After reading between the lines on a lot of forum threads relating to the FK AK Streets, it seems that the people who have had the most issues are the ones who have dropped the car the lowest they can, does this sound about right to you all?
As I'm only after a matched 35mm ish drop all round and not the 80mm possible from the coilovers, would it sound plausable that these should be fine?
I only want to lower the CoG and remove the tractor look a little as I have far too many speedhumps to negotiate and dont want to start knocking bits off my car just to get into the works carpark twice a day.
Plus as it'll be a case of set and forget ie. they wont be getting adjusted again once fitted, the adjusters will be getting painted up to prevent corrosion and the chance of coming loose.
I had looked into a set of springs but bad experiences with fitting springs in the past has put me off, plus the ride height always seems hit and miss as to whether it's going to sit level or look like the car is braking when sat still....