I had them on my MKIV,ran them for 3 years and was pulled twice..Once for an insurance hiccup.Traffic had scanned my plates,computer said no and pulled me.Turns out the insurance company made a typo on the reg number.Anyhoo,thought I,d blown it when he went to the nearside to speak to me,saw I was,nt there and walked v e r y slowly to the drivers side.Invited me into the volvo and showed me the computer read out.Then asked if i was in the Forces,I said no and set about the pre planned speech about just been to a show,originals in the boot,blah blah. They said no problem,they scanned them fine so no issues.(Sheffield J35).
2nd time I forgot to put my lights on,got pulled,again nothing said about the plates.(Doncaster)
These were the type with the german D and proper german font..I know I was lucky and others have had severe warnings etc.
My opinion,I would,nt do it now on the MKIV and dont think they suit the MKV.