Thought i would beef this up a bit more
1) First remove the oil cap and look at the bottom to make sure at the bottom there are notches for the cap to plug in down there (I'm not sure if all 2.0t's have these at the bottom. Please ensure before you move on. If your not sure take a picture of down in there and send it to me and I'll look to see if they are there). The notches should be at the bottom and look something like this. (red outline) PS I also have no idea if the new TSI or TFSI have these attempt at your own risk!!

2) Once you are sure that your car has that warm the car up to normal operating temperature.
3) Once it's heated up cut the car off.
4) Remove the oil filler cap and stuff a lint free rag down to the bottom to prevent dust, glue, etc from falling in.

5)Now use a big set of channel lock pliers and squeeze around the bottom (by the notches) of the oil filler spacer. Don't turn the channel locks as that will just scratch the plastic. Instead squeeze until you hear a click from the glue cracking; once you hear the click just do that all the way around.

6) The oil filler spacer should now just lift freely. Just remove the rag, make sure it's clear down there and put the cap on Ta-da. And now some before and after.
