What power is the car at? If standard or Stage 1 K03 I wouldn't worry too much about the rear pads, they are good for balance of the fronts and only do about 15% of the braking force (if you had R32 stoppers up front or better, then it'd warrant a better setup at the rear...) ... spend what you saved on a fluid change, you'll notice that much more imho. 
Its just a standard car, no mods as yet

On Monday, I'm having a major service (plugs, oil filter, fuel filter, pollen filter), brake fluid change, DSG oil service, cambelt kit including water pump and thermostat and a partridge in a pear tree!
I don't need to let your imagination loose to conjure up a wholesome cash figure for that little lot. I've had the car about 5 weeks and it has a full VW service history, but the cambelt wasn't done due to the low mileage and on an 8 year old car it could be very dry and crispy by now.
Very little is my trust of main dealers and what they actually do and recommend to the customer, I've decided to just start my ownership with a proper baptism of all the service trimmings to give the girl a proper start in life.