather Bottle venue you had suggested - This is NOT the case. As posted, myself and others really like the venue and are totally happy to continue there.

As Thor (and myself) posted, if anyone doesn't like something on the menu they simply don't have to order it. I don't like rice pudding but I wouldn't not go there just because it's on a menu.

Do what the f*ck you like boys I'm out.

....Obviously it's up to you to decide whether to attend or not but such a post worded like that is suggesting that you suddenly aren't coming just because of a comment about the garlic bread at the venue you had very helpfully suggested. The result of your post is that the meet has fallen apart just because of a moment you had of being over sensitive. We all have such moments occasionally of course and are much more sensitive than some women give us credit for.

Please correct me if you think I'm wrong.  :smiley:

I wasn't coming to the meet this time around anyway, so I have no interest in it still going ahead or not on August 23rd. But what does this debacle do for future meets in this neck of the woods?

As the organiser, Chris, what do you have to say about this?

The meet is still going ahead and will be booking the table and attending as usual.  :happy2:  How can we not have a meet when it's two of the guys Birthdays and i have been practicing baking a cake.  :love:

Gone but not forgotten - Edition 30 No.2239
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Offline rich83

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Might not be able to make it now... ive been ask to do some video work for someone.  :sad1: Ill see what I can do!