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Author Topic: Urgent Advice please  (Read 16541 times)

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2013, 10:07:50 pm »
Glad to hear you're sorted mate! And to minimal costs!  :smiley:

Do not say that so soon as you may jink it  :surprised:

Hopefully get back soon and then I can start shopping for Mods to the car which I was looking forward to doing until it got taken from me. Maybe a sign to stop me from making it ugly with tacky Mods  :grin:

Offline doylebros

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2013, 10:40:04 pm »
My comments are just thoughts and I think the same as you!

This is worth a read

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2013, 08:05:20 pm »
Good Column,

This is my first 1.4 TSI Golf so I am no expert on if it has known issues or not however I always reserve judgement on cars until I have drove them and seen what they are like reliability wise. Unfortunately I have not had a good start but hopefully when I get my car back I will start with a clean slate and hopefully have no more issue like this.

Offline paulw123

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #33 on: December 05, 2013, 01:29:59 pm »
what do you mean "melted" valve & piston?
If it ran out of oil down that cylinder, then why? what other damage has been done?
I think you need a full report on sequence of failures. I wouldn't want them to just "fix it up" to get it running.
How about a recon engine with some warranty?
maybe best get rid of this one back to dealer ?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 01:32:00 pm by paulw123 »
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #34 on: December 05, 2013, 05:22:35 pm »
I have had an update to today which gives me a bit more info.

On the cost side they have received the options back from the dealer and don't know exact price but he advises these exceed 1k that the RAC will cover by a good bit. They still maintain they will pay for anything that the RAC will not cover so not too worried about that at the moment.

On the fault update they have received photo's from the Garage and he said some of the Piston is missing and some of the valve which is as quite surprised at. He inquired as to the symptoms leading up to the fault which I advised was a warning engine light flashing orange and then a loss of any power when accelerating. It was only when I got it home and then started it up again did the engine start juddering quite violently. I did find it strange that if there as bits of engine parts missing then I would have maybe felt a bit more when it happened as opposed to just a loss of power.

Anyway I am due to get a call tonight or tomorrow morning to advise on the different options for repair which is a formality before they go ahead.

It has crossed my mind should be worried about taking this back now it is having such an extensive repair but will see what they say tomorrow.

Offline doylebros

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #35 on: December 05, 2013, 05:37:05 pm »
I find it strange that they don't want to fit an exchange unit.

Who knows it may be in their options on offer.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2013, 06:00:38 pm by doylebros »

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2013, 01:21:16 pm »
Think you read their mind doylebros

They rang me last night and sorry for the long post but this is the detail of the options that I have.

Option 1

 - Put in a reconditioned Engine to fix the faulty part
 - Rough cost he reckons is about £1700
 - RAC will cover the 1st 1k and the garage will cover the rest
 - All I will have to pay for definate is the initial Diagnosis(as he will let me off the 2nd investigation done) which will b £35 + VAT
 - I also have an option of spending on improvements now below which they will charge at cost and no labour which are:
             - Cambelt - £135
             - Water Pump £55
             - Oil Change, Anti freeze and something else all costing around 40 + VAT

So total cost to me would be roughly between 310 - 320 inc VAT

Option 2

 - Put in a brand new engine from VW which they say will be a 1.4 TSI same as what I had
 - Normal Engine cost is about £4500 but they have a good deal with them and can get it for around £2700
 - Garage will pay the full cost of this but if they deduct the 1k that RAC were going to pay that still leaves    £1700 which is 1k more than Option 1 they would be paying but have advised they would go halves and charge me    only £500
 - They advise this is a whole new engine and not just the main block like a normal reconditioned one would be
 - They also advise this would have a standard 1 or 2 year warranty as new engine and also the fact it is a new    engine I would be getting for £500
 - All I will have to pay for definate is the initial Diagnosis(as he will let me off the 2nd investigation done) which will b £35 + VAT plus:
             - £500 + VAT for Engine
             - Oil Change, Anti freeze and something else all costing around 40 + VAT
So total cost to me would be roughly between 690 - 700 Quid
So total cost to me would be roughly between 690 - 700 Quid so roughly an extra 400 quid max

Questions I have are:

Which one seems the better deal?
Is there anything I am missing here?
Would the New Engine put the value of car up by a lot?
Is ther anything i should be double checking before commiting to either option?

