Hi Folks,
Just wanted your opinion on this matter.
My R32 sometimes makes a droning/grinding sound when slowing down, more often when I have 3/4 people in the car, and I have good reason to believe that the drivetrain (rear diff to be more specific) is at fault. VW UK currently have a case open regarding the matter, as the car has a VW used approved warranty.
Previous to contacting VW UK, I took the car to a local VW dealership, who after test-driving the car and witnessing the sound, came to the conclusion that slowing the car through the use of engine braking (going down the gears) is causing the fault, therefore I should not do it. Please tell me I'm not the only one who think this is an unaccetable response?

Considering they didn't even touch the car, other than put it up on their ramp, I am very disappointed with their 'diagnosis' and the fact that they are blaming my driving style rather than beginning to even look for the source of the fault. Rant over..... for now
