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Author Topic: 1st service  (Read 10113 times)

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Re: Indy's in my area?
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2009, 02:28:16 pm »
Mine was £115 for first service. Them prices are just ridiculous. Shop around, they also price match I think.
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Re: 1st service
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2009, 02:28:25 pm »
Im after a long life service, even though Im on T&D, since I want LL oils to be used.

My LOCAL VW dealer - £365 - FOR A FIRST SERVICE!!!!!!!

Another VW dealership - about 17 miles away from me - the same service for..............wait for it...................£124.14!

I'll deffo be going here. This guy seemed to know what he was talking about over the phone when it came to servicing and oils etc - stating they used Castrol oil as well. My local dealer hardly knew the difference between T&D and LL servicing! I cant believe how much they tried to rip me off for!
Had a bit of a chat with him, and he said he was getting a lot of business from around the London area - all going up to him!!
Since they are a VW dealer, all parts will be VW approved etc.
He then went on to tell me my most expensive service at year 4, will be £367 - and that INCLUDES the DSG oil change was well (which they usually do for around £130!).

Hopefully their service will be quite good, and they'll have got themselves a new customer!!

But what are you getting for your money. i payed £224 and they didnt even change the Brake fluid oil change that was due (2 years). Personally try and ask what you get done on this £124 offering, as against the other bids.


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Re: 1st service
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2009, 03:25:39 pm »
Already asked him - he said it would be an oil and filter change. I then asked if they us ethe Shell Helix, or the Castrol LL oil, and he stated Castrol.
Seemed very friendly, and also seemed like he knew what he was talking about. Just checked the place out on the Volkswagen website, and they are listed as a VW dealer, so all is well on that front.
Deffo my cheapest quote so far.

Im not due my brake fluid etc until year 2 / 20k miles.


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Re: Indy's in my area?
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2009, 03:27:15 pm »
I think they only price match if you get another 'written' quote within a 5 mile radius I believe.

Just got another quote for £124, also from a VW dealer.
Dont know why the dealerships differ in price so much!
Although its further away, it would probably only cost a tenner in fuel, so still much cheaper, and I get to drive through some country lanes  :wink:

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2009, 09:54:03 pm »
My fourth year service was just under £400.

Top price for the service would have been £295 but mine didn't need something so it was a little bit cheaper than that.

Ac service and refresh - £75

Brake Fluid - £49

Not too bad I thought...


But I did notice they used Mobil 1 0Wsomething...

I recall TT thought Mobil wasn't worth oiling his hinges with and stating that it wasn't approved by VW?

Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2009, 10:08:54 pm »
that wont be a FULL INSPECTION service, that'll be the cheaper option of a lubrication service.
sorry, but no way would you get a service that cheap for a GTi.. that price is more Polo

that price for 40k ins't so bad, although guessing it doesnt cover cambelt&tensioner..

if you guys need any help with whats due when, what to ask for, what to expect or anything else, im happy to help..

i know i work fo the stealers, but im not all bad..  :sad1:

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2009, 10:27:08 pm »

i know i work fo the stealers, but im not all bad..  :sad1:

....I think you're a real sweetie, Caz! And you can steal me any day :evilgrin: :wink:


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Offline ub7rm

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2009, 07:31:30 am »
that wont be a FULL INSPECTION service, that'll be the cheaper option of a lubrication service.
sorry, but no way would you get a service that cheap for a GTi.. that price is more Polo

that price for 40k ins't so bad, although guessing it doesnt cover cambelt&tensioner..

if you guys need any help with whats due when, what to ask for, what to expect or anything else, im happy to help..

i know i work fo the stealers, but im not all bad..  :sad1:

Indeed I didn't, I'm doing that next year as personally I feel 5 years is more appropriate.  Interstingly my dealer told me mine didn't need doing till 100k miles  :surprised:.  I think this is too long so it will be done next year.  I've no wish to drag this debate up again...

Whats the story with Mobil then?  I went in a few weeks ago to get 1L of oil, expecting the quantum gold stuff and the parts guy came out with a 5L bottle.  Gave it to me for free saying they weren't allowed to sell it anymore as it had been superseeded?  I presume VW have a deal with Mobil now then?  Or is it a dealer by dealer decision?