They have said Option 1 would mena I have the car back in around 2-4 weeks and Option 2 I would have it back by next Thursday

Offline rex

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2013, 01:33:56 pm »
Didn't have time to read all the thread, but if you want a used engine you can get one for about 800 GBP.
I got a 1.4 TSI engine (for my engine issue) for 800 GBP. I have a 122 bhp one but the engine block is all the same. So you should find a 170bhp one (or 140bhp because they are 100% identical) under 1000 GBP.
I got my engine from
Hope this helps!

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2013, 02:37:35 pm »
Didn't have time to read all the thread, but if you want a used engine you can get one for about 800 GBP.
I got a 1.4 TSI engine (for my engine issue) for 800 GBP. I have a 122 bhp one but the engine block is all the same. So you should find a 170bhp one (or 140bhp because they are 100% identical) under 1000 GBP.
I got my engine from
Hope this helps!

Cheers for the response but the used engine will be provided by the dealer
So no real expense to me and if went down that option I would not pay anything
No matter what it cost

It is more on which option above is the better deal

Offline paulw123

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2013, 03:07:22 pm »
If you are otherwise really happy to keep the car, then I would go for a new vw engine with warranty. If you have lost heart, then go for cheapest option & get rid.
Make sure its genuine with written warranty. At least you know its all new and not ripped out from some scrap yard. I had a recon engine from main dealers, years ago when I was young  :confused:, and that was'nt built correctly.
Don't think it will add much to value, as everybody would expect a working engine, and might be scared off by the trouble you have had...that's cars for you  :rolleye:
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder

Offline edd666999

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2013, 03:09:35 pm »
If you are keeping the car go new, if not go refurb.

If new get as much paperwork on the exchange as possible for when you come to sell.

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2013, 03:20:54 pm »
Thanks Chaps,

The Dealer did say we will give you all the paperwork showing it is a new engine and how much they paid and said even to the point of they will take a picture of it coming in on the crate and I do trust them as much as you can trust someone telling you osmething which you have to take as face value until you see the evidence.

In terms of keeping the car yes I still want to unless they offered me a GTI instead  :wink:

If it was down to New v Old without the cost then I would go with Option 2 of a new Engine but wanted to make sure being a novice that paying an extra £400 to get option 2 and a brand new engine as opposed to saving £400 and getting a reconditioned one was the better choice and there was not something big I was missing.

In terms of the documentation for the new engine apart from the paper I will get which will likely be an Invoice of some sort showing details of what it is and what they paid and the fact the Engine should look brand new is there any specific documenetation I should be checking for. And does anyone know what standard warranty you get with a new Engine?

Offline Scottymon

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2013, 04:29:55 pm »
How many miles on the car?  Worth whacking a DMF/Clutch in there whilst their at it...?

Offline irish_ram

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2013, 04:53:29 pm »
How many miles on the car?  Worth whacking a DMF/Clutch in there whilst their at it...?

There is currently around 59k miles on the clock

Sorry ot sound stupid but what do you mean by DMF/Clutch?

Offline doylebros

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Re: Urgent Advice please
« Reply #44 on: December 06, 2013, 05:45:03 pm »
For what it's worth

Option 2 is the way I would go.

Next I would request what Scottymon suggested but with the parts being supplied at trade and you've got yourself a lot of parts and repairs at a fantastic price!

The bit I'm puzzled at is why they want anything from the RAC since they seem to accept it's down to VW.

I wonder if there double dipping and being paid by VW and you, just a thought!