I've only been on the forum for 14 months, but the standard of grammar and spelling has most definitely gone downhill. It's really rather shocking.
If you can read it I don't see a problem myself. I have had issues on here with people complaining about my spelling and grammar. I did take offense at it as I'm dyslexic, so i stopped contributing for a long time.
In life what I lack in spelling and grammar skills I make up for in maths and engineering skills, as well as been able to remember most facts, figures, or quotes I have ever read.
I myself would rather be an engineer with practical probem solving skills, been able to fix things, build things, repair things, design things and do everyday useful practical things then like a lot of grammar correct people I know who are just desk jockeys. They push paper everyday and cannot even wire a 13A plug or do any DIY at home at all. Just my view.
100% agree and well said!

I AM dyslexic and have stuggled my whole life with the most simple of writing tasks when it comes to spelling and the physical aspect of writing words down on paper as in my mind I see words back to front and usually with many of the letters in the alphabet, b's, p's and s's are always back to front or upside down and a constant source of embarrassment and annoyance to me (but a source of hilarity to my girls

, kids!)
Being a child, growing up in a boarding school from the mid 70's onwards and not being diagnosed with dyslexic meant you were a moron so being called a retard at school only spurred me on to improve my skills (of lack of) and I would spend bloody ages reading the dictionary and learning how words "look" as they appear different to me as they do to others but also to make me "seem" more erudite that those around me. I found people don't take the p*ss when your level of vocabulary is far superior to theirs.

I have developed a thick skin over the years to the small minded, bigoted select bunch of tossers on Internet forums being rude and to me it is water of a duck's back but I do wish, for the sack of others, they would keep their opinions to themselves. If I thought for a second anyone on here was knowingly being nasty just to garner laughs from others then I'd cancel my account in a heartbeat. This forum
is different and its a place I enjoy for its banter and knowledge in equal measure.

Hey, folks it's not just a simple matter of whether someone can spell or not or whether they have had the privilege of an English language education - The problem is when some people are quite capable (obviously not genuine dyslexics) of writing in reasonable grammar and spelling but are lazy about it (usually encouraged when using mobile media). That problem becomes irritating and unhelpful to those who might be able to help a fellow forumite when a question is asked and, as a direct consequence of it being written without any punctuation etc etc it is too difficult to make sense of. It's when all these elements are combined that it becomes a problem, in my opinion.
If we encourage such low standards of communication........
Ex(?) forum member Scott-The-Comma-Boy is a prime example and there have been plenty others - So what justification is there in accepting it?
Do you not see my point? - I know many of you do because so many of you are very quick to take the piss out of badly written posts.
I understand your point and do (on the whole) agree. I work my nuts off to write proper like

, whether that be in a post or down on paper. My education
did help me and the extra tuition and my sheer determination not to be seen as an "idiot" also helped.
It does annoy me when peeps who find easy what I find so difficult to do don't bother to make even a cursory effort with their spelling, punctuation or grammar in general. I believe if some people don't find things hard then they don't bother....
This post (as with every post I submit) has taken ages to write as I need to read, re read and check the spelling.
EDIT: Even after all that re reading, I'm still modifying this post due to bad spelling!