Cyclists who ride in the middle of the road (30cm from the kerb i thought it was), even worse is cyclists who ride side by side on country lanes.
Er - back to the Highway Code for you!
They're (it is "they're" - I don't want to resurrect an earlier post) taught to ride at least a metre away from the kerb, and more at pinch points. The thinking is that they dissuade people from squeezing through a marginal gap.
...and if you're leaving as much room as the Highway Code says, which is as much room as you would for a car, then two abreast makes them easier to pass because the joint overall length is shorter. According to the good book, they must not be more than two abreast.
Don't flame me. I'm not going to defend every cyclist any more that I'd defend all GTI drivers. I might ride a push bike from time to time, but motorcycles, HGV (class one), PCVs and Mk5 GTIs much, much more!
Where do you live that people are "taught" how to ride a push bike?

And if they're riding to the Highway Code they might wanna skip to the page that says a red light on a traffic light means stop 
Beat me to that. 
OK, I got flamed but I'll risk it again.
They're - used in the context of "they are taught..." and so correct.
Where do I live? England. The cycling proficiency test is now called Bikeability and my daughter's doing it next week. I wouldn't let my kids ride without proper training and I'm not so arrogant that I think I know it all.
Finally, cyclists who go through red lights, ride on the pavement or without lights at night wind me up, too. Or didn't you get to my last line?
I'm well aware of the cycling proficiency test, as I did it as a child myself, but there lies the problem.... It's taken by children at school and not the idiots who sign up for a ride to work scheme having not cycled for years and then have no clue how to behave on the road

they sum up the phrase "all the gear and no idea"
As for thinking you were flamed it was you who came out with the ridiculous comment suggesting cyclists are following the rules of the Highway Code and were fairly patronising in the way you put it forward
I for one have nothing against cyclists, I leave them plenty of room and if they want to ride like idiots risking their lives then so be it, unfortunately many of them also drive cars and seem to bring with them a false sense of security thinking they won't get hurt and a helmet will work miracles
What actually has been annoying me of late is the amount of car drivers looking for races and traffic light gp's

Usually driving fairly underpowered cars but insist on trying to race me and when I play ball, say from a set of lights, take more and more dangerous risks just to stay in front and in most cases I slow down as I don't want them to cause an accident and somebody get hurt