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Author Topic: heated rear screen heater not workin  (Read 1490 times)


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heated rear screen heater not workin
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:52:52 pm »
Can anyone offer any suggestions as to why my rear screen heater will not work?
I can connect a slave battery to the heater element and it works fine
I have a positive supply to the nearside element strip and can trace this across along each of the thin screen elements to the offside and it remains positive all the way.
I've replaced what is called the radio amplifier box attached to the boot lid from the scrap yard
I've removed the relay and tested this is working correctly.

From what I've done it seems there is no ground/earth going to the right hand element strip. If it connect a fly lead to this strip and the boot lid earth the element heats up.

There are two heavy brown wires that feed into the amplifier box the light brown carries positive when the switch is turned on but the darker brown wires doesn't seem to carry any positive or ground at anytime.

Does anyone know what the dark brown wire is supposed to do and could this be my problem fro the screen not going to ground??

Thanks for reading this and hope you can help


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Re: heated rear screen heater not workin
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 07:12:11 pm »
Did you check to see if the wiring in the rubber banjos (between body and tailgate) is in-tacked?

Offline Fal_r32

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Re: heated rear screen heater not workin
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2015, 02:39:30 pm »
As mentioned above, I had the same problem although it was on a mk4, it was the wiring that had become corroded.