If I can pick your brain once more, I had the AC service and refresh thing and my car certainly stank of disinfectant when I got into it.  But now when I turn the AC on it absolutely stinks of old gym bag.  There was no smell from the AC before the service/refresh so I'm puzzled how they managed to make it smell like that.  Its going in on Sat to be looked at /  I presume they will run some more disinfectant through it again...
Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2009, 01:18:27 pm »
cambelt is purely down to drive discression.. we just have to advise you thats all.
i centrainly make a point of noting down when ive spoken to someone about it, as they cant be a come back, just in case..

to do with oils. apparently we were contracted to castrol, but yes, now changed to mobil.. cant really make comment on why im afraid..

to do with rhe air con, its a difficult one.. its possibly not ac related.. espec if its just had a service and re fresh.. was the smell there before the service?

and thanks Mr Robin..  :smiley:
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Re: 1st service
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2009, 01:35:29 pm »
that wont be a FULL INSPECTION service, that'll be the cheaper option of a lubrication service.
sorry, but no way would you get a service that cheap for a GTi.. that price is more Polo

that price for 40k ins't so bad, although guessing it doesnt cover cambelt&tensioner..

if you guys need any help with whats due when, what to ask for, what to expect or anything else, im happy to help..

i know i work fo the stealers, but im not all bad..  :sad1:

Yup the 40k price he gave me was for service, plugs, and DSG - not cambelt - which was over £400 on its own.

With regards to the full inspection - they state I can go in at any time, and they will inspect everything, and top up washer fluids etc, free of charge. I have a leaflet stating the same an djust need to take the leaflet in with me for it all to be done.

I had the same when I was a RAC member a few years back - a free inspection (although I think it was 1 per year).

« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 06:07:05 pm by Ifti »

Offline ub7rm

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2009, 01:47:14 pm »

to do with rhe air con, its a difficult one.. its possibly not ac related.. espec if its just had a service and re fresh.. was the smell there before the service?

No thats the thing - the a/c didn't smell before the service/refresh at all.  I've been in cars with whiffy a/c before and this smells the same.  Its particularly bad just after switching it off.

Sort of musty / old socks / whiffy cat sort of stink.

I've a theory all they did was rile the bacteria rather than killing it and instead of living peacfully in my condensor they've declared war.  Hopefully another dose of the refresh stuff should polish them off....
Sepang Blue S4 BE Avant

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2009, 11:19:35 pm »
theres two types of servicing, inspection and lubrication.

inspection is what normal services are.. as does what it says on the tin. you have your basic oil and filter change (and any other filters at whatever service) but the vehicle also has a thorough inspection, underneath, etc.. also, it will be put on the diagnostic machine to check for any live updates and check everything electrical etc..

lubrication service is your cheaper option. it is basicaly pulled into workshop, oiland filter done (or any other filters due) and pulled back out again.

we do get even vw quoting customers fo lubrication services and then them asking why were slo expensive..

i dont mind telling you guys this, as it wont be losing me money anywhere (lol), but, if you wanted to have the cheaper option and have the vehicle inspected, you can ask for an express visual check to be carried out. its a pretty thorough check of the vehicle, major components etc, tyres checked and tread reported on, oil level etc.. best thing is its FREE.

you can have as many EVC's (as we call them) done as you like. I have a lovely lady customer of mine come in every 3 months for one.

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2009, 12:56:03 pm »
Cool. Is this express visual check for when you are in the warranty period only - or at any time in the car's life??

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2009, 01:16:42 pm »
cars life. any car, any age.  :smiley:

only takes around half a hour to do.

a form of one should be completed out for you after your service for you to have as paperwork and it shou,d on it any notes the technician has made to any current need work or future needed work. And also a break down of your tyre wear, inside, middle and outside.

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Re: 1st service
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2009, 01:04:21 pm »
Well I finally got my first service done today from a VW dealer.

The dealer is around 17 miles away from me, since my local dealer wanted to charge just under £250 for an engine oil and filter change!

Anyways, got to the dealer (MJ Warner, in Herts) after a fun drive there, since its a lot of country lanes etc to get there  :laugh:

They took the car straight in, and told me it would come to £125 - as quoted.
They said it would take about an hour, to an hour and a half.
I waited around looking at other cars - unfortunately no MK6 GTIs to look closely at....
The service took around 45-50 mins - maybe it was quicker as I requested they didnt wash the car?!

Anyways, he came back and LOWERED the price even further.
He said it came to £106 and not £125 as expected!

Labour - £47.60
Filter - £8.73
Cleaner - £2.80
LL3 Oil - £33.60
VAT - £13.91
TOTAL - £106.64

They also did the Express Visual Check etc - which all turned out fine.
Finally, they topped up the washer fluid as well, and gave me the rest of the bottle - which is still over half full. (Is that what I was charged for as 'Cleaner'??).

Overall good service, at a good price. After the service the guy sat down with me and went over every bit of the invoice, telling me exactly what I had been charged for etc.

I think they've got themselves a regular customer  :wink:

The sales guy there told me that the value of the ED30's have gone UP a little, due to the rarity. He knew a lot of people who were after them.
Told him how much I had paid for it a few months back, and he said I got a decent deal, and could probably make a small profit on it if I sold now! lol