I've just organised one with the local VW forum. £30 each and on a Dyno Dynamics roller like Weston's. I to would be disappointed and frustrated if committed people backed out.
For me it wasn't the price or anything else for that matter (otherwise I'd have backed out of the 'Ring tour), I had said even in my initial postings that it would depend on the dates, as I work mornings, afternoons and nights at weekends and only get 2 weekends off out of 5. It just happened that when the dates were posted (after I'd said I was interested - date dependant), they were both committed weekends and I couldn't get anyone to swap. Otherwise I would have been there EVEN though I have another one on the 10th October and a private rolling road set-up (for pre-BT log comparison) locally just after.

I can really understand Dave's frustration and disappointment and appreciate the effort he made to try and get it to happen. I hope it hasn't soured his view of the forum and I personally hope we'll be able to try again at some point in the future.