That pictures makes the LED's under you mirrors look much better. Long exposure in the dark now for full effect and I'll make up my mind about them.
so demanding!!
That latest pic looks cool!!
cheers man!
Looks kosher when you're in 'driving' stance (I think you bagged' aired out boys call it)

What's the Audi in the reflection in a few of the shots dude? Looks very similar to mine, a modder friend?
Also: Less shots down your local MacDz plz bruv m8, we're ment to sustain sum sort of rep on da forum m8 bruv

We call it "drive height" lol
Or in my case scrape the subframe on any road cambers! :)
Audi is my partners car, A4 B8, very much into her cars herself, I'm so lucky!

she just got some Klutch KM20s for it, looks the beez. I'm being outdone on the wheels front for sure lol.
I need to go to McD every so often, it's my endz cuz.
Car looks awesome mate!
Thanks pal!
just read the old tdi thread, great car mate! do you still miss it?
God that's not been deleted yet? lololol
Umm kind of, yes I do, but can't go back to it, one of those things :( cars you should never have sold.
Hopefully moving onto some new things but to be honest it's all big expensive things now aside from a couple of little parts, list left...
- ED30 rear valance but I want some custom bits done on this which I am keeping quiet
- New front fogs as both mine have suffered from a STONECHIP TO THE KNEE
- Front end respray over winter
- After a replacement grill to have as a show grill so I can swap them over at shows without being done for number plate.
- Rear doors audio upgrade to match my front Hertz and a 4ch amp to power them
- Interior retrim
- K04 kit fitted (need HPFP, Injectors and a few other parts which Alex/AKS is going to be sorting out for me)