Uprating the lpfp made a good difference to the vRS. Could add more boost at 1.9 bar peak and 1.5 bar at 7k and more timing. Going to add a 145bar fprv soon too.
The meth will go well with the larger tb and gtx3071.
Did you hear that revo have dropped the lo4xx?
Have Revo dropped it or have GIAC bagged the rights for it now? I know GIAC are plugging it quite heavily in the USA now as well as the L0380. I've seen the Uprated fprv's and the 145bar one is already on my radar. I think the 155 bar one maybe overkill even for BT applications LOL.
1.9 bar is good, but 1.7bar seems to make for a smoother curve on mine at the moment. Maybe that is due to the fprv or the limit of the lpfp, however pushing it higher on the R seems to promote more surge, making it edgy and the lower setting gives a smoother run at lower throttle around town. Either way the boost at the redline seems to be similar.
What makes me laugh about Revo is they are a Performance Car Remapping company who are averse to progress.
It seems they don't want to move along with the times and write Maps for new products. This has got to me a little bit as I was going to invest in a LO380 but I will need to keep my 2+ and get a manual boost controller.
That seems like a bodge to me and may, may as I am unsure, force my hand to a GIAC Map. I am just trying to find out if I can keep my Revo DSG Software if I do make that change.
Loba, very very friendly informative emails from Simon, have told me they think GIAC are bringing out some specific maps for the LO380 so I suppose the LO4XX too?
Even though I did get lots of information from Kev at Revo, the tone was a bit, how should I say 'I don't really want to discuss Loba'!
Personally I think they are missing a trick, EGT's keep getting mentioned but the info from Simon says otherwise.
So maybe £1500ish of Revo Software on my car down the swanny? I don't think so! But it means everybody with Revo is losing out because they want to keep it simple.
I don't want a non OEM looking solution on my car like the GT6071R, or whatever it is, I want a nice OEM fit non intrusive product, alla LO380!
Good results from the WMI though John very impressed.